Blog Posts by Year
Choose Year
- The Impact of a $10 Loan and Nutrition Education: Empowering Mothers to End World Hunger
- Communications in Chaotic Times
- Spreeha Breaking Barriers: From Talk to Tangible Change
- Working With Women is Good Business
- Defying Gender Apartheid: How Sahar Education Empowers Afghan Women
- From Barefoot Student to Inspiring Teacher: A Story of Educational Perseverance in Nicaragua
- Breaking Barriers: Advancing Gender Equality for a Fairer Future
- Defective Contraceptives: A Hidden Crisis of Racial Injustice in Global Healthcare
- In Uganda, a Collective Approach Delivers Transformative Change for Women, Families, and Communities
- Five Painful Pitfalls to Avoid on Donor Trips
- Gender Equity: A World Where We All Win.
- Pangea Site Visit to Guatemala – October 2024
- Empowering Women & Transforming Communities in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC)
- A Critical Moment for Global Engagement and Humanitarian Assistance
- Nuanced and Equitable: Mercy Corps’ Approach to Food Security and the Livestock Emissions Debate
- Adapting for Tomorrow: Evolving Support for Smallholders in a Changing World
- Tackling Child Malnutrition in Yemen
- Food Security & Climate Resilience on the Eroding Coast of Bangladesh
- Women Forward: Closing the Gender Gap in Agricultural Productivity
- How Bwiza Village Taught Us Food Security Is Job No. 1
- Investing in Access to Healthy Food
- New Executive Director Announcement
- IRC – Supporting Refugees Locally
- Global Mentorship Initiative Partners with USA for UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency
- Climate Education: Centering Communities for Climate Resilience in the Caribbean
- GREDO and Quality Education (SDG4) in Somalia
- Transforming Education as a Source of Social Good: Insights Gleaned from Global Experience
- The Path to an Equitable Educational Environment in Yemen
- Wheeling Towards Hope: Revolutionizing Education for Slum Children with Sukarya’s Mobile Classrooms
- Promoting Bilingual Education in Multicultural Societies: Reflections from our Food for Education Program in Guatemala
- Report on the Concluded East Africa Leaders Forum (ELAF) Gathering 2024
- Spring and Summer 2024 Pangea Educational and Social Events
- Three Years of Taliban Rule in Afghanistan: The Struggle and Resilience of Women and Education
- Pangea Latin America Pod Summer 2024 Update
- Restoring a Lifeline: How Mercy Corps is Helping Jordan With Its Water Crisis
- Delivering Sustainable Water Solutions in Somalia: GREDO’s Holistic Approach
- Hope in Every Drop: Bringing Clean Water to Yemen
- Mercy Corps on Decent Work/No Poverty
- Peru Artisanal Fisher Development Fund — Unlocking Benefits for Fishers and Cooperatives
- Peru Artisanal Fisher Development Fund — A Strategy to Support Responsible Production & Sustainable Livelihoods
- Growth Out of Poverty; S M Sehgal Foundation’s Agriculture Route
- Tackling Poverty and Unemployment in Yemen
- CSO Engagement is Key to Localization Efforts
- Building Hope: Stories of Resilience in the Venezuelan Migration Crisis
- Navigating Healthcare Maze: Spreeha’s Tech-driven Local Urgent Health Network
- Lights, Camera, Vaccinate! How Malawi Uses Drama to Boost Immunization Rates
- Addressing Vaccine Dis- and Mis-information in Yemen
- Bridging Healthcare Gaps for Island Communities in Ghana
- The Curious Case of Afghanistan’s Forgotten Parliamentarians
- A Continuum of Care for Children on the Move
- Protecting Children in Emergencies: Perspectives from Syria and Ukraine
- Making a Difference: The Impact of IRC Seattle Co-Sponsorship Program
- What is Impact Sourcing and Why It Can Help the Refugee Crisis
- Pangea Giving 2024 Grants Announced!
- Pangea Giving 2024 SE Asia Site Visit Report
- GREDO Fights for Gender Equality in Somalia
- Navigating Healthcare with Compassion: The Story of TSF’s LGBTQ+ Healthcare Directory
- Where Solidarity Reigns Supreme
- To Invest in Women’s Economic Empowerment, Finance Solutions From the Ground Up
- Co-creating with “Las mamás” in Perú
- A Holistic Intervention to Overcome Multiple Barriers to Women’s Entrepreneurship in Guatemala
- Global Communities’ Current Relief Efforts in Gaza
- Spreeha Illuminating Lives in the Shadows of Disasters
- How Does UNHCR Respond to Humanitarian Emergencies?
- 2023 Year in Review: Re-cap of GlobalWA Issue Campaigns
- A Child’s Notebook: Building a Brighter Future through Quality Education in Rural Laos
- Pat Garcia-Gonzalez Achieves the 2023 Global Hero Award
- To Feed the World, Farmers Need Rights to the Land They Till
- Nourishing Hope: How Spreeha Transforms Communities Through Nutrition
- Innovative Funding for Innovative Research: The Grow Further Model
- Importance of Food Security
- We Need Healthier Food Systems.
- Tackling Poverty in Yemen – Yemen Relief and Reconstruction Foundation’s Resilience Initiatives
- 60 Decibels and Upaya Join Forces
- STAR-Ghana AVID Project: A Game Changer for Women’s Shea Butter Processing Quality and Income
- Empowering Hope: Join the IRC Co-Sponsorship Program in Seattle and Spokane
- The Hidden Risks for Refugee and Displaced Women
- Pangea Giving Joins Forces with Global Washington
- New Endowment for Grant Pool Established
- Pangea Celebrates 20 Years of Grantmaking
- The Founding of Pangea
- Meeting with Acento leader from Mexico
- The Intersection of Children and the Environment: ChildFund Works with The Coca-Cola Foundation on a Model to Help Kids Secure their Futures
- The “Famous” Farmer and Environmental Leader on Senegal’s Community Radio
- Reflections on Guatemala
- Reviving Millets: A Climate and Nutrition-Smart Cereal
- Embracing the Right of Persons with Disabilities and Older Persons in Development
- Kali’s Story: Educate a Girl. Transform an Entire Community.
- Sukarya: Creating Grass-roots Solutions for Gender Equality through Education
- How Adult Literacy Builds Hope and Unites Communities
- Covenant House: On the Front Lines for Education and Gender Equity
- Education and Gender Equity Amidst COVID-19: Achieving SDGs 4 and 5
- Violence-Prevention Education: An Essential Component to Ending Violence Against Women and Girls
- Health Education for Women and Girls Must Not Be at the Expense of Data Privacy, Security, and Rights
- Pangea’s First Visit to Green Community Volunteers, Laos
- 2023 Grants Announced!
- Women and Girls’ Education: Courage and Resilience in the Face of Injustice
- Begin by Reading. End by Raising Women’s Status in Society.
- Baby Ubuntu: Early Intervention for Children With Disabilites
- Trauma Care Reduces Disabilities Caused by Accidents
- Healing and Rehabilitation in a Slum: Saraswati Kunj
- Wendo Honored by Bill Gates
- How Can We Prepare Ourselves to Act on Our Intentions of Co-creation and Partnership?
- 2022 Roundup of our Issue Campaigns
- CARE: Spotlight on Education
- ChildFund: Addressing Education and Learning Poverty Challenges
- The Intersection of Agricultural Eye Injuries and Food Security
- Fish is Food: Feeding People, Nourishing Communities
- Land Rights: A Cross-Cutting Solution for Poverty, Food Security, and Women’s Empowerment
- Reflections on the 2022 The East African Leaders Forum
- Nutrition & Food Security: Sukarya’s Ongoing Endeavor Since 1998
- Small and Growing Businesses Are the Key to Creating Economic Growth That Matters in India
- Q+A: The Business Case for Investing in Water, Sanitation and Hygiene, Interview With WaterAid’s Sarah Dobsevage
- Sustainable Agriculture addressing Climate Action
- On Trust, Humility, and a Path Forward, from Decolonization Trailblazer Degan Ali
- Promoting Good Health and Well-Being in Rural Communities
- U.S. – Vietnam Relations, the Legacy of War, and the Role of NGOs
- The Ten Biggest Mistakes People Make When They Donate to a Charity
- Supporting the Tsay Keh Dene’s Efforts to Sustainably Manage their Territory
- Please Don’t Complain About the Rain
- 2022 Grants Announced!
- We Are All Together!
- New Partner Profile: Green Community Volunteers
- The Heart of the Solution
- Transforming Education to Build a Prosperous, Gender-just Society
- We Celebrate our Environment-focused Members on Earth Day, 22 April 2022
- buildOn: Building Schools to Break the Barriers to Gender Equality
- Welcome Cambodian Indigenous Women Association
- Education – The Key to Eliminating Poverty
- We Celebrate our Health-focused Members on World Health Day, 7 April 2022
- Sahar: Finding Innovative ways to Educate Girls in Afghanistan, Despite the Risks
- The Long Road to Recovery (and to the SDGs) Begins with Mine Action
- Super Divya! For the Health and Well-being of Clinical Educators and Clinicians
- International Women’s Day
- Supporting Mental Health Education in Ghana’s Rural Districts
- Weaving Women’s Leadership for Change. A Safe and Motivational Space for Women in Cambodia
- One Year Since the Coup, Women-led Protests in Myanmar Need Global Solidary and Action More Than Ever
- Martha’s Story: the Struggle for Gender Equality and Land Rights in Liberia
- How We Creatively Used the Law to Protect Women’s and Girls’ Rights
- Effective, Accountable, and Inclusive Institutions are the Backbone of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development
- New Partner Profile: Ewang’an Olosho Le Suswa
- New Partner Profile: Solidarity Eden Foundation (SEF)
- 2021 Year in Review: Re-cap of GlobalWA Issue Campaigns
- The Indian Vaccination Story
- The Foundation for Women’s Empowerment, Global Food Security and the Eradication of Poverty Is Beneath Our Feet
- Saving the Future: Village Savings Groups Survive – and Thrive – in Pandemic
- In Spite of Adversity, Social Ventures Have Found Ways to More Effectively Operate and Deliver More Meaningful Impact
- COVID-19 Impact on Education: Reaping the Harvest of Capacity Building at the Grassroots
- Beyond the Classroom – What Covid Is Teaching Us
- Communication During a Public Health Crisis — Reaching Last-Mile Communities
- Reaching True Gender Equality: The Hard Work Begins Now
- Gender Equity is not an Add-on
- From Ebola to COVID-19: Advocating for and Supplying WASH Programs and Infrastructure in Healthcare Facilities Around the World
- Vaccines Touch Down Across Africa: Now the Work Begins
- Agros: Tackling Poverty and Climate Change through Agriculture
- Tackling SDG10 Means Shifting Power and Profits
- “Years don’t wait for them”: 5 Things to Do Now to Protect Children’s Rights During Covid-19
- Responding to COVID-19 with Financial Inclusion Solutions
- Future of Fish Helps Peru’s Small-Scale Fisheries Acquire PPE to Stay Afloat in Pandemic
- A Fish Story: Luis Solís
- Global Dispatch: Q&A with WaterAid Director in Bangladesh
- 7 Considerations for COVID-19 Response in Rural Communities
- Climate justice means protecting the future of fish
- Tearfund USA, a faith-based international NGO, seeks to inspire Christians to act on climate
- How Men and Masculinities Affects Women’s Workforce Participation
- Microcredit Can Be a Life-Changer – But It Isn’t for Everyone
- Nos Vamos: A New Photography Exhibit Explores Migration, Showcasing Work from Independent Media in Central America
- In Uganda: Treating Twin Threats of HIV and Cancer
- Intersectionality for Inclusivity: Recognizing the Human Rights of Every Human
- Event Recap: Disability Inclusive Development Initiative Workshop
- EVENT RECAP: Roundtable with Michelle Nunn, CARE USA President and CEO
- How to Scale Global Conservation
- EVENT RECAP: Illegal Wildlife Trafficking: Local Efforts on a Global Threat
- How Gender Norms for Marriage Affect the Health of Women and Girls
- GiveBIG Globally by Supporting Local Non-Profits
- Policy in Action
- Event Recap: A Vow to End Child Marriage by 2030
- Introducing Project WISE (WASH-in-Schools for Everyone)
- Changing the Narrative on Early Marriage
- Event Recap: ‘Brave Girl Rising’ is Changing the World’s View of Girls’ Potential, One Story at a Time
- Event Recap: Her Money, Her Voice
- Q&A with Dr. Tom Uldrick, Deputy Head of Global Oncology at Fred Hutch
- Interview with Pat Garcia-Gonzalez, co-founder and CEO of The Max Foundation
- Event Recap: Escaping the Fragility Trap – Effective Approaches to Sustainable Development in Fragile Contexts
- “Now I can’t be quiet” – When and why women speak out
- Cherished Global Event Finds New Home
- Q&A with PATH’s director of HIV and TB program about the launch of a national program in Vietnam to reduce new HIV infections
- Mothers Unite
- Violence Against Women in Central America is a Powerful Factor in the Migration Crisis
- VillageReach Leaders DIG In
- Event Recap: Food Security in a Changing Climate
- Meet Anthony Okoth, PATH Kenya Country Director
- The Current Crisis in Nicaragua: If I Didn’t Know Any Better…
- Event Recap: The Future of Sustainable Sourcing
- Who Makes What I Buy?
- Spreeha Foundation Responds to Intense Flooding of Rohingya Refugee Camps in Bangladesh
- Policies to Promote Impact Investing in Chile
- Global Development Practitioners Brace for a Bumpy Ride in International Travel
- University of Washington Students Receive Hands-On Lesson in the Art of ‘Doing Good’ in the World through Philanthropy
- Banking on Women: Financing the Future of Economic Growth
- Reflections on Global Washington’s Event, “Women Hold Up Half the Cup: Empowering Women in Coffee-Growing Regions of the World”
- Key Travel Survey Reveals Jump in Last Minute Travel Booking, Increased Use of Sharing Economy Platforms, and Heightened Travel Risk Awareness
- How IDEO’s Design-Thinking Methodology Supports Innovative Solutions to Global Challenges
- Working Together to End the Water Crisis on World Water Day
- Learning to Leap – Educational Advancement in the Digital Age
- A Conversation with Robert Reich on Globalization and The Common Good
- Displaced: Women and Children Seeking Safety
- Women Leaders in Global Health & Development: Challenging Stereotypes and Sharing Challenges
- What It Means to Be “Global” in Seattle
- Global Leadership Demands We Break the Silence
- First Person: The Rohingya Refugee Crisis and Spreeha
- Investing in Farmers (and Technology) to Expand Sustainable Agriculture
- An Evening with Muhammad Yunus in Celebration of Global Philanthropy
- Congressman Adam Smith Meets with the Global Development Community in the State of Washington
- A Conversation with E. Anne Peterson, MD, MPH, Senior Vice President of Global Programs at Americares
- Martha Brady, Director, Reproductive Health, PATH
- Careers in International Development
- Bringing Health and Love to Guatemala
- Splash and Days for Girls Team Up to Shatter Taboos and Celebrate Young Women
- The Status of Reproductive Health Worldwide
- Global Health Trends
- Riding the Coconut Wave
- Voices from the Field: Khalil Sleiman of World Vision
- Jumping Beans? Thoughts on Coffee & Resilience
- The Ripple Effect: Clean Water Programs that Promote Long-Term Behavior Change
- Supporting Women’s Rights in an “Open World”
- The Courage to Persist: Standing Firm in Support of Women’s Opportunities Globally
- Global Washington Hosts Atlantic Council for Discussion of “New Normal” in Geopolitical Realities
- Women Rise: Empowering Women through Legal Rights and Economic Opportunity
- Using Digital Communications to Create Change
- Empowering Others, Leading by Example
- In Response to a Global Crisis: Syria
- Challenging Default Mindsets
- Syria and the Challenge of Transformational Resilience
- Seattle-based Leaders Meet with The Trust for the Americas
- Life in Fragile States and the Effects of Mass Migration
- Nola’s Journey: What It’s Like to Flee Your Home
- YPIN Global Cafe: Social Media and Global Relations
- Navigating the Jungle Gym of a Career in International Development
- Update from the Field – Mifos Initiative in Ecuador
- Nominate your Seattle Globalist of the Year!
- One Equal Heart Foundation’s Indigenous Vision for a Sustainable Future
- Red Cross Restoring Family Links Bridges Seven Decades of Separation
- A Time of Opportunity and Crisis
- Three Tactics for Small Scale Impact Investing
- Meet Raya, a Muppet on a Mission
- Capria Accelerator Jumpstarts Funding for Enterprising Businesses in Underserved Markets
- Untapped Potential
- Voices of International Women’s Day
- Kitchen Cartographers
- Zika: Women Told to Delay Pregnancy, but Lack Reproductive Rights to Heed Call
- Ending Preventable Stillbirths – The Next Frontier in Maternal Infant Child Health
- Women’s Justice Initiative Addresses Gender Inequality and Violence
- Securing Women’s Land Rights Can Help With Climate Change
- COP 21 Dispatch: The final Paris agreement
- It Takes a Village
- Doing Good with Data
- World Bank and Accenture Publish Report to Support Development of Identity Management Systems
- World Food Day 2015
- The Heart of the Congo: Where Even Coca-Cola Doesn’t Get To
- An Aid Worker Tells the Harrowing Story of one Syrian Family’s Escape to Greece
- Seattle International Foundation Partners with the Institute Of International Education to Launch New Program for Central American Leaders
- Getting The Most Out Of Your International Service Project
- Non-Profit Nuts and Bolts: Top Legal Tips for Mission Success
- Charting a Career in International Development
- Women and Countering Violent Extremism
- Travel to See GlobalWA Members in India!
- Roundtable Recap: A Discussion with Kentaro Toyama
- Impactful Innovation: A Panel Discussion
- Nominate Your Seattle Globalist of the Year!
- If Not Technology, What?
- The Global Struggle for LGBT Equality
- Nepal Snapshot: After Quake, Orphans Return Outside
- Nepal Earthquake: Washington State Organizations React Quickly to Provide Relief
- Adara Team Swings into Action with a Mobile Medical Camp to Affected Areas
- World Malaria Day: April 25
- Earth Day: April 22
- Zillow Speaker Series: Nathan Palmer-Royston, Cocoa Sourcing Manager at Theo Chocolate
- Combating Corruption: Seattle Business Leaders Take a Stand
- The Campaign for Capacity
- March 22 is World Water Day
- Couponing for a Cause
- International Women’s Day: March 8
- Engaging Youth in Global Issues
- Who Can You Trust With Donor Dollars?
- Bridging the Gap Between First and Second Curve Social Investments and Philanthropy
- Haiti Five Years After the Earthquake: Mobility Outreach International Providing Hope for the Future
- Eight Weeks in Burundi with Village Health Works
- I Found a New Family – NPH
- Ghana’s Best Farmers Are Talking Book Users!
- Consuming Content and Sharing Knowledge in an Interconnected World
- Social Sector Leadership and Succession Planning
- Megatrends And Their Impact On Our World
- GlobalWA On the Ground: SE Asia Children’s Foundation
- Roundtable Recap: Creativity, Sustainability and Strategy in NGO Fundraising
- Expanding Opportunity for Farmers in Paraguay
- How Can Data Be A Tool for Social Good?
- Ghana’s Oil for Food Initiative: Finding a Solution to the Resource-Rich Paradox
- Healing Hearts in a Country with Plenty of Broken Ones
- Turning Oil into Food: Sustainable Development in Ghana
- Citizens Across the Globe Demand Action on Climate Change
- Small Foundations Discuss Right-Sizing Evaluation for International Giving
- Empowering Women & Girls in Developing Countries: A Conversation With Sarah Degnan Kambou
- September Roundtable Recap: Highlights from the U.S.-Africa Leaders Summit
- Associates in Cultural Exchange: Making the World Your Community
- Dwankhozi Hope: A Comprehensive Approach to Education
- Unsustainable Practices: Overfishing
- Lessons on Advocacy: August Roundtable Recap
- Feeding a Growing Planetary Population has its Challenges and Champions
- International AIDS Conference 2014: Stepping Up the Pace
- Demographics of Youth in Sub-Saharan Africa
- Using Data to Tell Your Story with Impact: July’s Executive Director Roundtable Wrap-Up
- Oxfam to Launch Global Initiative on Inequality This Fall
- Dreams for Orphans: Love, Safety and Security
- Nations Meet in UK to Take Strong Stance Against Sexual Violence in Conflict
- Things to Consider: Fossil Fuel Divestment
- Preparing For Your Next Trip Abroad? Don’t Forget a Contingency Plan
- Calling all teachers, educators, agents of change—two fantastic opportunities are coming to Seattle this August!
- Targeting Success In The Post-2015 Development Agenda
- Global Health Law Summer Institute at UW Law
- Why Jeffrey Sachs Matters
- Howard Behar: It’s Really Not About the Coffee
- Let’s Expand Our Global Humanitarian Efforts Rather Than ‘Pull Back’ From World Stage
- “The women of Nigeria have kept the pressure on”: Nobel Laureate Leymah Gbowee on #BringBackOurGirls
- The Importance of Developing an Obsession for Nonprofit Succession
- GlobalWA Members Develop Mobile Health Software to Improve Access to Healthcare Information in Developing Countries
- Awareness Campaigns the Focus of GlobalWA’s April Executive Director Roundtable
- Commentary Series, Part I: Measuring Global Goals in the Post-2015 Development Agenda
- Commentary Series, Part VII: The Case for Land Rights
- Dubai’s Educational Initiatives Praised at the Second Annual Global Education and Skills Forum
- We Day Seattle: Rockin’ the Arena to Celebrate Youth Activism
- Nonprofit Communication: Building an Effective Strategy with Limited Resources
- And the 2014 Global Social Entrepreneurship Competition Winners Are . . .
- Uganda Adopts Bigoted “Anti-Gay” Law
- Learn a Language and Help Fund Your Study Abroad
- Mission Africa’s Ndudi Chuku Inspires at Executive Director Roundtable
- Success of INGOs Tied to Overcoming “Innovator’s Dilemma”
- Benefits of Organic Farming Not Recognized in Newly Passed Farm Bill
- Sex Trafficking More Than Just a Super Bowl Problem
- Contemporary Shrimp 101
- No Rest for the Migrant: Despite Contributions to Global Economy, Immigrants Still Treated Poorly
- The Future of U.S. Food Aid Reform
- Modern-Day Slavery: Misconceptions, Impunity, and a Call to Action
- Electrification of Health Facilities Critical to Patient Care
- Projected Increase in Youth Population in LDCs Poses Major Development Challenges
- Green Economy Initiatives Tackle Climate Change in Africa
- An Advanced Degree in Global Development: Go for It, Get to Work, or Both?
- Getting to the Root of the Problem
- Quality vs. Quantity: Tips When Applying for a Career in Global Development
- Keynote: Deogratias “Deo” Niyizonkiza, Village Health Works Founder
- Raising Our Collective Voice: A Fireside Chat with Sam Daley-Harris
- A Conversation with Neal Keny-Guyer, CEO of Mercy Corps, and Katherine Cheng, Head of Global Corporate Citizenship and Community Relations at Expedia
- Closing Keynote: Ken Berger, CEO of Charity Navigator
- GlobalWA Urges Help for the Philippines
- Is Volunteerism the Answer to Ending Poverty?
- Addressing Intimate Partner Violence Against Women
- Positive Changes in Nepalese Maternal Health
- Habitat for Humanity nabs FedEx Award for Innovations in Disaster Preparedness
- Foreign Aid Unharmed by Government Shutdown
- Girls in the World: Malala Yousafzai
- Focus on Land in Africa
- GlobalWA Member Organization Featured in the Huffington Post
- Benefits to Women through the Affordable Care Act
- Syrian Refugees at Disadvantage as Lebanese Schools Reach Capacity
- 99 Great Organizations Confronting Hunger and Poverty
- Congressman Smith, Senator Murray Warn Against Military Action in Syria
- World Humanitarian Day
- International Day of the World’s Indigenous People
- Global Farms Race: Implications of Food Security, Poverty, and Foreign Investment
- Washington development community welcomed at Oxfam reception
- In Case You Missed It: Innovative Efforts in the Fight Against Global Poverty
- Global Social: Kenya and East Africa
- Dr.’s In: Impact Evaluation for International Development
- Dr. Is In Session: David Wu (PATH) and Peter Drury (Splash)
- May 8th Global Social: Latin America
- General Petraeus returns – strongly supports USAID, state funding
- World Malaria Day at PATH: “We’ve learned what works.”
- Dr. Is In! Developing your case and messaging: Stand out for what you stand for!
- Global Social: Vietnam and Southeast Asia
- Global Socials: Mingling With Purpose
- Dr. Is In! GlobalWA launches capacity-building workshops for members
- Invest in America Act Introduced to Cut Foreign Aid and Spending
- Presidential Memorandum to Strengthen Our Work to Advance Gender Equality Globally
- Kerry’s Confirmation Hearing: “Foreign Policy is Economic Policy”
- Mali: An Early Test of U.S. Military Policy in 2013
- Senator Richard Lugar Wins 2012 Commitment to Development Award
- A Generation of Global Citizens: Craig Kielburger’s Keynote Address
- 2012 Global Hero Award: Therese Caouette
- The Evolution of Corporate Social Responsibility: Development, Fair Trade, and Best Practices
- The Power of Education: Sakena Yacoobi’s Hopes for the Women of Afghanistan
- Obama Administration’s Second Term Aid Priorities: More of the Same?
- Secretary Clinton praises $1 billion hunger pledge by InterAction members
- Foreign aid a non-partisan issue? Senator Frist and Governor Richardson find much to agree on in aid policy
- Global Workers Series #3: Launching Your Career in Global Health
- Washington’s Own Dr. Bill Foege, Slayer of Smallpox, Awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom
- Budget Cuts Affect Global Health Programs
- Member Guest Post: A Letter to Mothers in the Developing World
- Global Workers Series #2: “What Employers Really Want”
- “GiveBIG” Brings in $7.4 million, Doubling 2011’s Results
- Empowering women doesn’t mean men don’t count. Quite the contrary.
- Guest Post: Business Tools for Social Impact–Continuous Improvement
- Kim Who? Some Thoughts on the World Bank’s Newest President
- Member Guest Post: The Butterfly effect – everyone was a hero in Cairo
- Opportunity for Action Asks Us All to Pave a Better Future for Today’s Youth
- Coldplay and Food Aid
- Educating the Next Generation: A New IYF Report
- Global Workers Series #1: ‘Get your boots wet’ on the Path to Global Development
- Transcript from the State Department and USAID’s briefing on the President’s FY13 budget request.
- Global Washington’s K-20 Education Summit, November 18th
- Third Global Washington Happy Hour event: an intimate and thoughtful conversation with KJ Zunigha, Special Projects Coordinator, Corporate Services at PATH.
- Is the hub of global development innovation the “other” Washington?
- 11.1.11 – Global Action Day
- A Bright Future for Business Education in Rwanda
- Take Action to Advocate for the International Affairs Budget
- Protecting Endangered Languages
- Global Washington’s Global Social – Bringing Some Attention Back to Latin America
- Global Washington convenes Disaster Relief organizations to share experiences with supermodel Petra Nemcova
- Member Guest Blog: Web-based Education Tool Aims to Mainstream Land Rights into International Development Thinking
- Interested in helping to shape recommendations for the future of global education in our state? Help us by hosting or joining a conversation!
- Reforming Aid: Transforming the World
- New Approach to Development
- Funding for Foreign Assistance – views from Washington DC
- Volunteerism: Finding the Perfect Match, and Then What?
- “Back to the Future: Recent Evolutions in EU Development Policy and Its Implications for the Global Development Agenda”
- Foreign Assistance: A moral imperative
- Foreign Aid Reform: Why now?
- How and Why Seattle’s Do-Gooders are Working to Create a Collaborative Community
- House of Representatives appropriations activity — State/Foreign Operations
- New Leadership in Global Health–BRICS Health Ministers pledge support
- Moldova and Europe: Change, Diversity, and the Future
- Global Washington Continues Series on the Role of Tech in Development
- MFAN proposed legislative standards –an important step towards global Development
- Global Washington Workshop on Results-Based Management
- International Development Companies among the Best Places to Work in Seattle
- Evaluation and taking lessons forward
- Global Washington joins Global Campaign for Aid Transparency
- Guest Blog: Why are all these white folks deciding what Africa needs?
- Member Guest Blog: Two Steps Backward for Innovation to End Poverty
- High Growth is Said to be “Biggest Factor in India’s Micro-Credit Crisis”
- Technology magnifies intent and capacity
- What do the Zambian economy and a volcano eruption in the Democratic Republic of Congo have in common?
- Can Seattle Save The World? Event Shows Stellar Seattleite Interest
- Member Guest Blog: Clear Path International
- Global Development Still Matters
- Member Guest Blog: Strengthening Our Global Donors Network in the Pacific Northwest
- Member guest blog: Landlessness is not forever
- Water for Life
- Feeding the Future
- 50 Years of Peace-Building: Thanks to Peace Corps Volunteers, Past and Present
- Washington Organizations, Companies, Citizens Respond to Japan Quake
- Global Washington members address development issues for women and girls around the world
- Development assistance for the poor in not-so-poor countries
- Local students, global vision
- The Budget Crunch: Why Save Aid?
- Rajiv Shah Addresses U.S. Diplomats; Stresses the importance of development and highlights opportunities for partnership with USAID
- Clinton reiterates diplomacy as critical to successful U.S. foreign policy
- Foreign Aid Budget Battle
- USAID’s New Evaluation Policy
- Global Development Aligns with Business Goals at Davos and Beyond
- New U.N. Agency for Women’s Empowerment Announces Priorities
- Gauge Country-Level MDG Progress with a New Online Interactive Tool
- Foreign Assistance Dashboard- Bringing more transparency to US foreign aid
- Enhancing U.S. Education and Competitiveness
- QDDR Released Today
- Washington State builds cross-sector and cross-issue partnerships as a leading example of a new approach to development
- Closing Remarks and Conclusions
- Assessing Our Impact: from Strategy to Implementation
- Trends in International Philanthropy
- Lessons Learned from Successful Private/Public Partnerships
- Global Development and the Future of Washington Jobs
- Why Wait? How Youth are Affecting International Development
- Ensuring Environmental Sustainability: Stories of Successful Partnerships
- Investing in Women and Girls – Access to Rights and Resources
- Setting the Context: “Global Development through Aid, Partnerships, Trade and Education”
- Ambassador Melanne Verveer on Global Women’s Issues
- The Midterm Elections’ Impact on U.S. Development Policy
- Global Washington’s Seminar on Fair Trade: Promising Future, Unmet Potential
- Compare aid efforts worldwide with the new QUODA assessment tool
- Secretary Clinton’s Remarks on Innovation and American Leadership to the Commonwealth Club
- Universal Literacy as a Catalyst for Achieving All MDG Goals Part 2 of 2: Barriers to literacy and educational strategies to accelerate progress.
- Obama Announces New U.S. Global Development Policy
- The Millennium Development Goals Summit Has Arrived- News & Views from around the Web
- Universal Literacy as a Catalyst for Achieving All MDG Goals Part 1 of 2: The state of global literacy and its role in poverty alleviation.
- Opening Markets to the Poorest Countries: A Discussion with Congressman McDermott and Kimberly Elliott of the Center for Global Development
- How Do Americans Feel about U.S. Foreign Aid And the Millennium Development Goals?
- Tech-Aid: Innovation and Development
- New U.S. Strategy for Meeting the Millennium Development Goals
- Another Step on the Path to Reform
- Millennium Development Goals: Only 5 years to go, are we on track?
- Local Experts Weigh In On International Framework to Improve Development Effectiveness
- In the Market for Conservation
- The Release of Global Washington’s Policy Paper
- The President’s New Approach to Development
- President Obama’s New Global Health Initiative
- Dr. Ignacio Mas on Mobile Banking for the Poor
- Push for Peace Corps Campaign Needs Your Help
- Rajiv Shah Speaks about USAID Reforms
- Water Quality and the Millennium Development Goals
- A Conversation with Sir Fazle Hasan Abed
- A New Way Forward on Global Development: How the Leaked White House Plan Measures up to Global Washington’s Principles of Aid Effectiveness
- Global Washington is hiring!
- Fragmented Aid: the Case for a National Strategy
- Jim Kolbe on Foreign Aid Reform: Is Congress the Best Hope?
- Secretary Clinton Announces Award for Innovation in Women’s and Girls’ Empowerment
- Tracking the Impacts of Micro-Finance
- Buzz on the Leaked PSD
- Policy News Roundup – May 6
- White House Document Leaked Outlining a “New Way Forward” on Development
- Policy News Roundup – Proposed Cut to Foreign Affairs Budget
- Women’s Empowerment is Human Empowerment
- Appropriated Aid Not Reaching Afghans
- Delays in the Foreign Aid Reform Process
- Policy News Roundup – Will they reform foreign aid before it implodes?
- How to Find Foreign Aid Data
- Policy News Roundup – March 30, 2010
- Policy News Roundup – March 23, 2010
- Haiti Civilians Picking Up Where Official Efforts are Failing
- Global Education News – March 17, 2010
- Policy News Roundup – March 16, 2010
- U.S. Contributions to Multilateral Organizations
- Drawing Support for the FY 2011 International Affairs Budget
- Special Edition of Policy News Roundup: Commemorating the 100th Anniversary of International Women’s Day
- FY2011 International Affairs Budget Makes Progress
- Global Education News – March 3, 2010
- The Gap in the Secular Discourse
- Policy News Roundup – March 2, 2010
- Global Education News – February 24, 2010
- Policy News Roundup — February 23, 2010
- Christian Science Monitor Offers Suggestions in Haitian Reconstruction
- Policy News Roundup
- Lessons in Foreign Aid Reform from Haiti
- FY 2011 International Affairs Budget Request
- Global Education News Clips
- Policy News Roundup
- Our New Legislative Index is Up and Running
- Global Education News Clips
- Policy News Roundup
- Global Development in the State of the Union Address – We Do it Because it is Right
- Policy News Roundup
- Refocusing Global Health Sector Aid…But to Where?
- Focus on Global Education: Global Washington Members
- Policy News Roundup – Clinton vs Congress, Spinning the Haiti Crisis, and more
- Washington organizations responding to the Haiti disaster
- Welcome to the NEW Weekly Installment of the GW International Education Blog!
- What’s New and Exciting? Policy News Roundup
- Secretary Clinton’s Future of Development and Global Washington’s Principles of Aid Effectiveness
- Rajiv Shah Confirmed and Other News
- Copenhagen Outcome: Disappointing, but not Devastating?
- Coping with Climate Change in Copenhagen
- Thinking local is key to world aid, concludes Seattle Post-Intelligencer blogger
- Petition the White House for a Global Development Strategy
- Perspectives on Public-Private Partnerships
- Public-Private Partnerships Key to Solving Global Issues
- Washington Contributions to Women and Poverty
- Nicholas Kristof Opens Global Washington Conference
- Transparency and Corruption: like Garlic and Vampires
- We Need You to Act Now for a Robust FY11 International Affairs Budget
- Kerry/Lugar Foreign Aid Reform Bill in Markup Today
- NGOs Live by the Code, Ideally
- Former Gates Foundation Leader to be Nominated for USAID Administrator
- Blueprint for Action: Convene, Strengthen, Advocate in a Digital Democracy
- Rural Development Institute Receives $9 Million Grant!
- Halloween Has Come and Gone but USAID Remains Headless
- Do We Hold Our Adversaries More Accountable?
- Is the U.S. a Development Commitment-Phobe?
- Global Social Event: North & West Africa
- Featured Organization: Woodland Park Zoo
- Where Were You on World Food Day? What can you do NOW if you weren’t there?
- Ambassador Bagley to Speak at Global WA Conference
- Community ownership works – and now there’s a Nobel Prize to prove it
- Obama and the Nobel Peace Prize
- Global WA Development Policy: The Blog!
- Global Social Event: The Middle East
- Global Social Event: East & Southeast Asia
- Global Social Event: Convening Central & South Asia
- Screening: Beyond Good Intentions with Tori Hogan
- Global Socials Series: Saludos Centroamerica