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Working With Women is Good Business

By Surita Sandosham, President and CEO, Heifer International

Photo of Yazmin Judit Hau Tun holding ears of corn

Yazmin Judit Hau Tun, right, holds ears of corn harvested from her milpa, a traditional Indigenous farming system that sustains families and local food production. Photo by Phillip Davis/Heifer International.

I am writing this in the lead-up to International Women’s Day on March 8 — an occasion each year when we recognize the need to ensure that women everywhere have equal opportunities to learn, grow, work, innovate, speak up and lead.

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By Joel Meyers

Photo of woman holding basket

Secure land rights in Bong County, Liberia enable communities to grow food for sustenance and income. Photo: Landesa

Landesa advances pro-poor, gender-sensitive land rights reforms through law and policy tools. These reforms have helped alleviate poverty, reduce hunger, and ease conflict over land for more than 180 million families. Secure rights to land boost agricultural productivity, improve health, nutrition and school enrollment, and have placed billions of dollars in new land wealth in the hands of rural people.

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Strength in Numbers: How Neena Joshi is Elevating Asia’s Women Farmers

By Amber Cortes

Neena Joshi

Neena Joshi, Senior Vice President of Asia Programs, Heifer International. Photo: Heifer

Heifer’s new Senior Vice President of Asia Programs, Neena Joshi, is used to being around strong women.

Born and raised in Kathmandu, Joshi says her childhood was vibrant and exciting.

“I was a typical city girl, that was my life,” Joshi says.

The house was alive with intellectual and political conversations, from guests of her father, a noted writer, poet, and activist.

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