WaterAid Receives $4.2 Million Grant from PepsiCo Foundation

On June 18, 2018, PepsiCo Foundation announced a $4.2 million grant to WaterAid, a leading international water and sanitation non-governmental organization, to provide clean water access to communities in southern India facing extreme water shortages, specifically in Palakkad (Kerala), Nelamangala (Karnakata), and Sri City (Andhra Pradesh).

“Strong public-private partnerships drive scalable and lasting impact, and we are proud to work with PepsiCo to bring clean water to hundreds of thousands of people in need,” said Sarina Prabasi, U.S. CEO of WaterAid. “To improve access to clean water, it’s essential that corporations step up and invest in collaborative action, just as PepsiCo is doing as part of its leading Performance with Purpose agenda.”

Read the press release: http://www.pepsico.com/live/pressrelease/pepsico-expands-safe-water-access-to-nearly-16-million-people-achieving-more-tha0618201

Outright Reacts to the United States Withdrawal from the UN Human Rights Council

Today, at a press conference held at the State Department, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations (UN) Nikki Haley announced the withdrawal of the United States from the United Nations Human Rights Council. The withdrawal marks the latest announcement in a concerning trend of US divestment from United Nations institutions and multilateral agreements including the 2017 defunding of the UN Population Fund and the withdrawal from the Paris Agreement on climate change mitigation.

Read more here: https://www.outrightinternational.org/content/outright-reacts-united-states-withdrawal-un-human-rights-council

June 2018 Newsletter

Welcome to the June 2018 issue of the Global Washington newsletter.


Letter from our Executive Director

Kristen Dailey

The first goal listed under the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), “No Poverty” aims to “End poverty in all its forms everywhere.” In countries around the world where a significant percentage of the population still lives in extreme poverty, surviving on less than $1.25 a day, improved economic opportunities are desperately needed. At the same time, we must ensure that the rights of people and the natural systems on which their health and livelihoods depend, are also protected.

To that end, companies sourcing raw material from developing countries are increasingly adopting what some call a “shared value” framework, one in which social good and core business objectives are intertwined. Often this results in strong for-profit and non-profit partnerships with a common goal of improving lives and catalyzing economic growth within low-income countries.

I’m proud to say that several Global Washington non-profit and for-profit members have embraced shared values and built ethical value chains that advance the goal of eliminating extreme poverty. This issue of our newsletter spotlights some of our members that have been working in partnership with corporations to promote more sustainable sourcing. I invite you to join us at our event on June 21 with speakers from PepsiCo, The Forest Trust (TFT), Mercy Corps, and Resonance to find out more about this topic and join the conversation.

Besides curating these important conversations, another part of our work includes increasing philanthropy for global issues. Along those lines, I would like to congratulate all 22 GlobalWA members who participated in the University of Washington class on global philanthropy, which was a partnership among UW, GlobalWA and The Philanthropy lab. Five GlobalWA members were selected by the students, after an extensive vetting process, to receive grants ranging from $5,000 to $25,000. It was a powerful experience for the students and a meaningful opportunity for our members to connect with a younger audience.

Lastly, my heart goes out to more than 1.7 million people in Guatemala who were affected by the Fuego Volcano eruption this past week. We have a list on our website of our non-profit members that are responding with emergency relief and recovery teams, if you would like to learn more and donate to support their efforts.

All my best,


Kristen Dailey
Executive Director

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Issue Brief

The Future of Sustainable Sourcing

Hand holding plant in dirt.

To move beyond subsistence-level farming, agricultural communities within developing countries often seek out export markets as a means to increase revenue and fuel local economies. Notable success stories have shown what’s possible. In Ethiopia, for example, chickpea production increased dramatically in just four years, with earnings from export increasing from $1 million in 2004 to $26 million in 2008.

In the best of circumstances, when U.S. or European companies purchase their raw materials from developing countries, the people living in those countries can see enormous benefits – increasing incomes, improved local services, greater food security, and more. Under other circumstances, corporate sourcing can have catastrophic impacts on local communities and ecosystems.

Many corporations choose to work in partnership with non-governmental organizations that seek to improve working and living conditions for people who are impacted by corporate sourcing. Mercy Corps, for example, has worked for over a decade with its partner Tazo (now Starbucks) in the private tea estates of Assam and Darjeeling, and the families living there who have been cultivating tea for generations. With the support of Starbucks, Mercy Corps has been able to provide the workers and their families with education, vocational training, and other important services.

Perhaps one of the most notorious commodities sourced today is palm oil. To assist the palm oil industry in adopting practices that “help avoid deforestation, peat development, and exploitation of workers and communities,” The Forest Trust (TFT), has developed an online platform. Though TFT notes the tool isn’t sufficient on its own to promote supply chain transparency, what it can do is support verification efforts on the ground, including businesses’ own efforts to verify their supply chain adherence to best practices.

Another organization that helps companies to bridge the gap with local communities is Resonance. The company helps businesses build strong local workforces and reliable local suppliers in frontier markets.

While export markets alone will not increase livelihoods and ensure environmental sustainability, companies and non-profits that adopt a shared values approach of protecting people and ecosystems, provide inspiring models of sustainable sourcing that can lead to a better future for all.

* * *

The following Global Washington members are working to improve sustainable sourcing practices around the world:

Agros recognizes the importance of agriculture as a profitable endeavor that helps families overcome poverty. Agros villages apply modern agriculture and climate-smart practices that increase yields, protect the environment and allow farmers to produce 2.6 times more harvests per year than the average smallholder farmer in Latin America. The non-profit does this in alliance with private sector allies, such as ECOM and Walmart, which partner in bringing technology and certification standards to Agros communities in Central America. agros.org

Fair Trade USA is a nonprofit organization and the leading certifier of Fair Trade products in North America. Their rigorous standards around the production of over 30 product categories – from coffee, cocoa, and sugar to coconut, seafood, and apparel/home goods – help protect fundamental human rights, ensure safe, healthy working conditions, protect the environment, and deliver additional economic resources to producing communities. In addition to these requirements, Fair Trade also ensures that producers earn additional Community Development Funds to address their pressing needs. Many groups vote to spend this money on projects that benefit women, like cervical cancer screenings, scholarships, child care centers and microloans for income diversification. fairtradecertified.org

The Forest Trust (TFT) is a global non-profit that helps companies and communities deliver environmentally and socially responsible products. TFT is active in the key nodes of the supply chain, and helps turn values into clear policies and guidelines. TFT’s supply chain mapping and traceability work helps companies to trace products back to their source and identifies key social and environmental issues. TFT staff coach and mediate to help solve complex problems on the ground, working with suppliers, NGOs and regulators. They also help facilitate monitoring by international and local NGOs, not just as a means of independent verification but as a source of constant improvement and learning. tft-earth.org

The Initiative for Global Development (IGD) is a Washington, DC-based nonprofit that engages and harnesses the power of the private sector to advance sustainable development and inclusive growth in Africa through business investment. IGD brings together CEOs and senior executives from leading African and global companies through its Frontier Leader Network to catalyze greater business investment and impact on the continent. IGD envisions an Africa with thriving, impactful businesses that create inclusive growth, and where business leaders are a positive force in shaping Africa’s future. igdleaders.org

Largesse is a mission-driven business that specializes in curating beautiful handmade, eco-conscious and/or fairly-traded corporate gifts. It provides corporate gift buyers with unique solutions for executive gifts, incentive rewards and promotional products that align with and reinforce their brand values. Largesse creates sustainable economic opportunities for marginalized and talented artisans across the world by giving them equal access to the marketplace of corporate buyers. In this way, it promotes and preserves centuries-old skills, artisan partners earn a fair living wage while working in safe conditions, and products are gifted that are kind to the planet and its people throughout their lifecycle. largessecompany.com

Mercy Corps works in partnership across the private, public and civil society sectors, promoting accountability, inclusive participation and mechanisms for peaceful change. To meet companies’ increasing interest in leveraging their unique skills and assets to make a difference and give back, Mercy Corps has developed a partnership menu to enable corporate partners to tailor their engagement in a way that best meets both Mercy Corps’ objectives and the objectives of the company. mercycorps.org/corporate-partners

Oikocredit US promotes and facilitates the global work of Oikocredit International, a cooperative social investor providing funding to the microfinance sector, fair trade organizations, cooperatives, and small to medium enterprises. Oikocredit has identified agriculture as a priority sector, investing in 180 agricultural partners in 35 countries. Oikocredit’s dedicated agriculture unit invests across the value chain of many global commodities to strengthen smallholder farmers’ and other partners’ ability to participate in competitive local, regional, and international markets. In addition to loans, Oikocredit supports partners with capacity building grants, technical assistance, and education. Oikocredit US

Resonance helps its clients unlock opportunity in frontier markets by designing action-based strategies, forging strategic partnerships, and executing across sector boundaries. Since 2005, Resonance has built over 200 partnerships and delivered solutions that enable businesses to achieve their growth objectives, NGOs to fulfill their missions, and development agencies to reach billions of individuals born into poverty. From technology distribution in remote regions, to the development of insurance products for smallholder farmers, Resonance is committed to driving value for businesses that in turn addresses the challenges of global poverty. resonanceglobal.com

World Vision is a global development organization, solving the puzzle of poverty in developing nations and fragile states. To solve this complex puzzle, the organization takes a big-picture approach and employs a comprehensive, sustainable, and holistic model to address a community’s unique needs. World Vision engages corporations through a suite of business solutions for needs ranging from ensuring sustainable supply chains; new market and new product development; providing reverse logistics product donations utilizing a best-in-class international supply chain and logistics platform; and internal and external customer engagements. The integrated development model ensures that World Vision’s corporate partners’ investments will continue to transform lives for generations by empowering families to improve their livelihoods while equipping entire communities to be self-sustaining. worldvision.org

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Organization Profile

Mercy Corps

By Joanne Lu

Man in field.

In 2015 John Deere Foundation committed funds to support Mercy Corps’ work to increase household incomes of smallholder rice farmers in Indonesia. Photo Credit: Mercy Corps.

Over its nearly four-decade history, Mercy Corps has continuously expanded through private, public and civil society partnerships to “help people recover from disaster, build better lives and transform their communities for good.”

What started in 1979 as Save the Refugee Fund – a task force responding to the infamous Cambodian “Killing Fields” refugee crisis – steadily grew into the humanitarian aid giant that Mercy Corps is today. The organization now works in almost 40 countries, with programs spanning more than a dozen humanitarian and development sectors, and has even been nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize.

But from its founding, partnerships have been “central,” to how Mercy Corps works, according to Allison Morris, interim vice-president for Corporate and Foundation Partnerships.

“Our partnerships help define how we do things differently,” Morris said. “The world is facing some of the greatest humanitarian challenges of our time, and at Mercy Corps, we know that no single organization can tackle them alone. So we work across the public and private sectors to bring our unique expertise, innovations and solutions together to spark, scale and sustain change for communities in need around the world.”

Mercy Corps has a whole “menu” of ways corporations and foundations can partner with them – whether through cause marketing, employee engagement, grantmaking impact, emergency response or “Partners in Possible,” their annual giving society.

“In our experience, companies today are looking to develop deep, meaningful partnerships and leverage many of their unique skills and assets to make a difference and give back, including financial resources, employee talent, product, customer engagement and more,” Morris said. “Mercy Corps is looking for that, too.”

One area in which partnerships have played a key role in Mercy Corps’ work is in sustainable sourcing and ethical supply chains.

For example, Mercy Corps has been partnering with Starbucks for 13 years in tea and cardamom-producing communities. These are communities in which generations of families often live in appalling conditions and work for meager wages.

But according to a 2012 news article, it was only because of Tazo Tea (which Starbucks owned from 1999 to 2017) that Mercy Corps was granted access to the tea estates in Assam and Darjeeling in the first place. The owners of the Indian estates prohibited even the government from inspecting conditions, Rosy Choudhury, Mercy Corps’ Project Director of the Community Health and Advancement Initiative (CHAI) at the time, told Puget Sound Business Journal.

But because Tazo was a corporate customer, the estate owners were willing to work with Mercy Corps and Starbucks. For more than a decade now, they have been providing families on the estates vocational training for youth, access to water and health services, economic opportunities and alternative livelihoods.

As the article reported, Tazo wasn’t even a large tea buyer at the time, but in 2002 it became the first retailer to launch a corporate social responsibility program for tea-estate communities. Since then, many others – including Twinings and Steven Smith Teamaker – have followed suit.

Another way Mercy Corps is impacting supply chains is through its Social Venture Fund, which makes equity investments in for-profit businesses. One of those businesses is Vega Coffee, which sources beans from low-income farmers in Colombia. But instead of feeding into an excruciatingly long supply chain, in which farmers rarely see enough profit to lift themselves out of poverty, Vega “pushes value-add[ing] coffee processing (cupping, selecting, roasting, etc.) down to the farm level,” according to Morris. She says that this has increased farmers’ incomes by four times. Vega then markets, sells and ships the roasted coffee from farms directly to U.S. consumers’ front doors within five days of roasting.

Woman with coffee beans on farm.

Maria Flor works with Mercy Corps and its partner CAFISUR, a coffee farming cooperative in Colombia, to improve environmental practices and production on her farm. She manages five hectares of coffee, with 22,000 plants. Funding from Starbucks supports training on sustainable land and water management for coffee farms like hers. Photo Credit: Miguel Samper for Mercy Corps.

According to Morris, an increasing number of companies have also been asking Mercy Corps to help them work with smallholder farmers to implement more sustainable farming practices that build up communities’ resilience to climate change. These practices include safe water, soil, crop and livestock management.

In addition, as the average age of farmers globally verges on 60, Mercy Corps is helping agriculture co-ops get more young people involved in managing and running local farms.

“Communities are realizing that, in order for their agricultural communities to be vibrant, forward-thinking and globally competitive, having youth stay in such communities and be involved in agricultural value chains, at all levels, is key to their success,” Morris said.

Looking ahead at the organization’s next decade, Morris says she hopes Mercy Corps will continue to take a market-driven approach as it finds new ways to “facilitate connections between the private sector and the needs of communities around the world.” Thankfully, it appears that these partnerships are being urged on by consumers, executives and even employees, who are voicing how important corporate social responsibility is to them.

“Companies understand the importance that their buying decisions have on local markets,” Morris said, “and that by purchasing products that have been created safely and sustainably, they can have a positive, long term impact on those local markets and communities.”

She says that momentum for sustainable sourcing and business practices in general has been building for a while.

“These changes are needed if we are going to create a world where people, planet and profits are given equal importance,” she said.

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Robin Barr, Global Director of TFT

By: Joanne Lu

Robin BarrSocial and environmental issues have never been separate for Robin Barr. As the global director of TFT (The Forest Trust), she’s now helping companies gain that perspective, as well, so they can use their leverage in supply chains to address those issues.

Growing up in Eastern Washington, near the Colville Indian Reservation, Barr says her worldview was largely influenced from a young age by her best friend and her best friend’s father – a Native American storyteller.

“I grew up with an understanding that indigenous culture is very much tied to place, land and ecology,” Barr said. “[That] framed my thinking so that the environment and social issues are always one and the same.”

Her experiences over the years have only confirmed the notion that poverty is inextricably linked to the environment. Even at 15 years old, while volunteering with a traveling women’s health group in India, Barr found that the women they worked with mostly wanted to talk about deforestation, which was forcing them to walk further and work longer for less firewood.

After her initial experience abroad, Barr knew she wanted to do international work, but didn’t have an exact field in mind. She enrolled at Washington State University and took classes that interested her, until she graduated four years later with a degree in environmental science and regional planning.

Immediately, she took the first overseas opportunity that opened up for her and moved to Meru, Kenya, where she taught environmental science at a Methodist university. But Barr found herself captivated in her spare time by the elephant-farmer conflicts that were escalating in the area, as the elephants’ habitat and migration paths were being deforested. As a result, elephants were raiding nearby farms for food.

Additionally, she began to develop an interest in agroforestry systems and learning how smallholder farmers’ access to international markets help them afford things like school fees, cars, and land, but can also have a negative impact on them and on the environment.

“I really got interested in these issues by, first of all, caring about the poor and the disenfranchised and realizing that what they care about is often the environment,” Barr said.

After two years in Kenya, her research led her back to the U.S. for a master’s degree in environmental management from the Yale School of Forestry. That’s where she first learned about TFT.

During a class on sustainable forestry and forest certification, TFT Founder Scott Poynton shared with Barr and her classmates how TFT was working with European furniture manufacturers to convince forest managers in Asia and Africa to develop more sustainable practices. The organization seemed to be grappling with the same issues she saw as relevant, based on her time and experience in Kenya, India and even Washington state. So, when the opportunity came up in 2004 for her to work for TFT in Indonesia – even though it wasn’t what she had anticipated doing after spending two years in East Africa learning Swahili –  she took it.

In Indonesia, Barr worked with communities across the island of Sulawesi that were growing their own teak, a very popular wood for furniture. At the time, civil society was putting a lot of pressure on companies not to purchase teak from a company owned by the Indonesian government – the largest commercial grower in the world – because of land conflicts that were sometimes resulting in violence.

With market demand in place for ethically-sourced teak, TFT wanted to connect the communities on Sulawesi to factories that supplied to the European furniture companies that worked with TFT. Barr helped these communities negotiate contracts, and get the necessary permits to harvest their teak and sell it to factories thousands of miles away. She also helped them develop plans to ensure sustainable harvesting and income over time and get eco-certified by the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC). According to Barr, these actions increased the farmers’ proceeds by about 70 percent.

But not only did Barr help the farmers on Sulawesi sell the teak on their own land. For years, the community had wanted the rights to a plantation in the area that the Government owned, but had forgotten about. They even formed a co-op for this appeal without much success. After three years of TFT’s involvement, the Government handed over the plantation to the co-op.

The teak program in Indonesia was such a success that TFT launched similar tropical hardwood programs around the world in Java, Laos, and northern Vietnam. Barr’s success there also eventually lead to promotions as the U.S. country head, the Americas director and, currently, global director. TFT’s work now includes working on palm oil, pulp & paper, biomass, cocoa, sugar, and many other global commodity supply chains linking people and products across six continents.

“I’m not in the field as much as I used to be, obviously, but I get to be a coach and a mentor to a whole bunch of people all over the place who are in the field on a regular basis,” Barr said. “That’s really gratifying, because a lot of times, I will be the only person that person has talked to all month outside of their local environment about really complicated and stressful social issues that they’re trying to develop solutions to.”

Indeed, the issues TFT tackles are massive and complicated. TFT works with brand giants like Nestle, Hershey, and Mars that have made a commitment to responsibly source palm oil – a major driver of deforestation and displacement, especially in Southeast Asia. TFT helps these companies map their supply chains globally, engage suppliers, assess supplier practices and improve those practices, where needed. This involves working with plantation and mill managers in SE Asia, Africa, and Latin America. Through this work, they’ve helped Indonesia’s largest palm oil plantation company, Golden Agri-Resources, do assessments in all its plantation areas across the country to map conflicts with local people, understand how operations are impacting indigenous groups, evaluate labor practices, and build a holistic plan for addressing the issues. Golden Agri-Resources is now a TFT member, committed to no deforestation and no exploitation.

“Our job is not only to listen to communities and play a mediator role between company and community, but also helping companies get the systems and trained staff in place so that … they can begin to engage with local communities in a more respectful way and resolve the kinds of conflicts that they normally run into,” Barr explained.

Over the next decade, she hopes TFT will continue to build up the confidence and knowledge of companies on a wide range of commodity supply chains about how they can use their market leverage to address some of the world’s most challenging social and environmental issues.

“10 years ago, I would’ve never guessed that we would’ve done everything we’ve done in palm oil,” she said.

She also hopes to see TFT’s educational initiative, the Centre of Social Excellence, spread its reach to additional regions of the world and implemented into university – even business school – programs. Currently the program has nearly two dozen modules that teach recent university graduates and company staff how to develop holistic social programs. Modules on stakeholder mapping, fair and transparent conflict resolution, risk assessments of forced labor and other topics are currently offered in West Africa, Indonesia and soon, Brazil.

The centers recruit recent university graduates from those regions to undergo a six-month intensive course that teaches them how to develop and run social management programs for companies. TFT helps place these graduates in companies for internships, and, according to Barr, 90 percent of them have been hired to work on social issues for companies, NGOs, consultancies, and governments as a result of the training program. Including the short module courses, they have trained over 200 people over the last 10 years.

But most of all, Barr hopes that the next decade will bring more protection to the communities that have been so vital to her understanding of the world throughout her journey.

“I would love to be able to call up the various indigenous groups I know around the world and hear that they’re no longer being threatened by expansion of global commodities.”

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Welcome New Members

Please welcome our newest Global Washington members. Take a moment to familiarize yourself with their work and consider opportunities for support and collaboration!


Largesse is a mission-driven business that specializes in curating beautiful handmade, eco-conscious and/or fairly-traded corporate gifts. It provides corporate gift buyers with unique solutions for executive gifts, incentive rewards and promotional products that align with and reinforce their brand values. largessecompany.com

Profitable Non-Profit

The Profitable Non-Profit provides coaching, training, consulting and mentoring to nonprofit organizations specifically for funding and fund development. The organization ensures that nonprofits that want to change the world for “good” have the funding and resources to do so. profitable-nonprofit.com

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Member Events

June 14: GSBA // Mission: Possible | A Nonprofit Education Expo

June 14: Initiative for Global Development // Partner Event: Successful Models for Private Sector-Led Economic Growth in Africa 

June 19: World Affairs Council – YPIN // June Spanish Conversation Table

June 20: World Affairs Council // Summer Solstice June 2018 Networking

June 26: World Affairs Council // Field Notes Live event: A Conversation with Carrie Hessler-Radelet

June 28: The Chronicle of Philanthropy // Making the Most of a Giving Day

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Career Center

Community Liaison, Woodland Park Zoo

Administrative Assistant/HR Coordinator, The Max Foundation

Staff Attorney Position Detention and Removal Defense, Northwest Immigrant Rights Project

M&E Director, VillageReach

Land Tenure Specialist, Landesa

Vice President of Equity, Planned Parenthood of the Great Northwest and the Hawaiian Islands

Check out the GlobalWA Job Board for the latest openings.

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GlobalWA Events

June 14: “Where Love is Illegal” Gallery Opening at the Seattle Foundation

June 21: Shaping the Future of Sustainable Sourcing

June 27: Up in the Air: Preparing for a Bumpy Ride in Global Travel

SAVE THE DATE: GlobalWA 10th Annual Conference: December 6

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Starbucks Supports Guatemala Volcano Relief Efforts and Invites Customers to Donate via Mobile App


June 12, 2018

The Starbucks Foundation has donated $100,000 to CARE’s ongoing relief and recovery efforts to help victims of the Fuego Volcano eruption in Guatemala; Starbucks customers in the U.S. can join the effort by donating to CARE via the Starbucks mobile app

Starbucks will support long-term rebuilding by donating healthy coffee trees to farmers impacted in the Antigua region

Beginning today, Starbucks customers across the U.S. can use the Starbucks mobile app to donate to urgent relief and recovery efforts in Guatemala following the devastating eruption of the Fuego Volcano which claimed more than 110 lives, with an estimated 200 people still missing. The Starbucks Foundation will also donate $100,000, with all funds going to CARE to provide food, water, sanitation kits, clothing and blankets. Customers can also donate online at www.care.org/starbucksCAREs.

“The massive Fuego volcanic eruption earlier this month has forced thousands of Guatemalan families from their homes, and some communities have been entirely buried by lava and ash,” said Michelle Nunn, CARE president and CEO. “CARE has worked in Guatemala since 1959, and we’re active in the volcano’s impact zone now, assessing needs and supporting families whose lives have been suddenly upended. It’s thanks to partners like The Starbucks Foundation that we can deliver that support as we help affected families reclaim some stability in a desperately chaotic situation. We’re grateful to The Starbucks Foundation for their generosity.”

Read More: https://news.starbucks.com/press-releases/starbucks-supports-guatemala-volcano-relief-efforts

A Guatemalan search and rescue team operates in El Rodeo, Escuintla, 22 miles southwest of Guatemala City, after volcano Fuego’s June 3 eruption, which has forced families from their homes, damaged crops and affected 1.7 million people. Photo courtesy of CARE.

Global Washington Members Provide Emergency Relief to Victims of Guatemala’s “Fire Volcano”

UPDATED June 14, 2018, 3:00 p.m.

On June 3 Guatemala’s Volcán de Fuego, or “Fire Volcano” erupted. The volcano, which sits 27 miles southwest of the capital, Guatemala City, is part of the seismically-active Pacific Ring of Fire. Kilauea on the Big Island of Hawaii, which began erupting last month, also sits in this seismically-active path, but the two eruptions look very different.

Unlike the slow oozing of lava from Kilauea, Volcan de Fuego’s explosion created what are known as pyroclastic flows — extremely hot, fast-moving clouds of gas and volcanic matter that have killed at least 110 people.

Guatemala’s Fire Volcano has since increased its activity, with some of the strongest explosions throwing ash more than three miles into the air. Many areas that were buried under ash and debris are still inaccessible, which means the death toll will likely continue to rise.

According to the most recent situation report from the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (UNOCHA), over 1.7 million people in Guatemala have been affected and 12,823 people have been evacuated so far. 3,557 people are officially sheltered and 197 individuals have been reported missing.

Food security and economic recovery will be a major priority after immediate needs are met. UNOCHA reports that people in the affected areas mostly work in factories and farmland in the south. The crops they cultivated, mostly corn and bean, were primarily for their own consumption, and these have nearly all been wiped out. In an area of between 7,000-8,700 acres near the volcano, losses also include about 2,700 tons of coffee, equivalent to 1.27 percent of Guatemala’s coffee export for 2018-2019.

Eruption of Guatemala’s Volcan de Fuego, June 4, 2018. Photo courtesy of CONRED Guatemala via Flickr (CC BY-NC-ND 2.0).


The following Global Washington members are responding to the communities affected by this volcanic eruption in Guatemala. These organizations are accepting donations directly, or you may donate to the Global Impact fund for Guatemala Volcano Relief.

Americares has been providing assistance to Guatemala since 1986, supporting a network of hospitals, clinics and homes for children and the elderly through its longstanding partnership with the Order of Malta. Americares is preparing an emergency shipment of medicine and relief supplies – sixteen tons of supplies – including antibiotics, wound care supplies, hygiene products and medicine for acute and chronic conditions, which will be distributed through the Order of Malta to shelters for evacuees.


CARE which has worked in Guatemala since 1959, has been actively working in the volcano’s impact zone, assessing needs and supporting affected families. The organization’s initial assessment identified immediate needs including food, water, and sanitation, as well as violence prevention, with a particular focus on women and girls, who face increased risks in crisis situations. In the days ahead, CARE plans to closely assess the particular effects of the disaster on women and indigenous minorities and adapt its response strategy accordingly.


Mercy Corps has been working in Guatemala since 2001, focused on strengthening local violence prevention initiatives, providing nutrition education to mothers with young children, helping small-holder farmers diversify and improve the quality of their crops, and providing health and hygiene education. In response to the latest emergency, Mercy Corps has been coordinating with local authorities to distribute 1,500 gallons of purified water to evacuees. Further aid efforts are being assessed.


The Starbucks Foundation announced on Tuesday, June 12, that it has donated $100,000 to support CARE’s ongoing relief and recovery efforts to help victims of the Fuego Volcano eruption in Guatemala. In addition, it invited Starbucks customers in the U.S. to join the effort by donating to CARE via the Starbucks mobile app. In order to support long-term rebuilding efforts, Starbucks also announced it will be donating healthy coffee trees to farmers impacted by the volcano in the Antigua region.


World Vision is delivering humanitarian aid, including water, hygiene supplies, clothing, medicine, and psychosocial help to evacuees. In addition, it plans to establish Child-Friendly Spaces, where children of evacuees can play and feel safe. World Vision has also distributed 30,000 boxes of medical supplies to shelters in Escuintla, Alotenango, and Yepocapa, including nebulizers for treating respiratory injuries from ash and gases. More than 1,000 hygiene kits will also be delivered soon.


University of Washington Students Receive Hands-On Lesson in the Art of ‘Doing Good’ in the World through Philanthropy

  • Photo by Colette Cosner, UW Arts & Sciences Communications Specialist

  • Photo by Colette Cosner, UW Arts & Sciences Communications Specialist

  • Photo by Colette Cosner, UW Arts & Sciences Communications Specialist

  • Photo by Colette Cosner, UW Arts & Sciences Communications Specialist

  • Photo by Colette Cosner, UW Arts & Sciences Communications Specialist

  • Photo by Andie Long, Global Washington

On Tuesday, June 5, five Global Washington member non-profits received grants from students at the University of Washington for their global programs, ranging from $5,000 to $25,000.

The grant-making was part of a new course on philanthropy for social impact, taught by Stephen Meyers, assistant professor in the UW Department of Law, Societies, and Justice.

Funding for the grants was provided by the Philanthropy Lab, a private foundation that is dedicated to increasing philanthropy education at U.S. universities. Continue Reading

Global Washington Members Selected by University of Washington Students to Receive $50,000 Through Philanthropy Lab

June 4, 2018

SEATTLE – On Tuesday, June 5th, five Global Washington member non-profits will be recognized by University of Washington President Ana Mari Cauce and receive grants for their global programs, ranging from $5,000 to $25,000.

The grant-making is part of a new course on philanthropy for social impact through the UW Department of Law, Societies, and Justice. In partnership with Global Washington, the course is designed to bring global giving to the forefront of student learning.

“Partnering with the University of Washington on a course like this aligns well with our mission,” said Kristen Dailey, executive director of Global Washington. “We look for ways to strengthen our members so that they can have a greater impact in the world. We also connect donors with non-profits based here in our state that are doing important global work.”

After studying various giving approaches, and hearing from a philanthropic advisor at The Seattle Foundation, the students received hands-on experience by evaluating proposals from 22 Global Washington member non-profits in the areas of education, food security, global health, human rights and democracy, and refugee crises.

Spreeha, which is responding to the Rohinga refugee crisis in Bangladesh, received the largest grant award of $25,000. Mavuno, an organization that supports local leaders in eastern Congo, received $10,000. Other GlobalWA members, including Malaria No More, Extend the Day, and Rwanda Girls Initiative each received grants of $5,000.

Funding for the grants was provided by the Philanthropy Lab, a private foundation that is dedicated to increasing philanthropy education at U.S. universities.

“This course was designed to instill a lifelong commitment to responsible philanthropy that creates positive social change,” said Stephen Meyers, assistant professor in the UW Department of Law, Societies, and Justice. “Regardless of whether students go on to advise philanthropists directly, or even become philanthropists themselves, what they’ve learned in this course will make them more aware of the challenges of ‘doing good’ in the world, and the ways to make those efforts more sustainable.”

A giving ceremony to recognize the winning non-profits will be held on Tuesday, June 5th from 2:30 p.m. – 4 p.m. at the UW Husky Union Building. Speakers will include UW President, Ana Mari Cauce; The Philanthropy Lab Program Director, Cristina Desmond; and Global Washington Executive Director, Kristen Dailey.

Click here to RSVP for the giving ceremony. Contact sjmeyers@uw.edu with any questions or to request disability accommodations.

World Vision U.S. names Edgar Sandoval as New President

May 31, 2018 (Seattle) –– World Vision United States has named Edgar Sandoval as its next President and Chief Executive Officer. Sandoval, 53, has served as the organization’s Chief Operating Officer for the past three years. He will assume his new duties on October 1. Sandoval will take over from Richard E. Stearns, who announced his retirement in January.

“Edgar embodies World Vision’s core values and has demonstrated his commitment to the mission of World Vision since he joined three years ago,” said Dr. Joan Singleton, World Vision U.S. Board Chair. “He has a consistent track record of delivering financial growth and organizational health during his successful corporate career and most recently during his time at World Vision. We believe God has been preparing him to lead World Vision for such a time as this.”

Read more: https://www.worldvision.org/about-us/media-center/world-vision-u-s-names-edgar-sandoval-as-new-president

USAID awards VillageReach $14.7 million for Last Mile Supply Chain Project

VillageReach has been awarded $14.7 million by the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) to strengthen the last mile supply chain in Mozambique. This 5-year cooperative agreement will support the development of a more streamlined and effective distribution system to address chronic logistics and transport challenges at the local level.

“We know how to improve health and save lives with existing treatments, but often they aren’t available where they are needed most,” said Emily Bancroft, President of VillageReach. “This new award will allow us to work with our partners to implement new approaches that make sure that everyone in Mozambique has access to the medicines and diagnostics they need.”

Read more: http://www.villagereach.org/usaid-awards-villagereach-14-7-million-for-last-mile-supply-chain-project/

Banking on Women: Financing the Future of Economic Growth

By Annie O’Donnell


“Banking on Women” – a joint event, organized by Global Washington and the World Affairs Council, held at the Rainier Club on May 10, 2018. Photo: Andie Long/Global Washington.

“It’s really a no-brainer,” says Saara Romu, founder of Selkea, explaining the benefits of financial inclusion for women in global development. Not only does it increase countries’ GDP growth, but it improves the overall well-being of families and communities in developing countries.

Investing in women has repeatedly shown to be the fastest way to impact communities and increase ROI. For this reason, development organizations, the private sector, and policy makers are focusing on deliberate efforts to create access to financial markets for women.

A panel of distinguished women in the field of financial inclusion convened at the Rainier Club on May 10th through an event co-hosted by Global Washington and the World Affairs Council of Seattle. Continue Reading