Martha Brady, Director, Reproductive Health, PATH

Interviewed July 26, 2017

By Andie Long

Martha Brady, MS Director, Reproductive Health, PATH

Martha Brady, Director, Reproductive Health, PATH. Photo Credit: David Alexander/FP Voices

Martha Brady, the Director of Reproductive Health at PATH, a Seattle-based international health nonprofit, recently returned from the Family Planning Summit 2017 in London.

The summit was co-hosted by the UK Department for International Development, the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation in collaboration with Family Planning 2020 (FP2020) and in close partnership with United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and Global Affairs Canada.

There were a number of new family planning commitments made at the meeting, including the announcement by Melinda Gates that the foundation would commit an additional $375 million over four years, a 60% increase in its family planning funding. PATH also revitalized its commitments from the previous summit, dedicating $10 million dollars over three years to “expand the contraceptive method mix in up to 12 countries by 2020.” New commitments were also made by Global Washington members Americares and International Rescue Committee. Continue Reading

World Vision, Save the Children chiefs: Let’s press pause on our national bickering and save lives together

By Richard Stearns, Carolyn Miles

In this era of harsh political divisions and fake news, disagreement seems to be at an all-time high and it can be easy to overlook some of the world’s most pressing conflicts. Right now, people in parts of Africa and Yemen are suffering from a massive hunger crisis and yet most Americans are totally unaware of it. The statistics are staggering: 20 million people are at risk of famine, 600,000 children are at risk of death before Thanksgiving and the United Nations is calling this the worst humanitarian emergency since World War II.

America has a tradition of helping those who need it most. Absent any divisiveness, the bright side is that here is finally an issue on which we can all agree – and a problem we can constructively address. Americans can come together on preventing cataclysmic starvation in the developing world.

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We’ve Made Great Strides in the Fight Against Global Hunger. So Why Are Millions at Risk of Starvation?


By Neal Keny-Guyer, CEO of Mercy Corps, and Abby Maxman, president and CEO of Oxfam America

More people around the world are escaping extreme poverty than ever before. In just 10 years, 167 million fewer people are undernourished. But we cannot let another day go by without acknowledging that millions more children, men and women are currently at risk of starvation, and this progress is in danger of being reversed. Knowledge is power, as the old adage goes, and we are convinced that if more Americans know about this crisis we can save more lives.

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Careers in International Development

By Riya Mehta, Stanford in Government Fellow at Landesa

Panel on Careers in International Development (Photo: Colleen O’Holleran / Landesa)

On June 19, 2017, Global Washington partnered with Landesa to lead a panel discussion on careers in international development for the third year in a row. The event provided an opportunity for students and experienced professionals alike to learn more about Washington’s international development community and the best ways to navigate the international non-profit sector.

The event was moderated by Melissa Merritt, Vice President of Executive Search practice at Waldron, a Seattle-based consulting organization. Panelists included Jodi-Ann Burey, Andie Long, and Heidi Peterson, three professionals who all work for Seattle-based international development organizations. Burey is a Health Systems Associate at VillageReach; Peterson is the Executive Director at Mobility Outreach International; and Long currently serves as the Director of Marketing and Communications for Global Washington.
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Mercy Corps Tells Congress Urgent Action Is Needed In Four Famine-Threatened Countries

South Sudan Country Director Deepmala Mahla Testifies Before Senate Panel

WASHINGTON, DC – With an estimated 81 million people in need of emergency assistance because of severe food insecurity, Congress must act now to prevent famine and save lives, urges Deepmala Mahla, South Sudan Country Director for the global organization Mercy Corps. In testimony to a Senate Foreign Relations Subcommittee hearing on the matter, Mahla proposes Congress enact new policies in three areas: funding, diplomacy, and resilience and peacebuilding.

Mahla’s appearance comes as Mercy Corps and seven other leading U.S.-based relief organizations launch the Global Emergency Response Coalition, the first-of-its-kind U.S. humanitarian alliance, formed to raise awareness and funds to address needs in 10 famine-threatened countries.

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July 2017 Newsletter

Welcome to the July 2017 issue of the Global Washington newsletter.


Letter from our Executive Director

Kristen Dailey

Renewing Global Leadership: A look ahead at this year’s annual conference

If you think about the word “renew,” what comes to mind? First off, you might be thinking about library books or parking permits. But dig a little deeper. Think about your summer vacation. Re-New. The word itself speaks of making something new again. It conveys freshness, revival, and a restoration to fullness. Renewal also brings strength to rebuild and hold fast to one’s commitments and beliefs.

For the Global Washington Annual Conference in 2017 we chose as our theme Renewing Global Leadership” to bring the global development community together and bolster our individual and collective commitment to improving lives in developing countries. The speakers and attendees will discuss our global connections and the economic, political, and cultural impacts of globalization. We’ll also explore what type of leadership is needed to adapt to a shifting global landscape.

What does a global leader look like? You may picture an influential donor, a corporate executive, or an NGO practitioner. But a girl going to school in Afghanistan can be every bit as much of a leader to her community. Leadership with a global mindset is needed at all levels of society around the world.

What qualities of leadership are called for today and in the future depends on your worldview.  Global Washington’s board chair, Akhtar Badshaw, and board vice chair, Melissa Merritt, have shared their thoughts on the latest backlash to globalization and the critical skills that global leaders need to cultivate.

I hope you can join the conversation at the Renewing Global Leadership conference on November 29, 2017 in Seattle. More information can be found here and we will update you soon about our keynote speakers and concurrent panels.


Kristen Dailey
Executive Director

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Globalization’s Backlash and Critical Skills for Global Leaders

Akhtar and Melissa

We asked Global Washington’s board chair Akhtar Badshah and board vice chair Melissa Merritt to reflect on this year’s conference theme, Renewing Global Leadership.

Akhtar is an expert on philanthropy, corporate social responsibility, and international development. He teaches at the University of Washington on entrepreneurism and accelerating social impact and led Microsoft’s corporate philanthropy and employee volunteer program for 10 years.

Melissa is the Vice President and Managing Director at Waldron, where she leads senior leadership talent recruitment for clients, with a specialty in serving foundations, start-ups, social enterprises, and NGOs that are scaling nationally and internationally.

Their comments have been edited for length and clarity.



There are clearly winners and losers in our increasing global interdependence. I don’t think anyone has figured out how to change that paradigm. The tables have turned in different directions as you have different kinds of leadership in place. That changes the power dynamic. How to level that out is where we’re seeing the backlash.

There’s a populism that’s trying to be very vocal about the leveling out. It’s healthy. I think that the collaborations across sectors are a way to make sure approaches to international relations are not one-sided. You have to take in a lot more viewpoints, and therefore, one would hope that the outcomes would be better for everyone. I don’t think you can have deep social change without disruption. There’s going to be some chaos along the way.


We know globalization’s impact has been uneven. Thomas Friedman has talked about the world becoming flat, where people in India and China have the same opportunities as people in the U.S. In reality, it’s more like what Richard Florida says, the world is spiky. There are peaks and valleys in terms of economic opportunity around the world, and people living in the peak areas have more in common with each other than they do with those living in the valleys right next to them. And the folks in the valleys are most often forgotten and ignored.

Those left behind have real angst. This year’s theme allows us to explore the issues.



In terms of the conference, every time there’s a big shift in the world, there’s a moment to regroup, renew, rethink. That’s where we are. I think it’s an exciting theme for us to explore. How the different organizations in our membership are addressing the changes going on around the world that are affecting their work, directly or indirectly.

Global Washington is actually a great place for it to play out. Those concepts of globalization, leadership, collaboration, really reaching across the table and trying to understand another’s point of view, and how that can impact what you’re doing — this is a great forum for that because it brings together business, nonprofit, NGO, government and academic leaders.


People are becoming distrustful of external interventions. We need to bring people along with us. We should see some interesting models and examples at the conference of people doing things in a new way.

Companies, too, need to understand that they are an integral part of global development. If they’re focused on business, they should understand how to work in these environments and create the right incentives. They have the skillsets, knowhow and resources that can be effectively utilized to augment the efforts of governments and nonprofits. It should be part of business interest to be part of the changing global dynamic.



The lines between for-profit and non-profit sectors are blurring. They’re all complex organizations with multiple dimensions, and the leadership needs are similar. The necessary leadership qualities haven’t changed, but there’s a heightened need for what are traditionally called “soft skills.”

We did a survey in 2013 looking at broad trends among executives at the largest NGOs in the country. One of the things we asked them was what they felt were the most important characteristics for their success. Fundamentally, they mentioned leadership skills that emphasize collaboration, not heavy-handedness. Also a cultural awareness and responsiveness.

The audiences for leaders are always changing so they need to be able to pivot. There’s such a need for versatility, to be a consensus-builder, and relationship-nurturer. Those skills start to outweigh some of the functional skills as factors for success. The functional skills are the necessary foundation for anyone seeking these positions.

People respond to strong, positive leadership. They become more motivated and have a clearer idea of what is expected of them to reach their goals. They become more effective at their own jobs. As you expand that circle, a good leader reaches across the table, inviting all types of partners, particularly the strange bedfellows, to see how they can work together. People who are particularly skilled at that, bringing people with different points of view to the table in a productive and cooperative way, those are

the people who will be able to change the world. It sometimes feels slower, but ultimately what you get is sustained momentum, instead of dramatic swings.


I always ask, “Are you willing to taste the ground?” People are tired of being told to do things. They want to work with people who understand the context in which they’re operating. Peace Corps works well from this standpoint because it’s an immersion.

It starts with the mindset that we are not here to solve a problem. We’re here to discover solutions. Instead of coming in to see what’s not working, look to see what is working. It depends on the situation what the right thing is.

Global leaders are often told they must win at all costs. But an effective global leader is not a warrior, she’s a diplomat.

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Partnership Highlights

GlobalWA Members Join Global Emergency Response Coalition to Fight Extreme Hunger

Global Emergency Response CoalitionFor the first time, eight of the leading U.S.-based international relief organizations, including four GlobalWA members (International Rescue Committee, Mercy Corps, Oxfam, and World Vision)
have joined forces to urge the American public to donate to the new Hunger Relief Fund in response to looming famines and persistent hunger threatening millions of people in South Sudan, Nigeria, Yemen, Somalia and neighboring countries. More than 20 million people face starvation in the coming months and, without immediate help, 1.4 million children who are severely malnourished could die.

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Splash and Days for Girls Team Up to Shatter Taboos and Celebrate Young Women

By Sandy Clark and Cyndie Berg

When Global Washington NGOs come together, sparks fly, so it’s no surprise that a partnership between Splash and Days for Girls (DfG) would create fireworks. Combining forces to improve health awareness and conditions for kids – we have leveraged our collective strengths to double our impact, reaching thousands of youth in schools.

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Bringing Health and Love to Guatemala

By Aimee Khuu, Senior Director for International Programs, Providence Health & Services

Over the past three years, Providence St. Joseph Health (PSJH) Global Partnerships and Medical Teams International have set out to improve health outcomes in Chicaman, El Quiche—a rural municipality in the highlands of Guatemala. We are continuing international outreach efforts started by the Sisters of Providence 160 years ago when they journeyed to Vancouver, Washington from Montreal.

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Welcome New Members

Please welcome our newest Global Washington members. Take a moment to familiarize yourself with their work and consider opportunities for support and collaboration!

Center for Infectious Disease Research

CIDR LogoThe Center for Infectious Disease Research, the nation’s largest independent non-profit of its kind, performs groundbreaking research on diseases that kill over 14 million people annually and cause devastating suffering, disability and economic loss. We focus on unravelling the complexities of parasitic diseases such as malaria, bacterial diseases such as tuberculosis and viral diseases such as HIV, Dengue and Zika Our goal is to make transformative advances that will effectively diagnose, treat and develop vaccines and treatments to prevent and cure diseases.

World Relief Seattle

World Relief LogoWorld Relief Seattle provides vital services to refugees and immigrants as they rebuild their lives in Washington state. The organization provides foundational resettlement services, including economic empowerment training for women, ESL classes, and a legal clinic. In 2016, World Relief Seattle resettled more than one-quarter of all the refugees entering Washington state, a total of 1,135 individuals. Over the long-term, refugees build mutually transformative relationships that prepare them to become fully functioning and vibrant participants in their communities.

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Member Events

July 19: Seattle Metropolitan Chamber of Commerce // Young Professionals Network at the Gates Foundation

July 22 – 25: RESULTS // International Conference

July 24 – 26: Microsoft // 2017 Hackathon: Hack for Good resources for non-profits

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Career Center

Hospitality Coordinator, iLEAP

Associate Advisor, Seattle Foundation

Manager, Development and Communications, Literacy Bridge

For more jobs and resources, visit

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GlobalWA Events

July 19: Careers in International Development

July 27: Serving Global Populations

November 29: GlobalWA Annual Conference – Renewing Global Leadership

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Bringing Health and Love to Guatemala

By Aimee Khuu, Senior Director for International Programs, Providence Health & Services

Over the past three years, Providence St. Joseph Health (PSJH) Global Partnerships and Medical Teams International have set out to improve health outcomes in Chicaman, El Quiche—a rural municipality in the highlands of Guatemala. We are continuing international outreach efforts started by the Sisters of Providence 160 years ago when they journeyed to Vancouver, Washington from Montreal. Continue Reading

Hunger Pushes Over 20 Million People to the Brink of Starvation: U.S. Charities Urgently Ask America to Take Action

First-of-its-kind coalition of leading relief organizations launches Hunger Relief Fund

Washington, DC – July 17, 2017

Global Emergency Response CoalitionFor the first time, eight of the leading U.S.-based international relief organizations have joined forces to urge the American public to donate to the new Hunger Relief Fund in response to looming famines and persistent hunger threatening millions of people in South Sudan, Nigeria, Yemen, Somalia and neighboring countries. More than 20 million people face starvation in the coming months and, without immediate help, 1.4 million severely malnourished children could die.

“Drought, displacement and conflict have converged with alarming consequences,” according to the chief executive officers of the organizations in the Global Emergency Response Coalition. “In the 21st century, innocent children should not be dying from hunger. People caught in this crisis are generously opening their homes and sharing what little they have, but they have run out of time and resources — they need our help now.” Continue Reading

Splash and Days for Girls Team Up to Shatter Taboos and Celebrate Young Women

By Sandy Clark and Cyndie Berg

When Global Washington NGOs come together, sparks fly, so it’s no surprise that a partnership between Splash and Days for Girls (DfG) would create fireworks. Combining forces to improve health awareness and conditions for kids – we have leveraged our collective strengths to double our impact, reaching thousands of youth in schools.

Starting in Nepal, where Splash and DfG already have established programs, we set out to raise awareness of menstrual hygiene management (MHM) in 28 Splash schools through education, while creating sustainable access to environmentally friendly and cost-effective DfG female hygiene products.

Female student leaders give speeches to their classmates about hygiene education at Adarsha Kanya School in Lalitpur District, Nepal, on Menstrual Hygiene Day, May 28, 2017. (Credit: Splash)

Female student leaders give speeches to their classmates about hygiene education at Adarsha Kanya School in Lalitpur District, Nepal, on Menstrual Hygiene Day, May 28, 2017. (Credit: Splash)

Together, for Menstrual Hygiene Day on May 28th, we reached over 10,000 girls and boys in Kathmandu, Nepal. Our teams recruited and trained 50 teachers and volunteers to fight stigmas, break barriers, and increase knowledge on menstruation. To make sure it was truly a celebration, our local teams worked with students and teachers to develop games, plays, and other creative activities. The school-wide events engaged students in a lively discussion aimed at reducing the stigma about periods.

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The Status of Reproductive Health Worldwide

Kelsey Noonan, Camber Collective

Kelsey Noonan, Camber Collective.

On June 7th 2017, Global Washington hosted a panel discussion with experts in global reproductive health. The result was a candid conversation that touched on the current status of reproductive health programs globally, as well as the impact of the current political environment on the health and well-being people in developing countries.

The panelists included Rufaro Kangai, director of programs at Global Fund for Women; Diane Bushley, global programs manager for Planned Parenthood of the Greater Northwest and Hawaiian Islands; and Julie Tempest, advancement director at One By One.

Kelsey Noonan from Camber Collective moderated the event.

Teeing up the discussion with the three panelists, Kelsey Noonan noted that “reproductive health is a necessary precursor to gender equity,” as it impacts all aspects of our lives. Continue Reading