8:30 – 9:30 am | Registration, Continental Breakfast, Marketplace of Ideas | ||||||||||||||||||||||
9:30 – 9:40 am
Harbor Room |
Opening Remarks
9:40 – 10:00 am
Harbor Room |
Fast Pitch: SDG Surprise
In rapid-style, GlobalWA members will have two minutes to share the most surprising thing about the Sustainable Development Goals their organization is advancing.
10:00 – 10:45 am Harbor Room |
Opening Plenary Panel: Using multimedia storytelling to inspire social change
10:45 – 11:00 am | Break | ||||||||||||||||||||||
11:00 – 12:10 pm |
Concurrent Panels | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Food Security, Peace, and Justice: Building institutions to address intractable causes of hunger
The last mile of global efforts to end hunger face especially difficult challenges. While the world has made great strides in reducing the rate of hunger in the past century, reaching SDG 2 (Zero Hunger) requires tackling systemic problems such as fragile states and climate change, which have led to increased food insecurity for millions of indigenous peoples and ethnic groups in their traditional farming lands. This session will look at institutional approaches to address these issues at scale and describe systemic ways to reduce and prevent hunger at the Last Mile. Panelists:
Gender Justice: Transformative approaches to ending gender-based violence
Gender equality and ending gender-based violence are at the heart of human rights and integral to a just society. The lives of millions of women and girls, who make up half of the world’s population, are affected by the violence they experience in everyday life, hindering their full participation in society, and their stability, health, and economic prosperity. Women, girls, and people of all gender identities have the right to play an equal role in society and live a life free from damaging oppressive norms and cultures that perpetuate gender inequality and violence. In the last few decades, we have seen some positive changes in the struggle to end gender-based violence through increased international and national policies and legislation, although challenges remain with implementation. Working to achieve SDG 5: “Achieving gender equality and empowering all women and girls,” in concert with SDG 10: “Reducing inequality within and among countries” can address gender-based violence in a comprehensive way. Through varied activist and philanthropic perspectives, this panel will explore critical questions and effective interventions globally. Panelists:
Migration and Human Rights: How civil society organizations can protect the rights of Central American migrants
One of the targets of SDG 10 is to “facilitate orderly, safe, regular and responsible migration and mobility of people,” and SDG 16 promotes the rule of law, equal access to justice, and the protection of fundamental freedoms. In recent years, large numbers of people have migrated from Central America, spurred by poverty, violence, and natural disasters. Many of them are seeking refuge in the United States. However, instead of facilitating safe and orderly processes that respect international standards, governments have stripped migrants of protection and criminalized them. At the same time, the U.S. has stopped most assistance to Central America, cutting projects aimed at reducing violence, promoting local economic opportunities, and ensuring food security in the wake of a changing climate. Although the responsibility to act lies with governments themselves, civil society actors can help protect migrants’ rights, and address “push factors” for migration. Panelists:
Education and Refugees: How technology, education, and livelihood skills can ensure opportunities and resiliency in refugee youth
The scale of the ongoing refugee crisis requires multi-faceted responses that incorporate multiple SDG focus areas. This session will discuss the challenges faced by refugee youth, and how technology, education, and livelihood skills can help them rebuild their lives and pursue new economic opportunities whether they live in a refugee camp, urban settings, or their new country of resettlement. In particular, we will explore how the SDG framework can help companies and non-profits better coordinate interventions that cross multiple SDGs, including SDGs 4, 8, and 10: Quality Education, Decent Work, and Reduced Inequalities. Panelists:
Productive and Decent Jobs: The future of work in developing countries
Emerging technology and evolving industries are changing the concept of work around the world at a time when productive and inclusive employment is vital in helping the remaining 736 million people living in extreme poverty today. This session will examine the intersection of SDG 8 (Decent Work and Economic Growth) and SDG 1(No Poverty) to explore the responsibility of both the social and private sectors to ensure access to productive and decent jobs in developing countries. Panelists will discuss how to identify and nurture job- creating industries while preparing the next generation of workers for a changing job landscape. Panelists:
12:10 – 12:45 pm
International Promenade |
Lunch Service | ||||||||||||||||||||||
12:45 – 1:45 pm
International Promenade |
Lunch Program
1:45 – 2:05 pm | Break | ||||||||||||||||||||||
2:05 – 3:15 pm | Concurrent Panels | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Data tracking for the SDGs (closed session for CEOs/Executive Directors)
Now that we have 17 Sustainable Development Goals, 169 targets, and 232 indicators, how will we know we are making progress? Country by country data is being collected, but major data gaps remain. NGOs, companies, and foundations are now tracking their work that is advancing the SDGs to increase their impact and define critical gaps in service delivery. What are the opportunities and challenges in data tracking for the SDGs and what can be done to overcome obstacles. CEOs and Executive Directors will have a roundtable discussion to share experiences and determine solutions. Discussion leads:
Clean Water and Sanitation: Integrated solutions to menstrual health needs
Millions of women and girls lack access to adequate products, disposal systems, and information about menstruation. In addition, over 2.5 million people lack access to improved sanitation, a trend that disproportionately impacts women and girls in low- and middle-income countries. While menstrual health is not explicitly included in the SDGs, this crosscutting issue is connected to multiple goals, including good health and well-being, quality education, gender equity, clean water and sanitation, decent work and economic growth, and responsible consumption and production. This panel will explore approaches to supporting menstrual health for women and girls from leading NGOs in the sector and from a philanthropic perspective. It will look at delivery models, integration of menstrual health information and solutions into education and WASH programming, and opportunities for investment in menstrual health. Ultimately, this panel aims to increase awareness and collaboration on this critical and timely topic. Panelists:
Scaling Health Solutions: Best practices in transitioning to government
While social impact organizations can develop and test new solutions to help achieve global health targets (SDG 3), sustaining impact at scale often requires incorporating those solutions within government systems. This panel will explore the role of government actors in integrating new solutions, how social impact organizations can develop the path to scale through government partnership from the outset, and how donors can adopt behaviors that will improve the likelihood of success. Panelists:
Global Health and Climate Change: Environment, health, and cross-sector collaboration
Today’s greatest sustainable development challenges can only be solved if we work together more effectively across the global development, health, and environmental communities. Experts and practitioners are currently developing best practices, policy frameworks, new programs, and innovative approaches that combat the worst effects of climate change, but often these efforts exist in silos. This session will bring together leading voices from academia, the private sector, energy, and global health to share best practices and offer advice on how to work together successfully to achieve SDG 13 (Climate Action). Panelists:
Responsible Consumption and Decent Work: Building transparent supply chains
As companies begin to think beyond just meeting compliance requirements, leveraging new technologies and approaches can help them and their customers better understand the origin of the materials in their products, as well as the social and environmental impacts. However, true transparency is difficult to achieve for many reasons, including the complexity of inputs, the cost of detailed tracking, and incentives for working conditions. Additionally, many social and environmental impacts are not calculated. This session will explore recent successes in transparent supply chain pilots and practices, as well as ongoing challenges. Panelists:
3:15 – 3:30 pm | Break | ||||||||||||||||||||||
3:30 – 4:15 pm Harbor Room |
Afternoon Plenary Panel: Data tracking for the SDGs
4:15 – 4:50 pm
Harbor Room |
Afternoon Keynote Conversation
4:50 – 5:00 pm | Closing Remarks
5:00 – 6:00 pm | Reception |