Photo Credit: Landesa
Seattle International Foundation (SIF) and The Seattle Foundation will host a donor delegation to India on October 9-18 where participants will see first-hand the work of Global Washington members. Seattle-area donors and experts will visit leading Seattle-area institutions such as Landesa, PATH, SightLife, Splash and University of Washington. Delegates will also have opportunities to engage with local business and nonprofit leaders, philanthropists, and visit cultural and historical sites. Field site visits and meetings will span a variety of issue areas including health, land rights, leadership development, micro-finance, technology and women’s rights.
Global Washington member Emirates Airline is offering a discount for GlobalWA members traveling to India. Click here to learn more and email us for the promo code before you book your flight.
Click here to learn all about this exciting delegation to India: www.seaif.org/2015IndiaDelegation
For more information contact Michele Frix, Director of Programs, at mfrix@seaif.org or 206.547.9335.