
Contributor Guidelines

Submitting guest blogs is open to Global Washington’s members of the Atlas level and above. We value a diversity of opinions on a broad range of subjects of interest to the global health and development community.

Blog article submissions should be 500-1500 words. Photos, graphs, videos, and other art that supports the main themes are strongly encouraged.

You may not be the best writer, and that’s okay. We can help you shape and edit your contribution. The most important thing is that it furthers an important conversation in your field, and that it is relatively jargon-free. Anyone without a background in global development should still be able to engage with your ideas.

If you include statistics or reference current research, please hyperlink your sources in the text, wherever possible.

Have an idea of what you’d like to write about? Let’s continue the conversation! Email and put “Blog Idea” in the subject line.

Foreign aid a non-partisan issue? 
Senator Frist and Governor Richardson find much to agree on in aid policy

By Anna Jensen-Clem

Former Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist (R-TN) and Former Governor Bill Richardson (D-NM) spoke together last Friday from Columbus, Ohio about the role of U.S. foreign aid. The discussion, convened by the USGLC and moderated by Ohio Public Radio and Television Bureau Chief Karen Kasler, focused specifically on US global engagement in the context of Ohio; that is, what role will Ohio play in global development in the coming years, and how will the state negotiate changing markets, job requirements, and an influx of new consumers?

Both men were optimistic about Ohio’s and the U.S.’s ability to adapt to changing marketplaces, and both emphasized that humanitarian aid, just 1% of the US budget, is key to ensuring job growth and economic stability. Richardson, a former ambassador to the United Nations and former Governor of New Mexico, pointed to his policies in that state during his tenure as governor and emphasized cross-border economic growth and trade. An international border, he said, is an opportunity for growth rather than hostility, and engagements abroad facilitate targeted job creation in the United States.  Governor Richardson identified Ohio as a key state in the global economy, noting the state’s strategic placement geographically as well as its expanding high-tech, agricultural and manufacturing sectors; one-quarter of its workers depend on exports for their income. He also emphasized the need for bipartisan consensus in order to create jobs and facilitate free trade agreements.

Senator Frist, a cardiothoracic surgeon who specializes in heart and lung transplants and served two terms in the Senate (as Majority Leader from 2003-2007), has spent much of his time on medical mission trips to Africa. He emphasized the importance of humanitarian aid in U.S. foreign policy. He encouraged the audience to see U.S. policies as “replacing desperation and disease and poverty with health and hope and opportunity,” and argued that using humanitarian aid to stabilize tenuous regions would bring productivity and opportunities across the globe. Aid, in Senator Frist’s view, ought to be a non-partisan issue because it serves to raise struggling populations from poverty and help them contribute to the global economy. Frist frequently acknowledged the U.S.’s responsibility to provide developmental aid in the context of our common humanity. He appealed for strategic use of aid to create jobs, work to treat and cure disease, and open markets to new consumers.

When asked what the United States must to do remain competitive in the global economy, both men argued for more openness, more trade and a continued spreading of American values abroad. Governor Richardson pointed to China, India, Brazil, Nigeria, Turkey and South Africa as examples of countries whose rapid growth presents a re-ordering of the international global economy. All of these countries, he said, look to American leadership in the coming years.  Senator Frist emphasized the importance of American values abroad, and argued that the best use of aid is to bring more consumers to the table so that they can participate in the global economy. Both men also mentioned the importance of “smart power” over military strength; ideally, U.S. foreign aid would function to bring more consumers to the U.S. market and simultaneously foster growth in global health and development. Senator Frist and Governor Richardson were emphatically positive about the future of US foreign aid, and both encouraged the audience to keep up with global health and business developments over the next few months.

Global Workers Series #3: Launching Your Career in Global Health

On Thursday July 26th, Global Washington hosted a Global Worker Series event on Global Health at iLeap. Speakers from PATH and I-TECH came to discuss hiring processes in the field and gave advice to those looking to go into global health work.

PATH is an international organization based in Seattle that, “transforms global health through innovation.” With more than 1,000 employees worldwide, they have diverse opportunities for employees within their organization. They have a very human as well as global impact as, for example, they bring vaccines more quickly and more cheaply to the developing world, partner with similar organizations to work toward common goals, and cross-cut solutions between health and socio-economic conditions to create lasting change.

Richard Wilkinson, HR Director for the International Training and Education Center for Health (I-TECH), shared with us his personal experience getting a position in the Global Health field when he transitioned to a new career in his fifties. He encouraged those looking into careers in global health to aim for the “sweet spot” of what you love, what you’re great at, and what needs doing before looking for a unique position in the field. He shared that global health needs workers that have two-fold skills: they have technical understanding of the socio-environmental determinacy of health as well as the interpersonal skills to work in a field where you cannot accomplish your goals on your own.

Jenna Herron, Recruiting Director for HR at PATH, and SaraBeth Ross, Global Recruiting Coordinator at PATH, both shared their personal experience of finding a position at PATH and gave insights on how PATH finds their employees. They look for applicants with easily transferrable skills, and those who have field experience along with skilled experience.

All of the speakers encouraged those seeking careers in global health to make connections and network as much as possible. As Jenna advised, the path to a career in global health can be a “hop, skip, and a jump” away through other positions and fields as you make connections. PATH hosts a Community Coffee Quarterly that all recruiters attend, which could be a great place to network and learn more about the field of global health. (The next event is on August 30th at 8am.)

Global Washington’s Careers in Global Development Center on our website offers opportunities for job seekers to find the best position in the global development sector, available from Washington State. Whether it’s a paid position, internship, or training opportunity that you’re looking for, the Careers in Global Development Center is an open resource to help you find it. Please visit us at:

Washington’s Own Dr. Bill Foege, Slayer of Smallpox, Awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom

On May 29, President Obama honored Washington’s own Dr. Bill Foege with the nation’s highest civilian honor, the Presidential Medal of Freedom, for his leadership of the campaign that successfully eliminated smallpox, the first and only human disease ever to be completely eradicated.

Born in 1936, the 6’7″ Dr. Foege (pronounced Fay-ghee) graduated from Pacific Lutheran University, attended the University of Washington Medical School, and interned for Public Health Seattle-King County. When he became a global health expert for the Center for Disease Control (CDC) in the 1960s, smallpox was killing 2 million people every year and infecting 50 million more. After earning an MPH from Harvard in 1965, he worked with missionary groups in Nigeria to transform their approach from hospital-based medicine to community-based medicine. Vaccine shortages and mass vaccination’s poor record led Foege and other CDC scientists in Africa to pioneer, largely on their own initiative, the “survey and containment” method of stockpiling vaccine reserves and mass vaccinating only people from areas with recorded smallpox cases. The implementation demanded ingenuity from local people and scientists alike. In one afflicted Nigerian village, Foege vaccinated 2,000 people in a single day. When he asked the chief how he had gotten so many people to come, the chief explained, “I told everyone to come and see the tallest man in the world.” As Foege recounts in his 2011 memoir House on Fire, he would explain to people that “if a house is on fire, no one wastes time putting water on nearby houses just in case the fire spreads. They rush to pour water where it will do the most good: on the burning house.” When it saw the effectiveness of the “survey and containment” strategy, the CDC adopted it as its smallpox strategy with remarkable speed for a bureaucracy. “It shows the value of having young people involved in the project,” says Foege. “Julius Richmond, the former Surgeon General, once said that the reason smallpox eradication worked is that the people involved were so young they didn’t know it couldn’t work.” In 1967, Foege joined the World Health Organization’s newly-launched campaign to eradicate smallpox through mass vaccinations. Under Foege’s leadership, the WHO smallpox program quickly adopted the “survey and containment” strategy. By the mid-1970s, the disease had been effectively eradicated. On May 8, 1980, the WHO formally certified smallpox as the first major epidemic human disease to ever be eradicated.

Dr. Foege served as Director of the Centers for Disease Control in Atlanta from 1977-1983. He also co-founded the Task Force for Global Health and took up teaching at Emory University. As Executive Director of the Carter Center from 1986-1992, he led the international campaign to eliminate Guinea Worm and other diseases by pioneering new models of partnership between global health groups and pharmaceutical companies. He also served on the board of Pacific Lutheran University and played a crucial role in establishing the Global Health Program of Seattle’s Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, which he still serves as a Senior Fellow.

Billy Woodward, author of and Scientists Greater than Einstein: The Biggest Lifesavers of the 20th Century, calculates that Foege’s breakthroughs have saved the lives of 122 million people so far. Journalist Tom Paulson of KPLU 88.5 and the Humanosphere blog calls Foege “the most influential person in global health.” Yet Foege remains profoundly modest, self-effacing, and determined to share credit with others. When he told his CDC boss David Sencer that he was coming home from India, Sencer said, “No, you’re not. In a few months, you will have eradicated the last remaining cases of smallpox, the holy grail of global health.” Foege was adamant. “If I’m here, all the credit will go to the foreign people and this is something that the Indian people deserve credit for.

Foege is a passionate teacher who considers the present day to be the most exciting and promising time in the history of global health. A pious man whose uncle’s missionary work inspired him to enter the global health sector, he tells his students, “Love science but don’t worship it. There’s something better than science, and that is serving humanity.” He says global health practicitioners should understand and respect the cultures of those they seek to help and to look for inspiration everywhere. “I tell students they should be generalists and specialists simultaneously. Generalists try to figure out how the world works…and then follow some passion [as a specialist], but then you know how that passion fits into the general picture. And there are so many things to be done that you really can follow your passion and improve the world.”