
Contributor Guidelines

Submitting guest blogs is open to Global Washington’s members of the Atlas level and above. We value a diversity of opinions on a broad range of subjects of interest to the global health and development community.

Blog article submissions should be 500-1500 words. Photos, graphs, videos, and other art that supports the main themes are strongly encouraged.

You may not be the best writer, and that’s okay. We can help you shape and edit your contribution. The most important thing is that it furthers an important conversation in your field, and that it is relatively jargon-free. Anyone without a background in global development should still be able to engage with your ideas.

If you include statistics or reference current research, please hyperlink your sources in the text, wherever possible.

Have an idea of what you’d like to write about? Let’s continue the conversation! Email and put “Blog Idea” in the subject line.

Closing Keynote: Ken Berger, CEO of Charity Navigator

In the conference’s closing keynote titled “The Battle for the Soul of the Nonprofit Sector,” Charity Navigator CEO Ken Berger spoke on a wide variety of issues influencing monitoring and evaluation of nonprofits in the United States. Berger was forthright and honest about the potential divisiveness of his speech, and presented a number of interesting points for debate. His address was essentially divided into two sections; first, he addressed the existing problems with monitoring, evaluation, and reporting in the nonprofit sector and enumerated many of the problems that nonprofit staff face when applying for and soliciting funding. Second, Berger offered solutions to some of these issues, and emphasized that nonprofits must provide meaningful information in their reports. Meaningful information is key for internal and external reports, and allows potential donors and foundation grantmakers to assess the value and impact of an organization they might wish to fund. Continue Reading

GlobalWA Urges Help for the Philippines

Global Washington sent out a press release today announcing the work that organizations in Washington State are doing in the Philippines after the devastation caused by Typhoon Haiyan/Yolanda, the strongest ever to make landfall on the planet.

Organizations such as Oxfam America, Mercy Corps, UNICEF, World Vision, Save the Children, Peace Winds America, International Rescue Committee, and OFFERS-Panay are looking for much-needed donations to provide aid to those affected by the typhoon.  According to the UN, around 11.3 million people have been affected by Haiyan, with over 670,000 people displaced.  USAID states that the official death toll is at 1,774 as of November 11, 2013, with some projections estimating up to 10,000. Continue Reading

Is Volunteerism the Answer to Ending Poverty?

Send money or dedicate a few days of volunteer work? Which is more effective in fighting extreme poverty?

ONE posed these questions on their website, and then asked for feedback. Opinions were varied with most people believing that, because volunteerism is here to stay, there needs to be an efficient model to help get the most out of volunteers’ short time abroad.

“There are well-intentioned organizations that offer trips to Africa that include mountain-climbing, wildlife safaris, even trips to see volcanoes, paired with a few days spent passing out rice packets to those in need,” said Joe Mason from ONE. It seems that volunteers are often more like tourists, seeing exotic places rather than working hard to end poverty. To make volunteer trips more effective and efficient, organizations should cut down on leisure time and place volunteers directly in communities that need help. Continue Reading