June 2013 Newsletter

Welcome to the June 2013 issue of the Global Washington newsletter. If you would like to contact us directly, please email us.


Note from our executive director

Bookda Gheisar

Greetings and happy first week of summer!

Last month was a busy month for us at GlobalWA! We hosted a series of Dr. Is In training sessions on Impact Evaluation & Strategic Planning as well as our first monthly Change-Up happy hour event with Humanosphere. We would like to thank all of our amazing Dr. Is In session facilitators for making these sessions such a success.

On June 13th, we had the honor of hosting a conversation with Dr. Helen Gayle, CEO of CARE, and Steve Davis, CEO of PATH. The two panelists engaged in a wide-ranging discussion of global health challenges, solutions, and new resources for aid and nonprofits. We look forward to bringing more premier thinkers and leaders to Seattle in the upcoming months.

This time of year is always bittersweet at Global Washington as we say goodbye to many departing interns who are graduating, going home for the summer, or moving on to new ventures. We would like to give a big thank you to our dedicated group of volunteers: Anna Jensen-Clem, Eaden Andu, Elise Pietro, Emma McKay, Giang Nguyen, Minyu Zhang, Michael Corsano-Leopizzi, Rana Amini, Robin Klein, Sara Veltkamp, Stephanie Tam, Winona Rennick & Zahra Emrani.

Also, save the date of November 13th for Global Washington’s 5th Annual Conference. More details about our conference will be announced soon!

In unity,

Bookda Gheisar, Executive Director

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Call your representative today: Vote YES for food aid reform

Today the House of Representatives will vote an amendment to the Farm Bill that would radically improve the way the US provides food aid.

We need your voice one more time. Do you have a few minutes to call your Representative today or tomorrow?

Representatives Ed Royce and Eliot Engel have proposed an amendment to the Farm Bill that would feed 4 million more people a year at no additional cost to taxpayers. Together we have been working on fixing our government’s broken food aid policies for years, and we’ve never had a chance like this.

To read more about the amendment, go to http://foreignaffairs.house.gov/press-release/chairman-royce-and-ranking-member-engel-offer-farm-bill-amendment-reform-food-aid-feed

But for this amendment to pass, we need your Representative’s support. Can you make a call today or tomorrow?

To make your call, just dial 1-888-404-5166 and follow the prompts to connect to your Representative. Then, tell the staffer:

“My name is [Your Name], and I’m calling from [City] to ask that Representative [Name] vote YES on the Royce-Engel Food Aid Reform Amendment to the Farm Bill.

It’s bipartisan, and the amendment will save lives and money – it will ensure that the US government has the flexibility it needs to provide lifesaving emergency food assistance where it’s needed most, in the fastest and most cost effective way.

Will Representative [Name] be supporting this amendment?”

If your call doesn’t go through on the first try, that just means momentum is building and so many people are calling that the line is busy – wait two minutes and then try again.

This is our chance to fix a huge problem with US government food aid – and help it reach millions more people. Thanks in advance for your time – your words will make a big difference in this fight.

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GlobalWA will ask you a question every month and synthesize the responses and make available to our member organizations. Please take a moment to respond to the question for this month:

What consultant would you recommend to other GlobalWA members?

Please click here to respond.

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Featured Organization

Institute for Self Reliant Agriculture: Growing a life without hunger

By Eaden Andu and Sara Veltkamp

featured-israWe’ve all heard the old adage about giving someone a fish.  While the giving of a fish temporarily solves the pressing need, the next time hunger strikes, this same person is left with nothing.  However, teaching a person to fish has vastly different outcomes.  Around the world today, 925 million people suffer from hunger.  925 million people go to sleep hungry on a regular basis. 925 million people have to watch their families suffer with them.  Fortunately, organizations like The Institute for Self-Reliant Agriculture (SRA), a non-profit based in Enumclaw, is not just giving food, it is teaching people how to grow a life without hunger.

SRA strives towards “eliminating the starvation, malnutrition, and poverty that impacts rural farmers, creating dignity and hope for generations.” They work to improve the situation of entire families through building a system of sustainable, nutritious farming.SRA works towards this mission through different methods: Education on nutrition, food storage, farming best practices, etc.  Additionally, they identify vulnerable families and help them to set up gardens on which to grow the food necessary for them to live. Instead of growing just one ‘cash crop’, selling it and hoping to make enough profit to buy food, these families cultivate multi-crop, rotational gardens which work to provide all of their nutritional needs at home, limit their need to purchase food, and increase their health and economic stability.

SRA uses a small-scale agricultural model to focus on a family’s specific needs, taking into account family size, nutritional requirements, and abilities. Once the family’s nutritional needs are fulfilled, many program participants are able to sell additional produce or animal products for profit.

Backed by 30 years of research and practice, SRA’s model for small scale agriculture is a version of the program set up by The Ezra Taft Benson Agriculture & Food Institute at Brigham Young University.  Currently SRA has projects in Peru, Ecuador, and Kenya and are hoping to expand to Bolivia, The Congo, Uganda, Guatemala, Somalia, Sierra Leone, Gabon, and Ghana.

A telling example of the power of SRA’s work is Fabiola from Cochas City in Ecuador. She used to be in the 925 million (of which 60 per cent are women). However, after learning how to grow fresh nutritious food, she was able to sustainably provide for her parents and siblings, setting an example for the rest of her community. She also grows more than enough for her family and is able to sell the rest at a decent profit.  Because of her new ability to support herself and provide for others, she believes in the program and has shared SRA’s agricultural methods. Fabiola is currently the treasurer of her community and is helping to start a locally-owned bank.  As a leader that fellow community members can look up to, she is a powerful spokesperson for SRA in Ecuador.

If you feel like we do, that SRA’s programs are an important part of eliminating hunger and are interested in donating or finding out how your organization can partner with SRA in your target area, head to their informative and interactive website at www.feedtheworld.org.

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Global education interview questions: Alan Braun

By Winona Rennick

alan-braun-changemakerAlan Braun, the Assistant Head of School at The Northwest School, spoke to GlobalWA about the importance of global education in Washington State. Braun was born in Ghana and spent the first third of his life there; he attended an international high school where he was one of three American students in his graduating class—the largest single nationality represented at his grade. That background “set [him] on the path” to wanting to be in education “in such a way that [he] was helping Americans learn about the rest of the world.” Put simply, Braun hopes students will learn that their way of approaching life is one of thousands of ways of approaching life.

Braun defines global education as simply a part of any curriculum. In essence, global education is education. One of the challenges, he says, is that “the conversation has to be about what is good education in the 21st century? It has to have a global dimension to be effective, current, and relevant.” There is a particular danger in isolating any kind of education—whether it’s the arts, STEM, or writing—“when it really needs to be about a whole.” In our schools, we need a global articulation about what global education means.

In Washington State in particular, global education plays an important role in determining qualified candidates for the myriad internationally-focused jobs. The business sector, Braun says, is “already very globally interconnected,” so hiring managers and companies “put a very high premium on having a citizenship here in Washington that is globally-conscious.” Both public and private schools must focus on preparing all students for an “engagement with the world that allows them to lead fulfilling and successful lives,” both in the present and in the future. A global education will give them the 21st century skills to be successful in the workplace and in their own lives. “As an educator, there’s a constant dynamic between engaging students in the present, in the moment, and preparing students for the skills and activities they will face later in their lives.”

Acquiring skills in communication, critical thinking, resilience, collaboration, and adaptability are crucial to success in the 21st century, and fortunately for our students, they do not require extra funds or international travel—often seen as stumbling blocks in implementing a global curriculum in an already resource-strapped environment. Braun argues that although international travel is a great learning experience for many students, it is not the only way to learn about the world. The perception, Braun says, is that global education will cost more and that it is reserved for the elite, wealthy, and privileged student. In reality, global education is for everyone, regardless of income level. Although there will likely always be “roadblocks of perception,” Braun hopes that we can institute a curriculum that applies to all students across all income and educational levels, to ensure that students receive a quality, thorough global education without having to leave their home school.

The Northwest School is working to develop a global curriculum that can fulfill each of these goals through a core commitment to each of the key traits listed above. Even in math classes, teachers are working on “facets of the curriculum that are informed by a global perspective.” Since 25% of the upper school students come to study from abroad, NWS fosters a rich and diverse student body, which helps students of all backgrounds come to understand one another more fully. Northwest School students can interact and have cross-cultural experiences even when learning chemistry or mathematics.

The Northwest School does offer opportunities for students to travel abroad, after extensive language training, to one of five countries with partner schools: China, Taiwan, France, Spain, and El Salvador. These exchanges are mutual; NWS students travel abroad and students from these schools come and stay in Seattle the next year. Braun emphasizes the importance of language learning in these exchanges: “as Americans in other countries, we should engage in a respectful way, one of those ways is through language fluency.”

“International education defines the point of reference as the United States versus the rest of the world.Global education puts any part of the world as equal partners in the whole, [it’s a] subtle shift in perspective.” This change in perspective is key to training a cohort of young graduates with the knowledge, skill, and desire to take on the still-emerging challenges of the 21st century. As employers look for employees with a wide variety of so-called “soft skills,” and as schools focus more on creativity, adaptability, and comfort with complexity and ambiguity, global education takes an irreplaceable role in our new environment. Seeing an issue or a group holistically and focusing on elements that unite us—key issues in global education—also help form a more powerful workforce, student body, and society.

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Welcome new members

Please welcome our newest Global Washington members. Take a moment to familiarize yourself with their work and consider opportunities for support and collaboration!

CRISTA Ministries
CRISTA Ministries is a family of ministries loving God by serving people worldwide in the areas of education, international relief & development, senior living, and media. Its seven Christian ministries serve all people, regardless of religion, race, ethnicity, or gender. www.crista.org

East-West Management Institute
East-West Management Institute works to strengthen democratic societies by bringing together government, civil society, and the private sector – to build accountable, capable and transparent institutions. http://ewmi.org

The Post Harvest Project
The Post Harvest Project helps provide more food and jobs by reducing post harvest food waste through a holistic supply chain approach. www.thepostharvestproject.org

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Member events

Washington Women’s Foundation Basics and Coffee

Please join us for a casual information session about the Foundation and membership. We welcome all women who want to make an impact through focused, collective grantmaking!

June 20th (9:30am – 10:30am)

2100 24th Avenue S
Seattle, WA 98144

More information can be found here.

EarthCorps Green Teen Camp Magnuson Park

EarthCorps’ mission is to create a global community of leaders through local environmental service and we are looking for youth (ages 13-16) to join us this summer in our mission. At Green Teen Camp, our goals will be to learn and explore urban forests, develop as young leaders, and engage our community by leading our own forest restoration project on Friday, June 28! Gloves, tools, and instruction provided by EarthCorps. Participants will receive 30 service learning hours upon completion.

June 24th-28th (9am-3pm)

Magnuson Park

For more information or to register on-line, visit our Green Teen Camp page.

Love Parks Day with EarthCorps and Seattle Parks Foundation

Looking for a way to start your weekend green? Love Parks Day is an opportunity to roll up your sleeves and spend a summer Friday working with other rock star volunteers at one of Seattle’s well loved parks. The event is being organized by Seattle Parks Foundation in partnership with REI, EarthCorps, the Green Seattle Partnership, and Seattle Parks and Recreation. An inspiring group lunch will be provided to all volunteers. We are grateful to REI, The Seneca Group,and Wells Fargo for their generous support of this event.

July 26th (10am-2pm)

Fauntleroy Way SW & SW Cloverdale Street

More information

Symposium on Disability, Technology and Rehabilitation in Low and Middle Income Countries

The University of Washington is hosting the Symposium on Disability, Technology and Rehabilitation in Low and Middle Income Countries on June 27th and 28th at the UW campus. This Symposium will bring together international experts who are working to improve and increase access to technology and rehabilitation products and services with the goal of ensuring full inclusion and participation for people with disabilities in low and middle income countries.

Friday, Jun 28, 2013

University of Washington 1400 NE Campus Parkway Seattle WA 98195, Lyceum Room, HUB

More information can be found here.

The World Bicycle Relief Red-Bell 100

The World Bicycle Relief Red-Bell 100 is a breath-taking charity ride from Marymoor Park in Redmond, Washington to Boundary Bay Brewery in downtown Bellingham to benefit the global work of World Bicycle Relief and the local work of Cascade Bicycle Club Education Foundation.

June 29, 2013 – 7:00 a.m.

Start: Marymoor Park in Redmond End: Boundary Bay Brewery in Bellingham

More information can be found here.

Facing the Future and Global Visionaries in partnership with OSPI, the World Affairs Council, and Global Washington present: Exploring Global Issues and Building a Democratic Classroom

Join Facing the Future and Global Visionaries on August 30 for a FREE day long workshop to learn effective strategies to engage students in being active global citizens.

You will walk away with free resources, new approaches, and a community of support to begin integrating global issues and sustainable solutions into your classroom.

During a lunchtime keynote, Rick Steves will share with us his thoughts on using the classroom as a springboard for building global awareness and global citizens. Steves has authored over 50 European travel guidebooks, hosts a weekly national public radio show, writes a weekly column for the Chicago Tribune, and hosts a popular travel series on public television. He will give away free copies of his book “Travel As a Political Act” to workshop attendees.

Workshops are geared toward high school teachers, but all are welcome to join. Free clock hours provided! Click here for a workshop flyer.

Friday, August 30, 2013
8:30 AM – 3:30 PM

Seattle, WA (specific location TBD)

Please mark your calendar and click here to RSVP.

Questions? Please contact Noah Zeichner: nzeichner@gmail.com

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Empowering Women Exhibit

Artisan cooperatives that transform communities
June 12 – October 27

Empowering Women: Artisan Cooperatives that Transform Communities, a traveling exhibit coming to the Burke Museum of Natural History and Culture, provides an intimate view of the work of ten women-run artisan cooperatives from across the world. The exhibit features the artists’ personal stories and stunning examples of the cooperatives’ handmade traditional arts. Each object represents the power of women working together to transform their lives—and the lives of their families, their children, and their communities.

June 12 – October 27

Burke Museum of Natural History and Culture

ED Forum – 501 Commons

Want an easy way to connect with your fellow leaders and share ideas on board recruitment, program impact, and more? Join us for this last ED Forum of the season before we take a short break for summer. Here are this month’s discussion topics:

June 21, 8:30 am to 10:30 am

2100 Building, Seattle

$18 Members; $25 Non-Members
Register Here

USAID – Sharing Best Practices in Inclusive Education

This webinar brings together a panel of experts on inclusive education who will provide information about the hallmarks of good projects in this sector. Panel members from USAID and other organizations will provide definitions of key terms, will place inclusive education within a context of human rights and international agreements, and will provide strong examples of best practices in inclusive education programming both domestically and internationally, including case studies from a number of USAID Missions. This webinar is expected to stimulate timely and critical dialogue and to ultimately to lead to stronger programs that address the educational needs of these especially vulnerable children.

Charlotte McClain-Nhlapo (USAID) as moderator of the webinar will discuss the international legal framework for inclusive education, related USAID policies, and generally introduce the webinar. Luba Fajfer (USAID) will provide background and basic definitions.
Margaret McLaughlin (University of Maryland) will discuss key lessons learned from the US experience with inclusive education, and the remaining gaps and challenges going forward. She will frame the long-term trajectory and milestones of US work in this area.

Panelists from USAID/Ethiopia, USAID/Macedonia and UNICEF will discuss key programming lessons learned, while speakers from USAID/Macedonia and USAID/Ethiopia will present on good practices in integrating inclusive development into Missions structures and programs. Participants will have an opportunity to ask questions following the panelists.

June 25, 2013 – 9:00am – 11:00am

Online Webinar

Register, or read more about the presenters.

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Career Center

Senior Program and Operations Manager, PeaceTrees Vietnam
As a Seattle-based humanitarian organization working in Central Vietnam to assist those whose lives and livelihoods are threatened by the explosive remnants of war, we sponsor demining and mine risk education, victim assistance, and community building projects such as kindergartens and libraries. This position is responsible for management of Demining, Citizen Diplomacy and Community Building programs of the organization. https://globalwa.org/strengthen/careers-in-development/jobs/view/senior-program-and-operations-manager/

Founding teacher – 9th Grade Math, Science, English, International Leadership Academy of Ethiopia
International Leadership Academy of Ethiopia (ILAE) is a college preparatory day school for students in grades 9-12, located on the campus Hope University College in Addis Ababa. Opening in September, 2013 with a ninth grade class comprised of 50% selected, underserved local students and 50% fee-paying students, it is modeled and closely aligned with the distinguished Northwest School in Seattle, Washington, USA. This position supports the School’s mission by teaching the content identified in the Ethiopian National Curriculum in a challenging and engaging manner. https://globalwa.org/strengthen/careers-in-development/jobs/view/job-title-founding-teacher-9th-grade-math-science-english/

Assistant Office Manager in Ometepe, Nicaragua – BOSIA
We work with communities on Ometepe to identify and provide funding for the following types of projects on Ometepe: health, education, special needs, library, general community projects, and student scholarships. One of the ways we obtain funding is by purchasing coffee from growers on Ometepe, shipping it to Washington and selling it locally in Washington and online. The BOSIA assistant office manager is a one-year position that typically begins in late August/early September and is based in our office on Ometepe, Nicaragua. The assistant office manager is responsible for helping BOSIA’s Nicaraguan employees, the office manager and scholarship coordinator, administer BOSIA’s operations on Ometepe. https://globalwa.org/strengthen/careers-in-development/jobs/view/assistant-office-manager/

Volunteer Opportunities

Various Volunteer Opportunities with Prosthetics Outreach Foundation
Energetic volunteers are needed to help with events, mailings, marketing, administrative duties, and much more. We could use assistance during normal business hours, as well as for special events. https://globalwa.org/strengthen/careers-in-development/jobs/view/various-volunteer-opportunities-3/

Data Entry Volunteer with Facing the Future
Facing the Future is looking for a reliable and detail-oriented volunteer to update our Salesforce database of educator contacts to support our Partnerships & Professional Development and Development departments. Volunteers will have the opportunity to learn about many aspects of our organization, gaining exposure to non-profit operations, Education for Sustainability (EfS), and K-12 curriculum development. Volunteers will also gain experience supporting office administration and data management under the mentorship of our staff. https://globalwa.org/strengthen/careers-in-development/jobs/view/data-entry-volunteer/


Project Interns with Tandon Institute™
Tandon Institute™ equips social enterprises and non-profits with strategy, solutions & staffing to help them accelerate their impact, revenues, brand and organizational capacity. Work assigned will involve research, analysis, project management & tracking, monitoring and reporting, document & presentation development, calendar management, etc. It’s a paid part-time internship with the compensation range from $10 to 20 per hour. https://globalwa.org/strengthen/careers-in-development/jobs/view/project-interns/

Operations Intern with RESULTS
RESULTS Educational Fund is seeking an operations intern to support the Office Manager in daily functioning of the RESULTS office. Major responsibilities are organizing monthly mailings to RESULTS/REF volunteers, assisting in planning national conference calls with RESULTS/REF volunteers, managing ordering and tracking of office supplies, maintaining various logs for internal business use, and so on. https://globalwa.org/strengthen/careers-in-development/jobs/view/multiple-internships-with-results/

For more jobs and resources, visit https://globalwa.org/strengthen/careers-in-development/

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GlobalWA Events

June 20
Change-Up with friends of GlobalWA & Humanosphere

June 26
Strategic Planning for Nonprofits // Featuring Angela Powell, Imago, LLC

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Contributors: Eaden Andu, Sara Veltkamp, Winona Rennick