September 2013 Newsletter

Welcome to the September 2013 issue of the Global Washington newsletter. If you would like to contact us directly, please email us.


Note from our Executive Director

Bookda Gheisar


I hope you all enjoyed the summer months and beautiful weather as much as we did at Global Washington!  We are looking forward to the busy months ahead, filled with exciting events and culminating in our 5th Annual Conference: Catalyzing Collective Impact.

In the next few months much of our work will be to highlight the issues affecting women and girls and the organizations that are working on addressing these issues. We are hosting several film screenings of Girl Rising around the state in partnership with local businesses and universities and running a social media campaign working with women leaders to bring awareness to the global issues relevant to women and girls and the organizations that work to generate more equitable situations around the world.  Stay tuned for the details!

If you haven’t already registered for the Conference, do so here.  We have exciting speakers, engaging and interactive sessions, as well as some great networking opportunities planned and we look forward to seeing all of you there!

In unity,

Bookda Gheisar, Executive Director

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Global Washington Announcements

Howard G. Buffett: 40 Chances to Make a Difference

Please join Global Washington and Town Hall on  Monday, November 4, 2013, 7:30 – 9:00pm in an event with Howard G. Buffett: 40 Chances to Make a Difference.

Buffett, co-author of 40 Chances and son of legendary investor Warren Buffett, shares a way of thinking about philanthropy that speaks to every person who wants to make a difference.

Click here to purchase your ticket:

Group Broadcast Schedule on KUOW 94.9 FM Public Radio for Global Washington Members

Global Washington members have the opportunity to buy underwriting messages on KUOW 94.9FM Public Radio (NPR News and Information)  for a significant discount.

This is a group schedule where each organization can purchase on air messages (spots) to builds an efficient and effective  broadcast schedule to raise awareness about Global Washington and its members among KUOW’s affluent, highly educated and philanthropic minded audience.

KUOW 94.9FM performs extremely well in the market place—ranking #1 for AM Drive time weekend listening.  KUOW is the largest public radio station and ranks among the top 3 of all radio stations in the market.

Please contact KUOW account manager Courtney Miller at if you’d like to learn more and/or participate in this program.


World Educator Award
Global Washington would like to extend our congratulations to Noah Zeichner, winner of this year’s World Affairs Council’s World Educator Award! The award is given to an outstanding K-12 teacher who promotes international understanding in the classroom and contributes to the development of resources so that other educators and community members are better prepared to meet a major challenge of our time: to educate youth about world affairs.

For more information on Zeichner and the Chief Sealth International High School, see Global Washington’s feature in our September Global Education and Policy Update.

Globalist of the Year
Global Washington would also like to extend their congratulations to Rita Zawaideh, the Seattle Globalist’s 2013 Globalist of the Year!

Congratulations Rita!

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GlobalWA will ask you a question every month and synthesize the responses and make available to our member organizations. Please take a moment to respond to the question for this month:

Which Global WA event(s) did you find most fun/ useful so far in 2013?

Please click here to respond.

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Featured Organization

Halosource: Clean Water Solutions

By Malena Harrang

halosourceHalosource is a for-profit global clean water technology company that has created the innovations to return water to a purer state – whether you drink it, play in it or put it back into the environment.   Its line of products to treat drinking water, pools and hot tubs and environmental water all has one thing in common – it takes ‘the bad stuff’ out.  “’Making Water Better’ is what we are about,” said Martin Coles, CEO.  “Taking things out of water better enables sustainability– you don’t have to drain your pool or hot tub and waste all that water when you have removed what was causing that need in the first place.”

In 2009, the company’s HaloPure® became the first drinking water disinfection technology to be approved and registered by the US Environmental Protection Agency in thirty years.  Approval by the Chinese Ministry of Health followed in 2010, along with several other key certifications around the world. HaloSource partners with companies around the world who put its technology into their devices for consumers. There are currently over five million people in India drinking water that has been purified with HaloPure.

HaloSource’s environmental and recreational water businesses are built on a different technology, which is often considered a greener alternative to traditional, petroleum-based chemicals. The key ingredient is chitosan, a naturally occurring and biodegradable biopolymer made from recycled crustacean shells.  In its early days, Halosource developed chitosan for the US Navy to clarify the water in underwater photography without harming wildlife. Pool and hot tub solutions were developed, and eventually they discovered that it was also very effective in large bodies of water. Recently they worked with Tiller Corp., a frac-sand mine in Minnesota, to help clean up sediment filled streams as a result of their mining. Tiller Corp intentionally turned to HaloSource because of their superior performance while being more environmentally sound.

HaloSource develops and commercializes its innovations in its extensive labs and pilot plant in Bothell, and has labs and manufacturing facilities in Bangalore India and Shanghai China.   In the past few years, Halosource has expanded into Latin America and throughout Asia. Both Martin Coles and Kate Bovey, head of public affairs, both having worked at Starbucks International, came to Halosource with a global-brand mindset. Yet beyond expanding their market, the company finds ways to give back to the communities with whom they engage.

They have created partnerships with both nonprofits and corporations to bring water solutions to those who need it most. Last year they began a partnership with A Barefoot Mile Foundation to donate water purification devices to a community in the Mdolo region of Malawi.

In addition to drinking water solutions, Halosource is committed to other good deeds related to water quality. For example, last year they joined the National Drowning Prevention Alliance. “Cloudy pool water is a leading cause of drowning, and since the company pioneered the technology to clarify cloudy pool water, it only makes sense that we would want to be involved in this arena,” said Bovey.

By joining Global WA, they hope to find more ways to expand their hometown presence and their partnerships.  To find out more about Halosource go to their website at

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Featured Organization

After Decades of Success, buildOn Looking Next at Seattle Area Expansion

By Mark Olmstead

buildon-woman-getting-water-for-the-work-siteAs we get closer to October 11, International Day of the Girl Child, Global Washington will be focusing on member’s work in girls’ education.  buildOn’s innovative program integrates both building schools for students abroad while empowering American urban youth through local and global service.  This is an excellent model for making a real difference in education abroad and for changing hearts and minds at home. buildOn constructs schools in Haiti, Malawi, Mali, Nepal and Senegal with the mission to “break the cycle of poverty, illiteracy, and low expectations through service and education.”

Randi Hedin, buildOn National Board Member and President of the buildOn Seattle Chapter, traveled earlier this year to construct a new school in Senegal.  The communities former school was not only unsafe and inadequate, but was made of millet – a food source for not only the community, but also for their livestock. One morning, Randi awoke to find a cow literally eating the school!  The village was fortunate to have a new buildOn school to replace it.

Founded in 1991, by Jim Ziolkowski, buildOn has grown exponentially in the last two decades. Currently buildOn has constructed 550 schools that are providing access to education for more than 85,000 children, parents and grandparents. In buildOn’s afterschool programs, American urban youth contribute intensive local service – helping the homeless, seniors and children in their communities – to confront urban struggles with passion and optimism. These same students travel to construct schools in buildOn project countries. Over 1.2 million hours of service have been contributed by buildOn youth and 94% of buildOn students not only high school graduation, but go on to college.

buildon-covenant-signing-in-malibuildOn also works extensively to promote the importance of education for girls. From the beginning of each school construction project buildOn champions the rights of women, emphasizing gender balance in both the Project Leadership Committee and in the school’s attendance. The Project Leadership Committee is responsible for organizing and leading the school’s construction. Members are elected from within the community, and the committee is comprised of equal numbers of men and women. Additionally, as a condition of partnering with buildOn, each village makes a promise to send their daughters to school in equal numbers with their sons. Through this effort buildOn has given women and girls in many rural villages their first opportunity to become educated and contribute meaningfully to their communities. Currently, 49% of students in buildOn schools are female.

For nine years now, buildOn has received one of the highest ratings from Charity Navigator, which gives a grade for accountability and transparency of finances and resources. buildOn is looking to expand into the Seattle area.  Currently it has one high school chapter at Renton High School, which has already done a community service trip to Nicaragua.  In the upcoming months buildOn will be sponsoring and attending events in hopes of creating a larger presence in Washington State.  On September 18, founder, Jim Ziolkowski, released his book Walk in their Shoes: Can One Person Change the World? He will also be speaking at buildOn’s Seattle Dinner on November 8th in Woodinville to discuss his book and the organization. This dinner is open to the public.

For more information about buildOn, ways to donate, and details about the event visit their website at or email Randi Hedin at

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Welcome new members

Please welcome our newest Global Washington members. Take a moment to familiarize yourself with their work and consider opportunities for support and collaboration!

Champion Members

FSG: FSG is a nonprofit consulting firm specializing in strategy, evaluation, and research. It was founded in 2000 as Foundation Strategy Group and have completed more than 600 consulting engagements with many of the world’s leading corporations, nonprofit organizations, and charitable foundations.

Advocate Members

Community Colleges for International Development (CCID): CCID is a purpose driven non-profit international membership organization committed to expanding local access to global opportunities through relationship building, education, and development.

Knowledge for People: Knowledge for People works with families and communities around the world to promote greater awareness and acceptance of autism through outreach, education and advocacy.

Spreeha Foundation: Spreeha Foundation engages deeply within urban slum communities to establish an atmosphere where the community feels enabled to exercise their rights and responsibilities.

New Individual Members

Anisha Prasad
Ann Hedreen
Myung Lae
Omar Mumin
Rana Amini

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Upcoming Member Events

Macro on Micro

Microfinance has been promoted as one of the most successful economic innovations for global financial inclusion for people living in poverty. Yet, reports from the MIT Poverty Action Lab and others have come out questioning the value of traditional microfinance institutions to permanently lift people out of poverty. The hard data measuring the permanent effectiveness of traditional microfinance remains elusive but evidence does suggest that microfinance organizations need to play to their strengths in delivering services beyond access to capital. Nathalia Rodriguez Vega, economic & financial analyst at Global Partnerships, will share our perspective on why we need to think differently about microfinance, why we have evolved its strategy to go beyond what traditional microfinance has to offer, why our is not a microfinance organization and why its investment funds are not “microfinance investment vehicles (MIVs).” Click here for more details and to RSVP.

September 25, 2013 | 7:00 pm

Burke Museum of Natural History & Culture, Univ. of WA | Seattle, WA

Global Visionaries // Vision Night

Featuring Paul Shoemaker of Social Venture Partners Unleashing the potential of youth to become global leaders

RSVP here.

September 26, 6pm – 8pm

Winston-Wachter Art Gallery 203 Dexter Avenue North Seattle, WA 98109

Afghan Girls: Their Time is Now!

Ayni Education International is pleased to announce its 2013 Seattle breakfast fundraiser, “A Place to Learn: Sustaining Girls’ Education in Afghanistan, Post 2014.” Reserve your seat or table today at 206-331-3786 or For more information, please see

Thu, September 26, 7:00am – 8:45am

Center for Urban Horticulture, 3501 NE 41st St, Seattle

Seattle BioMed // Community Event: Harambee Dan Zak, Ph.D

One third of the world’s population has latent tuberculosis (TB). Dan Zak, Ph.D., is working on a study with the University of Capetown to find out who is getting TB and why, and how to use that information to predict whether someone will transition from latent to active TB years before symptoms ever emerge. The program includes light appetizers, beer and wine. For more details, please contact Brooke Longacre.

Thu, September 26, 5:30pm – 7:30pm

Seattle BioMed Discovery Conference Room 307 Westlake Avenue N Suite 500 Seattle, WA 98109

Antioch University // Women’s Leadership Summit

The Women’s Leadership Summit is the culmination of the Project, Developing Women’s Leadership ~ Around the Globe. It brings women together to reflect on the ways women lead and to explore ways to support development of women’s leadership around the globe. It honors and amplifies the vision and energy of communities, the grass-roots local level of change that creates global change. A great deal of work has already been completed and the decisions made at the Summit will influence a broad range of further actions. This will be a celebration – marking significant progress, learning, relationships, and development. Being at this point in any journey enables breadth of vision and clarity around other peaks yet to be attained.

Sat and Sun, September 28 and 29, 8am-5pm

Antioch University-Seattle, 2326 6th Ave, Seattle, WA

The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Visitor Center

Family Day: Kids Can

Are you and your family inspired to create positive change, but not sure where to start? The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Visitor Center invites you to join them for Family Day: Kids Can, a day for families and kids age 5yrs. and above where you can enjoy:

RSVP: Click here!

Saturday, September 28th // 10:00am-3:00pm

Gates Foundation Visitor Center // 440 Fifth Ave North // Seattle, WA

Women in Control

Washington Global Health Alliance, PATH, and Open Arms will lead a frank discussion on how the ability to control family size and experience safe childbirth enables women to dream, create, and work together to improve their own lives and that of their families and communities. For more information, click here.

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Burke Museum of Natural History & Culture, Univ. of WA | Seattle, WA

Woodland Park Zoo // Brew at the Zoo

The fabulous tasting event features microbrews and ciders at this adults-only evening. Held in the zoo’s Rain Forest Food Pavilion and Zoomazium, the event also features food and entertainment to “top off” your evening. Must be 21 and over to attend. Proceeds from this fundraiser benefit the zoo. For more information, click here or contact:

Thu, October 3, 5:30pm – 8:30pm

Woodland Park Zoo

11th Annual Business of Hope Luncheon

Around the world, nearly 1.3 billion people lack access to affordable and reliable sources of electricity. This means that roughly 1 in 5 people do not have light to work and study at night, which greatly reduces their economic and educational opportunities. Green technologies like solar lights allow households to improve: economic and educational opportunities, living conditions, and reduce damage to the environment all while saving money. The microfinance institutions, cooperatives, and other social enterprises with whom Global Partnerships works play a unique role as trusted intermediaries who bring these technologies to millions of households. Your support helps catalyze solutions to empower men and women like our Luncheon speaker Florinda Salinas to improve her family’s quality of life by providing her access to affordable solar light. Click here for more details and to RSVP.

October 8, 2013 | 11:30 am – 1:15 pm

Westin Hotel Grand Ballroom| Seattle, WA

World Bicycle Relief // Africa Rides

Africa Rides offers an exclusive opportunity to connect with World Bicycle Relief recipients while experiencing the spirit of ingenuity and hope that comes with a bicycle. During this nine-day adventure you will partner with assemblers to build your own bike which you will then ride alongside entrepreneurs, healthcare workers, and students as you learn their stories and see the profound impact two wheels can make in rural Zambia. This unparalleled access paired with a world class safari excursion provides a truly life changing experience you will cherish forever. For more information, click here.

Sat, October 5, 12am – Mon, October 14, 12am


Mercy Corps and the World Affairs Council // Syria: Up Close on a Crisis

Join the World Affairs Council and Mercy Corps for an evening of conversation and panel discussion on the crisis in Syria. The panel will include Resat Kasaba, Director of the Jackson School at the University of Washington; Cassandra Nelson, Mercy Corps Director of Syria Response and Communications; and Ҫengiz Candar, a Turkish journalist considered one of the most influential in the Middle East. The evening will provide insight into the historical context of the current Syrian crisis, perspectives from a humanitarian aid worker on what it’s like on the ground in the conflict, and the implications of the crisis for the region and the United States.

Purchase tickets here:

Students/Members: $10, General Public (Non-Members): $15, VIP (includes reserved seating+ Access to reception): $35

October 16, 2013 @ 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM

Town Hall, Great Hall; enter on Eighth Avenue
1119 8th Avenue
Seattle, WA 98101

West Africa Live! A Festival of Music, Food, and Dance

Presented by Gambia HELP
For more information, click here.

Sat, October 19, 6:30pm – 9:30pm

Townhall Seattle, 1119 8th Avenue, Seattle, WA

Join Water for Humans in Celebration with a Fundraiser for Water and Stoves!

November 2nd is, Dia de los Muertos, or Day of the Dead, and is celebrated throughout Latin America. It’s an especially significant holiday to the people in Oaxaca, Mexico, where WFH has been concentrating efforts to provide clean water and sustainable technologies to the underserved. Join us to celebrate and learn about the clean cookstove project we’re implementing in Oaxaca.

So, you might ask, what do stoves have to do with water? Well, it still all about water and preserving the rainforest land of northern Oaxaca. By providing more efficient sustainable ways to cook and tend the land, fewer trees are cut, preserving the watersheds that provide precious water.

What’s special about our stoves? To preserve the watersheds we have designed a cookstove that burns gathered twigs, not harvested trees. These stoves heat the water quickly and efficiently while accommodating 3 pots and a Comal (a flat steel pan for cooking tortillas). In addition to reducing the harvesting of trees, the stoves vent smoke-pollutants outside of the home, greatly reducing the devastating effects of respiratory illness so common when using their existing stoves.

After introducing a few of the stoves in Northern Oaxaca, the local Mazateca families who call these remote mountains their home, value them so much they asked us to help them build an additional 90 stoves. Thanks to the generous donations of WFH’s supporters, we’ve answered their call and are now planning the next phase of our project.

What’s next? We’d love to tell you what’s next! So why don’t you come see the stove in action yourself (our stove is outside in a garden) and enjoy some fresh cooked Mazateca food while we tell you about our plans for the future. Tents and tarps will keep you dry and fresh Oaxacan drinks will keep you warm.

Open House Saturday Nov. 2nd, 1-7pm

NE Seattle

$20 /person $30/ couple, address provided when you get your ticket.

Sign up here

Seattle International Foundation now accepting applications for the 2013 Global Program, Round 2 (Focus on Women/Girls)

Applications must be submitted via SIF’s online portal no later than 11:59pm on Wednesday, September 25, 2013. The second round grant recipients will be announced at SIF’s 4th annual Women in the World breakfast on November 15, 2013.

To learn more about this opportunity and apply, please click here.

Engaging Communities in Needs Assessment & Project Planning: 
Exploring the Challenges & Sharing Our Experiences

How can international development organizations support communities to develop solutions to their most pressing challenges?

One Equal Heart Foundation’s special guests from Chiapas, México will share information about their experiences in developing a methodology to equip indigenous communities with capacities to conduct their own needs assessment studies and identify sustainable solutions to development challenges by marshalling available resources.

One Equal Heart Foundation, Seattle International Foundation and Global Washington invite you to a roundtable discussion. Bring your field experiences to share.

Please bring your own sack lunch.

Wednesday, November 6, Noon-1:30 PM

Seattle International Foundation
500 Union Street, #801
Seattle, WA 98195

iLEAP Open House

We are so excited about our brand new website and the arrival of our 2013 International Fellows that we have decided to throw a party!

Join us at iLEAP for a fun evening of food, drinks, and globally inspired mingling and activities.

This event is FREE and open to the public. REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED

Register Now!

Visit Our New Website

Empowering Women Exhibit

Artisan cooperatives that transform communities
June 12 – October 27

From Africa to Asia to the Americas, female artisans are creating grassroots cooperatives to reach new markets, raise living standards, and transform lives.

Empowering Women provides an intimate view of the work of ten artisan enterprises in ten countries. This exhibition illustrates the power of grassroots collaborations to transform women’s lives, through inspiring personal stories, stellar photographs and stunning examples of the cooperatives’ handmade traditional arts. Learn more:

The Burke is offering up five special opportunities to see Empowering Women with your favorite group of 5 to 20 people on select dates July through October. These are perfect opportunities for your board, a group of colleagues, your book club, or a special group of friends or neighbors to get together to see the show.

Learn more here:
To reserve a date, email

June 12 – October 27

Burke Museum of Natural History and Culture

Empowering Women Fall Programs Explore Global Development Issues from a Local Perspective

Lecture Series: Empowering Women through Art & Action

Discover the challenges and opportunities facing women around the world in a special lecture series at the Burke Museum. Topics include microfinance, women’s land rights, building fair trade networks, women-supported companies, and global health. Lectures led by Empowering Women Community Partners PATH, Global Partnerships, Ten Thousand Villages, and more.

Lineup of talks:
Macro on Micro
Wednesday, September 25, 7 pm, Burke Museum
Microfinance is touted as “one of the most successful economic innovations for people living in poverty.” But is it? Global Partnerships asks us to think differently about microfinance and explains how their funding strategy is evolving.

Women in Control
Wednesday, October 2, 6 pm, Burke Museum
Washington Global Health Alliance, PATH, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, and Open Arms will lead a frank discussion on how the ability to control family size and experience safe childbirth enables women to dream, create, and work together to improve their own lives and that of their families and communities.

Her Land
Wednesday, October 9, 7 pm, Burke Museum
Women’s land rights activists, participants in Landesa’s Visiting Professionals Program, give us an inside look at advocating for women’s land rights in India and Africa. These international development practitioners will discuss their current projects and experiences working on the front lines, helping women obtain rights to land.

Building Fair Trade Networks
Wednesday, October 16, 7 pm, Burke Museum
Ten Thousand Villages’ director Doug Dirks shares stories about the establishment of artisan cooperatives around the world. As one of the country’s oldest and largest Fair Trade merchandisers, they’ve seen countless lives transformed by fair wages.

Giving Back, Moving Forward
Thursday, October 24, 7 pm, Burke Museum
Olowo-n’djo Tchala, founder of the skin-care company Alaffia, explains how a comprehensive fair trade approach preserves traditional resources and cultural knowledge. Tchala won Washington’s 2013 Jefferson Award in recognition of his mission to advance gender equality and alleviate poverty.

Festival and Exhibit Closing
ISIS: Women Arts Festival
Sunday, October 27, 1 pm, Burke Museum

The 3rd Annual Seattle Anniversary Dinner for Schools for Salone is coming up on October 26th!

Please join us to celebrate the past year of our work to support education in Sierra Leone. We would love to have you with us for our dinner gala, where you will enjoy complimentary wine from Chateau Ste Michelle and Idle Cellars, treats from Fran’s Chocolates, Margaret Larson from KING 5 TV as Emcee, a Key Note speech from the Seattle Sounders’ Steve Zakuani, and a raffle for a week at a vacation house at the Sea Ranch in California. Various items from Sierra Leone will be available for sale, and there will also be a cash bar for beer and mixed drinks during the cocktail hour.

Please click on the link below by Friday, October 18th to register.

Register Now!

I can’t make it

If you have any questions about the event or about registering, you can contact Cindy Nofziger, Executive Director of Schools for Salone.

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Student Advocacy Training

In response to the tragic shooting of young Pakistani education advocate Malala Yousafzaid, students in classes across the US have been given a specific example of the importance of ensuring that all young people globally have access to a quality education. That 57 million elementary school-aged young people are out of school is a serious global issue in which students in the US are now taking an interest and working to address.

As part of this effort, the Global Campaign for Education-US launched a “Student Advocacy Training” program for students in the US aged 18-25 to provide them with information and skills on how to advocate for education internationally. Based on the successful April 2013 training workshop,  a second training is scheduled for November 1-5, 2013 in Washington, D.C. GCE-US covers travel (to and from D.C.), lodging and food during the training. The training culminates in visits with members of Congress and a Capitol Hill briefing and reception.

Candidates need to be interested in education’s role in development and be willing to bring the information back to his/her community.

If you know someone who is interested in applying for the advocacy training, share this link: .

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Career Center

Highlighted Paid Positions

Executive Director, Washington State China Relations Council

Development Research Strategist, Splash

Web Applications Developer, Global Impact

Assistant Director of Development, The Northwest School

Highlighted Volunteer Positions

Photo Assistant, Facing the Future

French-English Translator, Ashoka

Highlighted Internship Positions

Career Center Intern, Global Washington

Research and Scholarship Fall 2013 Internship, World Justice Project

For more jobs and resources, visit

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GlobalWA Events

September 18
New Member Orientation

September  19
Monthly Roundtable for Executive Directors, Board Members & Program Directors of small NGOs

Monthly Change-Up Happy Hour with friends of GlobalWA & Humanosphere

September 20
Catalyzing Collective Impact for Spokane’s Global Development Community

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Contributors: Malena Harrang