October 2010 Newsletter

Welcome to the October 2010 issue of the Global Washington newsletter. If you would like to contact us directly, please email us.


Note from our Executive Director

Bookda Gheisar


Four weeks until the Global Washington second annual conference! We are excited and really busy pulling together the last minutes details of the agenda and program. We hope you will be attending the conference.

Have you submitted a video of your work for the conference?   Have you registered to attend?

The conference will convene top policymakers and thought leaders to explore how our region can best harness our resources to tackle some of today’s most challenging issues. We will be joined by some of the nation’s senior officials and experts to explore the following issues areas on the panels:

We are working to create many opportunities for you all to connect at our conference and to share the work of your organization. You are all doing valuable work in the field, and Global Washington aims to provide a space for you to exchange ideas, share best practices, and troubleshoot challenges with other individuals and organizations in the sector doing similar work.

Hope to see you at the conference.

In unity,

Bookda Gheisar, Executive Director

The Max Foundation – Maximizing Life With Cancer

This October, in partnership with patient associations in more than 30 countries, The Max Foundation launched a worldwide Maximize Life Global Cancer Awareness Campaign.  Throughout the entire month, the campaign is featuring 62 Celebration of Life events around the globe. All of these events have one goal – to raise public awareness of the needs of people diagnosed with cancer in low and middle income countries and make cancer control a global health priority! Friends across Washington State will have a chance to contribute to this amazing cause and campaign: by adding your name to the World Cancer Declaration while sending a personal message of support to cancer survivors everywhere.

If one is diagnosed with cancer in the U.S., no doubt that it would be a fearful and devastating experience even with the resources we have available here. Imagine how it would be like for people living in the developing world to be diagnosed with cancer. According to the Union for International Cancer Control (UICC), “each year, over 12 million people receive a cancer diagnosis and 7.6 million die of the disease.” By 2020, it is projected by the University of Texas that 60 percent of all new cancer cases will occur in the poorest countries. What makes matters worse is that about 72 percent of all cancer deaths occurred in low- and middle-income countries but only 5 percent of global resources to fight cancer are spent in the developing world, as estimated by WHO. The Max Foundation has stepped in to alleviate the helplessness people in the developing world are experiencing and to actively provide them with access to resources, the best treatments and the support they need.

The Maximize Life Global Cancer Awareness Campaign was chosen to be held in October because of Maximiliano (Max) M. Rivarola – who was the inspiration behind The Max Foundation story. Max was born in the month of October. He was a lovable son to his family and a well-liked young man to his many friends in school.  At the age of 14, he was diagnosed with chronic myeloid leukemia (CML). His family brought him to the U.S. from Argentina in the hope of searching for a match for a bone marrow transplant. Two years of search effort unfortunately did not link to any success. He underwent an autologous transplant in 1991, but it was unsuccessful. Max laid down his struggle against CML two months later at the age of 17. Pat GarciaGonzalez, the step-mother of Max, co-founded The Max Foundation in honor of his outstanding courage and strength throughout this most difficult battle.

With the mission of improving the lives and survival rates of patients with blood cancer and rare cancers worldwide, The Max Foundation was established to work toward the goal that all cancer patients have access to the best treatments, care, and support available. When Max was fighting cancer, it was a time before the world of internet.  The development of internet has really changed how people approach illness. The Max Foundation has not only seen the internet as a great tool for people to access enormous information about illnesses, it also provides a platform for cancer patients, families, and caregivers to share experiences and support each other. Doctors are no longer the only source of knowledge one has to rely on. Patients are able to understand doctors’ recommendations and are empowered to make decisions on their own treatments. The Max Foundation was born in 1997 out of this idea of a support system. This idea has been deeply rooted in their flagship program, International Patient Helpline, which remains their main program until now.

The International Patient Helpline is staffed by a team of professionally trained advocates, who are based in targeted countries in all regions of the world. At free of charge, the global advocates assess patients’ needs, connect them with local patient support groups, research possible access to solutions, and provide referrals from The Max Foundation’s International Resource Database. What makes the International Patient Helpline program distinctive is its one-on-one system where one patient is assigned to one advocate, ensuring a very personal support for the patients.

In 2009, this one-on-one support has reached 17,000 patient families from more than 110 countries. In order for its services to reach more patients worldwide and for the infrastructure of support system to be more sustainable, The Max Foundation started to organize Patient Groups (or patient associations) in countries where no culture of patient support system exists. In the U.S., we have organizations to provide emotional support.  Such culture is missing in many developing countries, however. The Max Foundation has been playing a big role in filling this gap.  To date, there are official organizations or associations of patients that are affiliated with The Max Foundation in more than 20 countries – for example, Argentina, India, Malaysia, Pakistan and Russia. These patient groups can provide patients with positive platforms to interact with physicians, such as through group educational workshops, in addition to acting as a channel for patients to share local resources and personal experiences.

Based in the State of Washington, The Max Foundation has developed close working relationships with organizations like the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, Seattle Children’s Hospital, and Ronald McDonald House Charities.  The Max Foundation believes the future lies in developing a solid diagnostic and evaluation infrastructure in every corner of the world. In some developing countries, there may only be one or two hematologists or one cancer center for the entire country. Without accurate diagnosis, we cannot even talk about appropriate treatments.  Therefore, The Max Foundation is working meticulously with physician leaders around the world, like Dr. Jerald Radich at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center who is on their Scientific Board, to increase the capacity and infrastructure of diagnostic around the world, especially in Africa and Central America.

Cancer survival rates can be dramatically improved in all countries. The Max Foundation, along with 300 other UICC member organizations in over 100 countries, is dedicated to collect 1 million signatures to support the World Cancer Declaration. These signatures will be presented to the first ever United Nations high-level summit on Non Communicable Diseases in September 2011. Cancer will be one of the four priorities being discussed at this summit.  As The Max Foundation and the world are working diligently towards improving the lives and the survival rates of cancer patients, let’s join the effort by signing the Maximize Life Tribute Wall today!

To learn more about The Max Foundation, their programs, and the Maximize Life Global Cancer Awareness Campaign, please visit http://www.themaxfoundation.org.

*Photos courtesy to The Max Foundation.

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Attend the Global Washington Conference to learn about the role of Businesses in meeting Development Goals

One of our goals at Global Washington is to promote cross sector relationships between universities, businesses and NGOs. Many of Washington’s leading businesses, such as Microsoft, Starbucks, Boeing and Weyerhaeuser, are recognized as pioneers in global corporate citizenship.

As the primary engine for global economic growth, business is closely linked to social development and advancement. Increasingly, businesses are seeking ways to contribute to the world and build global markets. Global Washington works with a broad and diverse number of business partners to strengthen and promote the global development sector in the state of Washington, which has become an emerging and vital part of the community, economy, and personality of the region in which we live. As we benefitted from our early ties to Asian markets and our early concentration of high tech, now is the time for us to gain a reputation for leading and making a difference around the world.
Now is the time for all of us to invest in making Washington a recognized leader in global development. This means being good corporate citizens, being proud of Washington as a leader in the nation, and working together to build a better world for everyone. It also requires business to play a critical role by supporting the economic, cultural, and educational future of the State, resulting in a more sustainable and successful business climate. Businesses are a leader in our community and the state of Washington. We are inviting the business sector to step up to a leadership role in taking the global development sector in Washington to the next level.

The following is a list of presentations by businesses at the Global Washington conference on Nov 15th and 16th:

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Max Foundation Launches Maximize Life Global Cancer Awareness Campaign

Join our effort to reduce deaths from cancer around the world!  This month, The Max Foundation, in partnership with cancer organizations in over 30 countries, launches a worldwide drive to collect signatures endorsing the World Cancer Declaration.  The foundation’s Maximize Life Global Cancer Awareness Campaign pledges to collect 10,000 signatures that will contribute to a goal of 1 million signatures to be collected worldwide by all member organizations and presented to the United Nations General Assembly Summit on cancer and other non-communicable diseases in September 2011.  The World Cancer Declaration aims to slow and ultimately reverse the growth rates of deaths from cancer. For information on how to add your name to the World Cancer Declaration, visit www.themaxfoundation.org

Global Visionaries Announces “Theatre of the Oppressed” a Two Day workshop

Are you looking for workshop that will give you creative tools to apply to your work in global development?  Theatre of the Oppressed, developed by Brazilian visionary Augusto Boal, is used all over the world for political and social activism, conflict resolution, community building, therapy, and government legislation.  This workshop features community building games, Image Theatre, and Forum Theatre — the acclaimed audience participatory structure which invites a community to explore solutions to its own problems.  Theatre of the Oppressed will be facilitated by Cheryl Harrison who has been active in anti-oppression and empowerment work with people of all ages since the mid 1980’s, and Marc Weinblatt, founder of the Mandala Center for Change and former Co-Artistic Director of the Seattle Public Theatre. The workshop is open to high-school age students and adults and will be held Saturday and Sunday, November 13-14, from 9:30 am to 6 pm in Seattle.  The cost is $200.  For more information about the program, please contact info@mandalacenterforchange.com.

For logistical information and to register, contact:

Global Visionaries 206-322-9448



Global Partnerships Closes $20 Million Fund Aimed at “Microfinance Plus”

Out of the 48 million people in Latin America who could benefit from access to microcredit, only an estimated 15 percent, or 9 million, are being reached. Global Partnerships is working to change these statistics and expand opportunity for people living in poverty.  This month, GP has closed its fourth social investment fund (SIF 2010) at $20 million and estimates that over its five-year lifespan, it should fund more than 200,000 microloans.  The fund will provide much-needed loan capital to up to 20 select microfinance institutions in Latin America.

“By investing in microfinance institutions that are having exceptional impact, this fund will help hundreds of thousands of people living in poverty earn a brighter future for their families,” said Rick Beckett, President and Chief Executive Officer of Global Partnerships.

Like GP’s three previous funds, SIF 2010 will provide affordable loans to a select portfolio of microfinance institutions that are financially sustainable and that reinvest profits in programs that benefit people living in poverty. With this fund, GP seeks to reach people most in need of credit, such as the rural poor, and that provide innovative “microfinance-plus” programs, including preventive health services, business education, and assistance related to rural economic development.

Forty-one investors have contributed to SIF 2010.  Investors cite a range of reasons for their interest in the fund, including the combination of well-managed risk and moderate returns, the excellence of GP’s fund management and the fund’s focus on social impact.

For the full press release, please see: http://www.globalpartnerships.org/sections/newsinfo/newsinfo_nr_GP_sif_2010.htm

Shoreline Community College Hosts Human Migration Symposium

What drives immigration policy in the U.S. and what are its economic, social and political implications?  Do countries in Europe face the same immigration issues as the U.S.?  How is internal migration as important as immigration across borders in countries like China?   Is political asylum part of the larger debate about immigration or a complicated side issue in an era of clashing civilizations?

The Global Affairs Center at Shoreline Community College will host a Symposium on Human Migration beginning Tuesday, October 19, 2010.  The goal of the symposium is to stimulate critical thinking and engagement. The five sessions (on consecutive Tuesdays) begin at 7 p.m, and will be held in the Student Union Building (9000), PUB 9208, on the SCC campus.

Oct. 19…..U.S. Policy: The Good, the Bad and the Confusing

Oct. 26…..An Advocate’s View

Nov. 2……Guest Workers or Job Thieves in Europe?

Nov. 9……China’s Achilles Heel: Internal Migration

Nov. 16….Political Asylum in an Age of Clashing Cultures

Visit http://www.shoreline.edu/gac/ for more information on sessions.

Microfinance Discussion to be held at Seattle University

“Measuring Social Performance: The Challenge to Microcredit’s Bottom Line” will take place on Thursday, October 28th in Seattle University’s Wyckoff Auditorium.  This event is sponsored by OikoCredit, SeaMo, Seattle University, Global Washington, and the Global Business Center at the UW Foster School of Business and will feature a discussion among European and U.S. experts on social performance metrics in the microfinance sector.  The session aims to answer the question: what tools can be applied to measure the double bottom line of both financial performance and social impact, and what can they tell us about the effectiveness of microfinance in alleviating poverty?  Registration opens at 6:30pm and the program begins at 7:00pm. Admission is free.

Exiled Voices for Justice to Host Screening and Panel Discussion of “The Greatest Silence”

In honor of Congo Week (October 17-23), on Friday, October 22, 7:00-9:30 pm, Exiled Voices for Justice will screen and discuss THE GREATEST SILENCE: Rape in the Congo at the Meaningful Movies at Keystone Church (5019 Keystone Place N., Seattle)

Winner of the Sundance Special Jury Prize in Documentary and inspiration for a U.N. Resolution classifying rape as a weapon of war, “The Greatest Silence” opened the world’s eyes to the epidemic of rape in eastern Congo. Featuring interviews with survivors, activists, peacekeepers, physicians, and – chillingly – soldiers who unabashedly admit to torturing women, this powerful film shattered the silence surrounding the use of rape as a weapon of war while inspiring viewers with examples of resistance, courage, and resilience.

After the screening, three panelists will discuss issues raised by the film and ways in which those issues are being addressed today: Dick Anderson, Executive Director, HEAL Africa (www.healafrica.org); Wemba-koy Okonda, President, OKONGO (www.okongo.org); and Erika Berg, Refugee and Immigrant Children’s Program (www.refugeechildren.net).

Attendees are encouraged to arrive early. Starting at 6:45, images from the internationally touring photo exhibit, “Congo/Women” (www.congowomen.org), will be previewed. After the screening/panel, nonprofits working in the Congo and on behalf of Congolese refugees will display literature about their programs and opportunities for attendees to get involved.

This free event is co-hosted by Lutheran Community Services NW’s Refugee and Immigrant Children’s Program and Friday Night at the Meaningful Movies. Admittance is free; first come, first served. For details: www.exiledvoicesforjustice.org and www.meaningfulmovies.org To learn more about Congo Week: www.congoweek.org


Other events happening in the Seattle are during Congo Week include:

United Nations Anniversary Celebration to focus on Millennium Development Goals


The United Nations Association of Greater Seattle will celebrate the 65th anniversary of the founding of the United Nations on Oct. 24, 2010.

The program, “The United Nations Millennium Development Goals: Engaging America,” will feature as guest speakers Dr. Stephen Gloyd, UW professor of global health and executive director of the Seattle-Based Health Alliance International, and Tim Hanstad, president and CEO of the Rural Development Institute.

A highlight of the evening’s program, the United Nations Association of Greater Seattle will confer its 2010 Humanitarian Award on William H. Gates, Sr. Author, television and radio host of Europe Through the Back Door, Rick Steves, will serve as the guest moderator.  The program and dinner will begin at 5:30 p.m. at Bloedel Hall in St. Mark’s Cathedral in Seattle.

The United Nations Association of the United States of America Greater Seattle Chapter is a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization that supports the work of the United Nations and encourages active civic participation in the most important social and economic issues facing the world today.

As the nation’s largest grassroots foreign policy organization and the leading center of policy research on the UN and global issues, UNA-USA offers Americans the opportunity to connect with issues confronted by the UN from global health and human rights to the spread of democracy, equitable development, and international justice. Through the work of the Greater Seattle chapter, UNA educates the community about the work of the United Nations and encourages public support for strong U.S. leadership in the UN.

View the event flyer for more information.

Agros International Hosts Dinner Program to Support Tierras De Vida Program

Agros International is sponsoring a memorable evening benefiting the rural poor of Central America and Mexico. The dinner will take place on Saturday, October 23 the Hyatt Regency in Bellevue (900 Belevue Way NE). The reception begins at 6:30 pm and dinner and the program will start at 7:30 pm.

The program will feature a special presentation from Danubia Orellana, an inspiring Honduran woman who co-founded the Agros village of Brisas del Volcan! Other speakers include Dr. Gary L. Darmstadt , Director, Family Health at the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and Hans Theyer, President & CEO of Agros International.

Visit www.agros.org/tierrasdevida for more information or to register. You can also email dedek@agros.org. The event is $100 per person.

Save the Date for the Americans for UNFPA Luncheon for the Health and Dignity of Women

Save the Date to support the United Nations Population Fund’s (UNFPA) work on behalf of women’s health and rights in over 150 countries. Join Americans for UNFPA in global efforts to improve the lives of women in low income countries.  UNFPA works to ensure safe pregnancies and deliveries, fistula prevention and repair, curtail sex trafficking and other violence to women, and see that every girl and woman is treated with dignity and respect. The Luncheon for the Health and Dignity of Women gathers interested individuals and businesses who are at the forefront of this movement. We are honored that Yvette Mulongo, Democratic Republic of the Congo, will be with us to share her accomplishments. At a time when so many are in need, investing in women like Yvette has a ripple effect that improves the lives of families, communities and nations.

Details for the event are as follows:

When:  Tuesday, March 8, 2011, 11:30 – 1:15pm
Where:  Sheraton Hotel Ballroom, Seattle , WA
Tickets: $125/person.
Contact Name:  Michelle Grocke, mgrocke@americansforunfpa.org , 440.725.1331

UW Center for Human Rights Welcomes LGBT Activist from El Salvador

The Center for Human Rights welcomes LGBT Rights Activist William Hernandez for the presentation: “Human Rights in the LGBT Community in El Salvador” on Thursday, October 28 at 6 p.m. in Thomson Hall 317. This is a free event and open to the public.

William Hernández is the Director and President of the Asociación Entre Amigos, an organization that works to promote and defend the human rights of the gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) population and people living with HIV/AIDS in El Salvador.

He also serves as Secretary for Human Rights of the Coalition of Gay Organizations of Central America. In 2000, William was honored with the Felipa de Souza Award from the International Gay and Lesbian Human Rights Commission in New York. A courageous grassroots activist and leader, over the years William has faced death threats, office raids, and other acts of intimidation aimed at silencing his advocacy for LGBT rights; Amnesty International and other human rights groups have issued Urgent Actions expressing fear for his safety. Although the situation has improved in recent years, members of the Salvadoran LGBT community continue to experience violence and intimidation as part of their daily lives, and Entre Amigos is one of the few organizations that publicly advocates on their behalf.

For more on William’s work, see
http://www.iglhrc.org/cgi-bin/iowa/article/support/cocarchives/772.html .

For more information about the UW Center for Human Rights, please see http://jsis.washington.edu/humanrights/ , find our group on Facebook, or email uwchr@u.washington.edu.

This event is co-sponsored by the UW Center for Human Rights, UW Center for Global Studies, The Committee in Solidarity with the People of El Salvador (CISPES), UW Q Center, Pride at Work, and the International Gay and Lesbian Human Rights Commission (IGLHRC).

Join USAID for an Online Discussion on Broad-Based Economic Growth October 26-28

USAID is hosting an online discussion October 26-28 on broad-based economic growth, a topic that the new U.S. Global Development Policy emphasizes.  USAID is looking for input from the whole development community; they want to know what lessons we have learned from countries that have successfully achieved broad-based economic growth, and how USAID can translate the new policy into reality.  The discussion will include USAID staff, implementing partners, and members of the research and academic community.  All are encouraged to participate.  Click here to register to join in the discussion.

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Global Washington Events:

October 21
Understanding Islam and the Arab World

October 25
Fair Trade: Products that Empower the Poor

October 27
Understanding Islam and the Arab World

October 28
Measuring Social Performance: The Challenge to Microcredit’s Bottom Line (GW co-sponsored event)

Human Rights in the LGBT Community in El Salvador

November 15 & 16
Global Washington’s Second Annual Conference—Bridges to Breakthroughs: How partnerships and innovation are changing the world

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General Events:

October 19
UW Lecture Series – Food: Eating Your Environment
Human Migration Symposium — Shoreline Community College
Congo Week: UW Seattle’s Screening & Panel Discussion of “Lumo”

October 21
Congo Week: UW Bothell’s Screening & Panel Discussion of “Lumo”

October 22
Screening and Panel Discussion of The Greatest Silence

October 23
Commemorate Children’s Peace Day with Adapt International
Agros International, Tierras de Vida

October 24
65th Annual United Nations Day

October 26
UW Lecture Series – Food: Eating Your Environment
Human Migration Symposium

October 28
RESULTS Book Club & Panel: Half the Sky

November 2
UW Lecture Series – Food: Eating Your Environment
Human Migration Symposium

November 9
UW Lecture Series – Food: Eating Your Environment
Human Migration Symposium

November 16
UW Lecture Series – Food: Eating Your Environment
Human Migration Symposium

November 23
UW Lecture Series – Food: Eating Your Environment

November 30
UW Lecture Series – Food: Eating Your Environment

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