January 2013 Newsletter

Welcome to the January 2013 issue of the Global Washington newsletter. If you would like to contact us directly, please email us.


Note from our Executive Director

Bookda GheisarGreetings and Happy New Year!

At Global Washington, we are avoiding the cold by staying hard at work in our office to plan our programming for the year! Several gatherings featuring our member organizations are already underway. You can find out more about them and any other upcoming events on our website.  In particular, we hope you can join us next Wednesday at SightLife for “The Intersection of Global Health and Women’s Economic Empowerment.”

One important focus for our year is on the theme of collective impact; you will probably hear us talking about this a lot in the upcoming months. We firmly believe in the power of working together and Global Washington was founded to facilitate connections and collaboration between the many amazing global development institutions located in our state. In 2013, we are committed to learning how to best foster this collaborative spirit and how to gauge the positive impact that our members are collectively making in the world.

This is a big task and one that we certainly cannot do by ourselves! If you are a member of Global Washington, you probably already know that we want your feedback and your participation in this important work. We will soon begin hosting meetings with our members around this topic. If you are not already involved, please consider having a representative from your organization participate. You can learn more by emailing me at Bookda@globalwa.org. For an inspirational look at the power of coming together for the collective good, you can watch a short video clip from our 2012 conference speaker Craig Kielburger as he discusses the concept of “minga.”

Finally, I am happy to report that Global Washington is growing! We have a lot of work to do and we need more staff to do it. We are currently accepting applications for a Development Coordinator and would welcome your referrals. For more information on this position, and to check back for any other opportunities, visit the jobs section of our website.

Thank you for your continued support and commitment to improving our world. I am excited to move forward with all of you as we collectively address challenges and discover new ways to make a difference.

In unity,

Bookda Gheisar, Executive Director

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World Justice Project

Collaborating for a stronger rule of law

By Megan Boucher

world-justice-project-2What does an everyday citizen have in common with an award-winning artist, a business, an NGO, or a struggling farmer? All are affected by the rule of law and its enforcement.  The World Justice Project (WJP) works to advance the rule of law—the underlying system that allows societies to function and justice to take root—throughout the world.  The organization believes that the rule of law is foundational to communities of equity and opportunity. WJP also believes that the best way to strengthen the rule of law is through multi-disciplinary collaboration. They bring together businesses, academics, governments, NGOs, and everyday citizens to seek solutions to the problems of injustice in their communities.

What is the rule of law, you may ask? The World Justice Project defines it by the following principles:

  1. The government and its agents are accountable under the law.
  2. The laws are clear, publicized, stable and fair, and protect fundamental rights. (including the security of persons and property)
  3. The process by which the laws are enacted, administered, and enforced is accessible, efficient, and fair.
  4. Justice is delivered by competent, ethical, and independent representatives who are of sufficient number, have adequate resources, and reflect the makeup of the communities they serve.

These principles are necessary to create healthy communities where individuals are safe, businesses can thrive, and groups are free from unfair discrimination. However, every country in the world falls short of this standard in one way or another, including the U.S. The WJP addresses these shortfalls by empowering people and institutions to find practical solutions to strengthen the rule of law by:

  1. Global convenings, such as the World Justice Forum, that bring together diverse leaders from different sectors to work collaboratively to create solutions in their own countries;
  2. Impartial data and research, through their Rule of Law Index, which measures how well countries adhere to the rule of law in practice; and
  3. Resources to develop innovative, practical programs, such as their Opportunity Fund competition, a justice laboratory to incubate solutions that will strengthen the rule of law.

The World Justice Project was founded in 2006 as an initiative of the American Bar Association (ABA), spearheaded by William H. Neukom, then ABA President. Based in Washington, D.C., the WJP became an independent 501(c)(3) organization in 2010 and opened a Seattle office in 2012.  Through its programming, WJP has grown to include a global network of over 10,000 people who have engaged in the organization’s work to promote the rule of law—from contributing data for the Index, to participation in WJP events, to incubating and implementing ground-level programs.

Though founded by a legal association, the WJP firmly believes that a multi-disciplinary approach is crucial to success. “What makes the World Justice Project unique,” stated Radha Friedman, WJP’s Director of Programs, “is that we don’t believe that the rule of law is solely the realm of lawyers. We’re reaching beyond the legal sector to advance an understanding that these issues affect everyone, and that everyone can be changemaker.”

world-justice-project-1One of WJP’s key events is the World Justice Forum, a global gathering of 600 participants from 100 countries who come together to discuss crucial justice issues and create practical solutions. The fourth World Justice Forum will take place in July 2013 in The Hague and will be attended by leaders and changemakers from sectors including engineering, the arts, technology, education, public health, and the military. Panels will include topics such as youth leadership, public health, ethical supply chains, environmental governance, food security, and human trafficking. The goals of the event are extremely practical and outcome-focused: to create an environment of shared learning in order to incubate innovative programs that participants can go home and implement in their communities.

Other key activities of the WJP include convening multidisciplinary workshops in countries undergoing significant transitions, and maintaining an online program library—a searchable database of programs that are underway around the world to improve the rule of law.  As a result of the WJP’s work, more than 75 practical programs have been implemented in five continents.

One example of such a program was implemented by the Public Health Foundation of India, an initiative which sought to create greater awareness of laws that were already on the books but were not being enforced. The Foundation, in collaboration with local NGOs, helped citizens in the slums in New Delhi, India advocate for a right they were guaranteed but not aware of: access to clean water and sanitation. “This program brought together existing resources in the community to raise awareness among the people about the laws that protect and serve them,” explained Nancy Ward, WJP’s Chief Engagement Officer.

Another example is PeaceTones, a program created to address the issue of intellectual property rights in developing countries. Led by the Internet Bar Organization, PeaceTones is a partnership between musicians, businesses, and lawyers to help street musicians—who are particularly vulnerable to having their original work stolen—understand their rights and fairly sell their work. PeaceTones has now helped artists create several successful albums in Haiti, Brazil and Sierra Leone.

world-justice-project-3Friedman and Ward are particularly excited that WJP’s west coast office is located in Seattle because it already has such a vibrant, international community with a passion for justice. Collaboration is vital to WJP’s work and their Seattle staff are eager to provide opportunities for Washingtonians to engage in rule of law issues. Some opportunities include meetings and events in the Seattle area, online resources like the Rule of Law Index and Program Library, the WJP blog Justice Rising which welcomes new contributors, and the Opportunity Fund competition which provides seed grant funding and support to winning initiatives that strengthen the rule of law.

“A dynamic aspect of being in Seattle is how we can connect with the community here,” emphasized Ward. “We don’t work in a vacuum. We’re here because we intend to be part of this globally-focused community in Washington State. The most interesting part of our work is yet to come…as we continue to develop relationships with organizations here and can be a resource to their work and networks locally and globally.”

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Welcome New Members

Please welcome our newest Global Washington members. Take a moment to familiarize yourself with their work and consider opportunities for support and collaboration!

Society for International Development – Seattle Puget Sound Chapter
The Seattle Puget Sound chapter of the Society for International Development is an organization dedicated to changing the global conversation about international development in Seattle, in the Puget Sound region, in Washington State and the world.http://seattlesid.blogspot.com

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Global Washington Announcements

Be a part of the collective impact process at GlobalWA:

GlobalWA will be hosting several Collective Impact Working Groups in 2013.  Many of our members expressed interest in participating in small roundtable discussions after the 2012 Annual Conference. To get the ball rolling, Global Washington is hosting initial meetings to help facilitate potential collaborations and partnerships between our members and identify next steps.

Below you will find a list the offered Collective Impact Working Groups. RSVP to Amanda Bidwell, Amanda@globalwa.org, if you are interested in participating in a specific working group and if you can attend the scheduled meeting. There are a maximum of 20 spots per Working Group.

GlobalWA Is Hiring!

It is with a lot of excitement that we have decided to hire someone to support our fundraising strategy and implementation. We have seen a wonderful growth in our membership since we launched GlobalWA. Making this hire will build our capacity to keep our momentum going, sustain the organization, and helps support our members as well. This position is just one part of our recently adopted 3-year Strategic Plan.

The job description available at: https://globalwa.org/who-we-are/jobs/

Global Washington Annual Conference Recap Report

One of our favorite parts of the year is connecting with our friends and colleagues in the global development sector at our annual conference! Our 2012 Conference took place at the Bell Harbor International Conference Center in Seattle and was entitled “Redefining Development: From Silos to Collective Impact.” With this theme in mind, the 2012 conference featured a number of interactive sessions: “speed dating” to get attendees out of their seats and talking to one another, collective impact small group working sessions to develop shared goals, and “The Doctor is In” mini-sessions where small groups met with an expert on a particular topic.

In addition to the interactive mini-sessions, attendees were also inspired and challenged by the two keynote speakers. Dr. Sakena Yacoobi spoke about her work with Afghan women and children and Craig Kielburger detailed his incredible success at empowering and motivating young people to make a difference in the world. Global Hero Award recipient, Therese Caouette, Executive Director of Partners Asia, moved all of us with her insights into our role as community organizers.  More than 50 panelists, facilitators, and session leaders spoke  on a wide range of topics, from engaging diaspora communities, to nonprofit finance, to beginning a career in global development.

If you missed the conference (or just want to relive it!) you can read the recap report, watch videos, and view photos at: https://globalwa.org/convene/recaps-of-landmark-events/annual-conferences/conference-2012/

Global Washington publishes “Global Education in Washington State”

Global Washington’s Global Education Initiative set out to improve global education in the state of Washington, gathering feedback from more than 1,000 parents, educators, and business leaders from all over the state.  Through interviews, community meetings, and a summit on global education in November 2011, the Initiative identified 36 recommendations and ideas to increase global education in Washington State. These ideas were then grouped into six major recommendations to guide the development of a comprehensive approach to global education in Washington State. We hope you will take a few minutes to read the report and learn about this important work for our students. You can read it or learn more at https://globalwa.org/strengthen/global-education-initiative/

We also hope you will help us share this widely with policy leaders, educators, and even your friends and neighbors! Please email megan@globalwa.org if you have ideas for how to broadly distribute the report.

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Sign the petition to create a new National Commission on Children

In response to the recent shooting in Newton, Connecticut, Save the Children, Children’s Health Fund, Every Child Matters, First Focus, Harlem Children’s Zone and Share Our Strength are calling on President Obama to create a new National Commission on Children, which will set goals and policies to ensure the safety and well-being of children. If you support this effort please sign the petition.

Let your Congressional Representative know what Americans really think of Foreign Aid

The ONE Campaign asked real Americans for their thoughts on foreign aid and discovered common misconceptions. Once these everyday Americans learned the facts, ONE found widespread support for continuing to fund foreign assistance. Watch the video, then please share with your congressman.

UW Department of Global Health and Washington Global Health Alliance present lecture by Dr. Guy Palmer

Dr. Guy Palmer, Director of the Paul G. Allen School for Global Animal Health at Washington State University will discuss “Global Health Through a Multi-Disciplinary Lens” in an upcoming lecture as part of the WGHI Discover Series on Tuesday, January 29th.

When: Tuesday, January 29 from 4:30 – 5:30 PM
Where:Foege Auditorium, Genome Sciences Building, UW (3720 15th Ave NE, Seattle)
Reception:Foege Auditorium Lobby, 5:30- 6:30 PM

Sustainable living course by 21 Acres

Was sustainability one of your New Year resolutions?  Join the 21 Acres Center for Sustainable Living for a six-series course that will guide you through the process of designing a sustainable venture. Plan to Grow: Creating a Sustainable Business will help you plan, design, and launch the business of your dreams. Workshop leader: Tiffany McVeety. Early bird special: through January 29 – $295, After $495. Visit http://www.21Acres.org for more information

Women’s Enterprises International monthly book forum

Join friends of Women’s Enterprises International (WEI) on Thursday, February 7 for an enriching discussion around February’s eye-opening book selection, Nothing to Envy. Written by award-winning journalist Barbara Demick, Nothing to Envy is a remarkable view into North Korea as seen through the lives of six ordinary citizens. Demick follows each character over the course of fifteen years—a chaotic period that saw the death of Kim Il-sung, the rise to power of his son Kim Jong-il, and a devastating famine that killed one-fifth of the population. Demick brings to life what it means to be living under the most repressive totalitarian regime today, and through meticulous and sensitive reporting we see her subjects fall in love, raise families, nurture ambitions, and struggle for survival. WEI Book Forum meets every first Thursday to broaden our understanding of the issues faced by those living in the developing world. Through the discussion of carefully chosen works of fiction and nonfiction and conversation with guest speakers, the WEI Book Forum seeks to equip us to become knowledgeable and participatory global citizens. The discussion welcomes everyone and meets first Thursdays in the Knox Lounge of University Presbyterian Church at 7pm. We hope you’ll join us!

Learn more about Women’s Enterprises International and the WEI Book Forum on our website! www.womensenterprises.org

Attend the Executive Director Forum in February

The Executive Director Forum is back in 2013 with a great lineup of topics and facilitators. Register now! Get inspired and take some time to network with your colleagues. It will take place February 22, 8:30-10:30 am, at the 2100 Building for the following topics:

Skagit Valley College celebrates GlobalFest this month

Skagit Valley College GlobalFest 2013 kicks off Monday, January 28 with the annual International Dinner, featuring GlobalFest keynote speaker Raj Patel on the topic “A Sustainable World Food System.” The event takes place at McIntyre Hall Performing Arts Center at the Skagit Valley College campus in Mount Vernon (about one hour drive north from Seattle), dinner at 5:45pm followed by the keynote address. More information (including tickets) is available at www.skagit.edu/globalfest.

Skagit Valley College’s Global Service Fair is on January 30 at the Mount Vernon campus. This Fair is an opportunity for NGOs to promote their development work and engage college students and community members in supporting or participating in that work. To participate, or for more information, contact Ted Maloney, ted.maloney@skagit.edu

Attend “Rise Up Seattle” to help stop violence against women

One Billion Rising began as a call to action based on the staggering statistic that 1 in 3 women on the planet will be beaten or raped during her lifetime. On February 14, 2013, you can attend Rise Up Seattle to join activists, writers, thinkers, celebrities, and women and men across the world and demand change. This event is presented by Women’s Network for a Sustainable Future, Businesses Ending Slavery and Trafficking, and Bainbridge Graduate Institute. The evening will featuring music, dancing, film clips, brief remarks from nonprofits, and more!

Chocolate & Champagne
February 14th, 5:30-7:30+
The Center for Impact and Innovation
More information and tickets

Global Health and Innovation Conference to take place at Yale University in April

The Global Health and Innovation Conference is the world’s largest convening for global health and social entrepreneurship with expected attendance of over 2,000 stakeholders. The 2013 conference will take place from April 13th to April 14th at Yale University in New Haven, Connecticut and will feature keynote speakers Jeffrey Sachs, Sonia Ehrlich Sachs, and Al Sommer, along with many other distinguished presenters.

For more information or to register, visit http://www.uniteforsight.org/conference. Sign up in January to receive the early-bird registration rate. If you are interested in presenting at the conference, social enterprise pitches are still being accepted for consideration.

Global career launch program adds Seattle site

For the past 6 years, Cultural Vistas has been operating the Global Career Launch program in Washington DC, San Francisco, Chicago, Atlanta and Honolulu.  In the summer of 2013, this international workplace exchange makes its debut in Seattle!  Cultural Vistas is a non-profit organization that facilitates training programs for international students through the U.S. Department of State Exchange Visitor program.

The Global Career Launch program will welcome Chinese students to Seattle, providing them with an introduction to the global workplace, English work environment and the opportunity to develop the interpersonal skills required to work abroad. Cultural Vistas provides the visa, medical insurance, housing (at UW), transportation and a social program for the participants.  Host employers benefit from extra hands on deck for special projects this summer, diversified staff and language skills that are highly valuable for anyone working in the Asian market.   Cultural Vistas seeks organizations that can host an unpaid intern for 8 weeks starting June 24th.  For more information or to review resumes, please contact Alyssa Myers at amyers@culturalvistas.org.

Cultural Vistas announces Kizuna Project

The Kizuna Project provides Japanese university students who are either from or volunteered in the regions directly affected by the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake with opportunities to develop new skills and experience American life through an intensive cultural exchange program.  The Project aims to not only strengthen people-to-people ties between the U.S. and Japan, but to empower and create life-changing immersion experiences for those who need it most.

Fellows will come to the U.S. for language immersion followed by a summer internship placement.  Cultural Vistas is currently seeking host organizations who can welcome a Kizuna Project fellow for an unpaid opportunity.  Transportation, housing, insurance, visa fees and a living stipend are all provided by Japan’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs.  The program is administered in partnership with The Laurasian Institution, The Japan Foundation Center for Global Partnership, Japan International Cooperation Center and Japan-U.S. Educational Commission.  Please contact Alyssa Myers at amyers@culturalvistas.org to learn how you can support this imitative.

Days for Girls International named a 2013 Nike Girl Effect Champion

We would like to congratulate Days for Girls International for recent recognition of their outstanding work to benefit women and girls. Days for Girls was one of 12 organizations worldwide that were selected to receive funding and publicity as a Nike Girl Effect Champion for the year 2013.

The girl effect movement focuses on “the unique potential of adolescent girls to end poverty for themselves, their families, their communities, their countries and the world” and works to promote this idea and empower young women with resources needed to maximize their effect as change-makers. Days for Girls accomplishes this by providing women with access to sustainable feminine hygiene, which increases their health and their ability to attend school.

Congratulations to Senator Richard Lugar, winner of 2012 Commitment to Development Award.

On January 29th,  Indiana Senator Richard Lugar will be presented with the 2012 Commitment to Development “Ideas in Action” Award, sponsored by the Center for Global Development and the FP Group. The award honors significant work towards “changing the attitudes, policies, and/or practices of the rich world toward the developing world.”

Throughout his career, he has been a longtime champion of U.S. efforts to promote positive global development and end hunger. He has worked across partisan divides on crucial US development strategy, including introducing legislation to promote greater accountability and transparency.  Lugar was the most senior Republican in the Senate until this month when his term ended.

We congratulate Senator Lugar on this well-deserved recognition of his important contributions to global prosperity!

Initiative for Global Development announces new President & CEO

In February, Mark Green will replace Jennifer Potter as CEO of the Initiative for Global Development. Green is a former Ambassador to Tanzania, served four terms in the U.S. House of Representatives, and was most recently a Senior Director at the U.S. Global Leadership Coalition.  The IGD Board is excited for Green to build on Potter’s work and continue to advance the organization. IGD Chairman Robert A. Mosbacher, Jr. calls Green “a perfect fit for the role.”

GlobalWA would like to extend our congratulations to Mark Green and to thank Jennifer Potter for all of her dedicated work. We look forward to see what the future holds for IGD.

For more information, visit: http://www.igdleaders.org/sections/newsmedia/newsmedia_newsreleases_IGD-Announces-New-CEO_1.23.13.asp

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Career Center

Highlighted Paid Positions

Director of Development Pacific Northwest Region – Medical Teams International
This position contributes to the mission of the organization by prospecting, cultivating, and stewarding major donor relationships in the Pacific Northwest and leading the Oregon and Washington development staff in their work in encouraging donors to give major gifts to Medical Teams International. More

Senior Communications Officer – IHME
IHME has an outstanding opportunity for a Senior Communications Officer to join our team. This is a senior-level position that requires a highly skilled writer and strategic thinker, capable of creating both written and verbal communication materials for internal and external audiences in a variety of formats (print, electronic, speeches, and multimedia). This role will report to the Director of Communications. More

Director of International Visitor Program – World Affairs Council
The Director of IVP oversees all program operations and leads a staff of three to successfully execute high-quality, high impact programming for visitors from all corners of the world in a wide array of fields. This is a full-time exempt position responsible for leading the growth, innovation, and development of IVP. More

Highlighted Internship Opportunities

Fundraising, Events Marketing, and Graphic Design – Women’s Enterprises International
This volunteer opportunity will provide experience in designing and producing marketing materials for this non-profit client. Print, web, and email marketing materials are included. Women’s Enterprises International seeks a creative and self-motivated individual to design, develop and distribute all print, web and email marketing materials for our annual spring fundraising event, the Walk for Water, and to assist in the design of the winter print newsletter and e-newsletter. More

Database Development Internship – Women’s Enterprises International
Women’s Enterprises International is seeking a self-motivated individual to design and build a web-based database for its community development programs in Kenya. The database will be used to track the rapidly growing projects Women’s Enterprises sponsors in villages in Kenya and will be used by staff in Seattle and Kenya. The Intern will be responsible for building a cloud-based database to store, update and display program and project data for WEI’s Kenya-based programs. Intern will survey and work with staff in Seattle and Kenya (via phone and Skype) to gain an understanding of the overall needs, uses, and services that the database must fulfill. More

For more jobs and resources, visit https://globalwa.org/strengthen/careers-in-development/

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Global Washington Events

Wednesday, January 30
The Intersection of Global Health and Women’s Economic Empowerment

Friday, February 15
Connecting to the Last Mile: Challenges in Rural Sub-Saharan Africa

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Other Events

Monday, January 25
Etta’s Birthday donation event

Tuesday, January 24
City Club’s- “Philanthropy Forward”

Friday, January 25
2013 Breakfast Symposium on the Debt Crisis in the EU

Saturday, January 26
Indian Republic Day Celebration

Frink Park – Volunteer event Earth Corps

Sunday, January 27
Cultural Tours to Indian Information Session – Global Family Travels

Tuesday, January 29
Global Health Through a Multi-Disciplinary Lens

Spanish Conversation Group – World Affairs Council

Wednesday, January 30
Global Classroom: Women Making a Difference in East Africa: A Special Evening Hosted by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

WWF Basics and Coffee – Information Session

Saturday, February 2
St. Thomas School Camp Fair –Exploring Ideas for Summer

Kubota Garden- South Seattle/Rainier Beach – Volunteer event Earth Corps

Monday, February 4
Discussion: “The Weatherman Project” with Kit Bakke

Wednesday, February 6
Sage Fund Accounting and Fundraising 50 Demonstrations – Software demonstrations for Non-Profit financials

World Affairs Council Annual Meeting

Thursday, February 14
Valentine’s Day Taste of Wine and Chocolate – Fundraiser for Healing the Children

Late February – unspecified 
PATH Community Coffee – Staff meet and greet to understand more of the global development work PATH does

Thursday, February 21
WGHA Discovery Series Lecture – Nancy Krebs, MD

Friday, February 22
NIH Grant Training Seminar – University of Washington

Wednesday, February 27
Reading the Headlines: Interpreting Turkey

Friday, March 1
Global Fest – Everett Community College

Friday, March 8
International Women’s Day Breakfast 

Thursday, March 14
8th Annual Dinner – Hosted by One by One

Wednesday, March 27
Stronger Together Breakfast – Habitat for Humanity

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