Posted on April 25, 2017
I will never forget the first time I read about Adara.
I remember the moment as if it were yesterday. I opened the local paper to a story about a woman, Audette Exel, who had started a unique ‘business for purpose’ to use the power of business to help people living in poverty across the world. It was 1998 and I was living in Bermuda working in maternal and newborn health. At that point I had a decade of experience under my belt working with a population that I love, and it was during that time that the fires for Read More “Welcome from the Incoming CEO Of Adara Development, Debbie Lester”
Posted on October 25, 2016
New organization to combine power of digital technology to end poverty with robust networks of women’s self-help groups in Africa, Asia and Latin America
WASHINGTON October 25, 2016 — Grameen Foundation and Freedom from Hunger, two global leaders in the fight to end poverty, announced today that they are joining forces to form a single unified global organization.
Read the full press release here. Read More “Grameen Foundation and Freedom from Hunger Join Forces to Form a Unified Global Organization”
Posted on October 4, 2016
By Bill Clapp, co-founder of Global Washington and Seattle International Foundation
and Dan O’Neill, co-founder of Mercy Corps

More than 65 million people today, more than one out of every hundred on the planet, are on the run as refugees or otherwise displaced from their homes and communities. More than half are children.
These are stunning numbers, representing a refugee crisis the likes of which the world hasn’t seen since World War II. But this crisis also represents an opportunity for all of us living in comparative safety and wealth to take actions that truly embody our values and responsibilities Read More “Op-Ed: Refugee Reality Check”