The Path to an Equitable Educational Environment in Yemen

By Ina Lee, Communications Director, Yemen Relief and Reconstruction Foundation

Photo of children with school supplies

Children in Ibb receive school bags and supplies at several schools.

Yemen’s education crisis has reached a critical juncture, affecting millions of children since the conflict began in March 2015. At Yemen Relief and Reconstruction Foundation (YRRF), we are dedicated to addressing this urgent issue and improving the lives of Yemen’s most vulnerable, particularly children. Despite the severe challenges posed by the ongoing conflict and blockade, our work has made a profound impact, offering vital support to those in need.

The ongoing conflict has caused severe disruptions in Yemen’s education system. As of 2023, 2.7 million children are out of school, and the total number needing educational assistance is projected to exceed 8.6 million. The situation is further exacerbated by the destruction of nearly 2,900 schools – about one in four – which have been either destroyed, damaged, or repurposed for non-educational uses.

In alignment with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 4 (SDG4), which advocates for quality education for all, we understand the urgency of addressing this crisis. Through our various initiatives, we strive to provide a promising future for Yemen’s children, ensuring their education continues even amid adversity.

Enhancing Learning Opportunities for All Children

Since 2017, our School Supplies and Textbooks Distribution program has been a cornerstone of our educational initiatives. In 2023 alone, we distributed over 4,000 school bags filled with essential materials – such as notebooks, pens, rulers, and more – to children throughout Yemen. These supplies have allowed children from economically disadvantaged families to continue their education despite challenging circumstances.

But our work doesn’t end there. We also offer printed textbooks to ease the burden on families who cannot afford to print PDF versions provided by schools. By supplying appropriate educational resources, we eliminate financial barriers that could otherwise restrict children’s access to learning opportunities. Our efforts have extended to providing most of the equipment to two new schools in Sana’a, both are the first in Yemen, one for students with special needs and the other for gifted girl students. These efforts ensure that all children have the resources they need to thrive.

Moreover, we provide schools with minor repairs, making it possible for education to continue even in the face of war-related disruptions. Through these efforts, we strive to create a more equitable educational environment where every child has the opportunity to succeed.

Bringing Education to Orphans in Yemen

As we address the broader educational challenges in Yemen, our priority is to support the most vulnerable – children who have lost their parents. This year, we are sponsoring more than 350 orphans across Yemen, offering crucial aid that includes shelter, food, medical care, and, most importantly, education. This assistance has enabled these children to resume their studies, which they had to abandon due to financial constraints and the collapse of the education sector.

The prolonged conflict has not only damaged infrastructure but also severely disrupted the education system, impacting nearly all 10.6 million school-age children in Yemen. Over 6 million children are experiencing disruptions to their learning, with long-term consequences for their education and development. Yemen’s education system faces severe challenges, with teachers going unpaid for years and students struggling to afford their own supplies. Our program seeks to alleviate this financial strain on families, enabling many orphans to return to school. Through our sponsorship funds, we help cover school fees, purchase educational materials, and provide a more stable living environment, which is essential for academic success.

Stories of Hope

Meet Ibrahim, a 9-year-old boy from Rahban, Sada’a. After his father’s sudden passing, Ibrahim had to sell ice cream in the local market to support his family, which caused him to miss school frequently. Thanks to our sponsorship program, Ibrahim has been able to return to his studies. His family now has the means to cover basic needs, allowing him to focus on his education. His grades have improved significantly, and he dreams of becoming an officer one day.

Similarly, Fatima, a 14-year-old girl, faced her own set of challenges. After losing her father to untreated diabetes, she had to leave school to care for her younger siblings. Her dream of becoming a teacher seemed impossible until she joined our program. The financial aid enabled Fatima’s mother to afford school fees, supplies, and uniforms. Now, Fatima is back in school, determined to catch up on her missed education and achieve her goals.

A Brighter Future

YRRF remains steadfast in its commitment to expanding educational initiatives and reaching more children affected by the conflict. The need is vast, but with continuous support, we can make significant strides in providing quality education and a hopeful future for Yemen’s youth.

Your donations are crucial in sustaining and growing these programs. Together, we can ensure that no child is deprived of their right to education and a better life.

For more information on how you can support our mission, please visit our website at Your generous contribution can make a profound difference in the lives of these children.


Photo of children with bags in classroom

Children in Hodeidah receive school bags and supplies.

Children in classroom

View of children with bags

Children receive school bags in a makeshift classroom at an internally displaced persons camp.


Children’s drawing from our orphan sponsorship program.

Drawing of house

“This is my wish: a small house,” written on one of the orphans’ drawings.