Welcome to the August 2012 issue of the Global Washington newsletter. If you would like to contact us directly, please email us.
- Note from our Executive Director
- Feature: Stand for Girls 2012 – Sept 22nd 2012
- Feature: Washington organizations stand together for women and girls
- Global Washington Conference 2012
- Welcome New Members
- Career Center
- Announcements
- Global Washington Events
- Other Events
Note from our Executive Director
The big news this month at Global Washington is the exciting launch of our 2012 Stand for Girls Campaign! You may remember our promotional campaign last fall about Washington’s importance as a “The Global State,” which highlighted the exciting global development work being done here and how this impacts both our local economy and our world.
This year’s campaign builds on last year’s success. In 2012, we have chosen to focus on development work that impacts women and girls and have selected 10 members to partner with us in raising awareness about and funds for women’s issues. The highlight of the campaign is a public celebration called GlobalFest on September 22nd, which will feature music and booths hosted by over 40 GlobalWA member organizations.
Stand for Girls is a special collaborative effort, in which organizations across issue areas are able to come together with a common goal. Adding to that spirit of partnership, we are also working with the Seattle Center’s Next Fifty campaign and the Office of the Mayor of Seattle to be a part of their September focus on “Commerce and the Innovation Economy.” We are thrilled that so many people in our state are beginning to recognize the important efforts of Washington’s global development sector! We invite you to partner with us in the month of September by joining us as we stand for girls!
Global Washington exists to be a catalyst for collaboration, and this is a special emphasis for us this year; the theme of our fourth annual conference is“Redefining Development: From Silos to Collective Impact.” We firmly believe that global development actors can make a significantly greater difference in the world by working together. Our conference will discuss this theme and offer members the opportunity to share their own partnership success stories. We hope you will join us at our conference on December 6th for what is hopefully one of the highlights of the year for Washington’s global development sector!
In unity,
Bookda Gheisar, Executive Director
Stand for Girls 2012 – Sept 22nd 2012

HEAL Africa
Every year, Washington organizations find new ways to help women worldwide receive a quality education, better healthcare, and more economic opportunities. Next month, Global Washington will celebrate these organizations.
Global Washington recently announced its Stand for Girls campaign, which encourages Washingtonians to support women and girls around the world during the month of September. The campaign will benefit ten Global Washington member organizations that have a special focus on women’s issues.
Women and girls have some very pressing needs. According to the United Nations, women comprise compromise 70 percent of the world’s poorest people and own only 1 percent of the title land. Historically, girls have been less likely to receive an education than boys. They also face special risks related to pregnancy and reproductive health. Yet despite the negative statistics, the news for girls worldwide is positive: more and more organizations are realizing how big a difference investing in girls can make. More and more people are speaking up in support of girls, making sure they are educated, healthy, and able to make a living.

Imaging The World
The Stand for Girls campaign is a collaboration between Global Washington, Ayni Education International, Imaging the World, the Mona Foundation, OneWorld Now!, Richard’s Rwanda IMPUHWE, Lumana, One by One, Women’s Enterprises International, Upaya Social Ventures, and HEAL Africa. Together, these organizations hope to celebrate the ways that the lives of women and girls are improving and gain support for work that will continue to make a difference.
This campaign has three parts:
- Starting September 1st, Washingtonians are encouraged to give $12 to support these 10 specially-selected organizations who are leading the way in women’s education, healthcare, and economic development. Donations can be made online and by mobile phone.
- Go to a community event called GlobalFest, featuring 40 member organizations at the Seattle Center on Sept. 22, 2012 as part of the Seattle Center’s Next 50 celebration of innovations in Seattle’s economy
- Global Washington will help people all over Washington gather their friends and neighbors to host community events and house parties that focus on global women’s issues on October 11th, the Day of the Girl.
Stand with us. Stand for girls.
Washington organizations stand together for women and girls

Richards Rwanda
When resources are limited and donors’ budgets are stretched, nonprofits may think that they have to compete against other worthy causes for every dollar. However, some Washington nonprofits are rejecting this competitive mentality and are instead finding new ways to do their work effectively, even with limited resources. The key? Collaboration.
In September, Global Washington is sponsoring an innovative venture called Stand for Girls 2012 that invites ten member organizations to join their resources, time, and ideas in order to raise awareness and funds to benefit women and girls worldwide. Our staff was pleasantly surprised when we held a meeting with representatives from participating organizations to talk about how to make this happen. “We want all of the proceeds to go into one fund, which will then be split evenly,” the organizations decided unanimously. “We don’t want to be siloed individually or by issue area. We think everyone in this room is doing wonderful work. We need each other to make a real difference for women and girls.”
The organizations represent a variety of development projects in numerous countries, across the issue areas of economic empowerment, health, and education for women and girls. All have relatively small budgets, but are high on innovation, impact, and community ownership. “Young girls can’t learn effectively without being healthy,” someone pointed out. “And healthy, educated women are better able to provide for themselves and their families. All of these areas are needed to really make a difference.”
This type of collaboration is one of the main reasons for Global Washington’s existence. The state of Washington is home to numerous nonprofits, businesses, universities, and individuals dedicated to making a difference in the lives of the world’s most vulnerable populations. Although they are doing quality work individually, we firmly believe that together they can be even more powerful. By sharing knowledge and resources, Washington organizations increase their effectiveness, make a greater impact in the communities where they work, and gain even more enthusiastic support for global development from Washington’s internationally-engaged citizenry.

Upaya Social Ventures
Global Washington has chosen women and girls as the theme of this year’s annual campaign because investing in women and girls is an investment in our shared future. Women who are healthy, productive, and educated become change-makers in their own families and communities. Our member organizations recognize this fact and many have a special emphasis on supporting women. In the upcoming months, we hope you will visit our campaign website and find your opportunity to make a difference for women and girls globally–by giving our suggested $12 donation, by attending our GlobalFest community event on September 22nd, or by mobilizing your own community on October 11th to learn more about these issues and organizations. In doing so, you not only support ten effective organizations, but you also show your dedication to the collaborative spirit that is changing lives around the world.
Global Washington Conference 2012
Redefining Development: From Silos to Collective Impact
This year’s conference will focus on a new way of looking at development work that is inherently collaborative and comprehensive. Organizations from across sectors and issue areas can work together to address global problems holistically. Our conference will explore this emerging paradigm and give attendees opportunities to see it firsthand as they network with others in the field to share ideas and generate opportunities for collaboration.
Speakers will include:
- Dr. Sakena Yacoobi, Executive Director and Founder of the Afghan Institute of Learning, which has served over 9 million Afghans by providing education and health services to women and children
- Amir A. Dossal, Founder and Chairman of the Global Partnerships Forum, an international platform to address economic and social challenges through innovative partnerships.
- Raymond C. Offenheiser, President of Oxfam America.
Date:Thursday, December 6th, 2012
Location:Port Facilities/Cruise Terminal
Bell Harbor Conference Center
Seattle, WA
Price:$100 for members. $125 for nonmembers.
Register now to reserve your spot at the early bird price
Interested in presenting at the conference? Fast Pitch Storytelling
How is your organization redefining development by collaborating?
Do you have a story of an innovative collaboration to guide your organizational effectiveness? Do you have cutting edge strategies to deliver your programs collaboratively? Are you interested in sharing the story of your collective impact? Can you tell a compelling story and motivate people in 2 minutes?
If your answer is yes, and you are a current member of Global Washington, then please submit a short proposal following the application to be featured in the Global Washington 2012 Conference in the session titled: Fast Pitch Storytelling – How is your organization redefining development by collaborating?
Deadline: October 12th 2012.
Welcome New Members
Please welcome our newest Global Washington members. Take a moment to familiarize yourself with their work and consider opportunities for support and collaboration!
We envision a world of opportunity, where educated minds and skillful hands work together to uplift the next generation, breaking the cycle of poverty. www.vittana.org
Individual Members
Monika Aring
Career Center
Highlighted career
Name and Profile: Elise Ricci – Special Events Officer at Global Partnerships
How would you describe your job? Fun and dynamic! I have several different projects that I work on at one time, most of them focused on Global Partnerships’ events. My job involves a variety of projects– like meeting with corporate partners to talk about sponsorships, coordinating logistics for an event, working on communications and print pieces, and meeting with my team to plan and set strategic direction for community engagement and fundraising. More.
Highlighted positions
Director of International Visitor Program – World Affairs Council
The Director of IVP oversees all program operations and leads a staff of three to successfully execute high-quality, high impact programming for visitors from all corners of the world in a wide array of fields. More.
Development Manager – Global Visionaries
Implement strategic annual fundraising plan in coordination with the Executive Director and Board Development Committee. Secure resources to support Global Visionaries’ general operating fund. Work with the ED to develop Global Visionaries’ fundraising strategy and the fund development program budget and implement successfully. More.
Youth Leadership Manager – One World Now
The Youth Leadership Manager (YLM) ensures the effective and efficient delivery of student support services, including recruitment and retention, while serving as main liaison between OWN, our students and their schools. The YLM will also co-facilitate leadership weekly leadership workshops using OWN’s unique leadership curriculum. More.
Highlighted Internships
Communications and Programs Intern – Seattle International Foundation
Primary Responsibilities: Communications and Events
– Assist in implementing SIF’s social media and communication strategy by identifying opportunities for greater outreach and public support of partners in the philanthropic and development sectors. More.
Marketing Intern – InterConnection
InterConnection is looking for a motivated and talented intern to work with the Marketing Lead to carry out external marketing, PR and donor related activities. The primary focus of this internship position is to make businesses aware of InterConnection’s surplus computer recycling and asset disposition service and increase computer donations to InterConnection. More.
Highlighted Volunteering Opportunity:
Marketing / Graphics Arts Committee – Literacy Bridge
For people who enjoy graphics arts and have design skills and the software tools to create and edit design documents. Activities will include: 1) developing and overseeing branding standards for Literacy Bridge; 2) designing print-ready collateral materials (such brochures, case studies), and; 3) developing design changes for the Talking Book’s interface and form. More.
For more jobs and resources, visit www.globalwa.org/resources/careers-in-development/
Technology for the benefit of humanity: IEEE Global Humanitarian Technology Conference
IEEE GHTC is proud to announce that they are having their 2nd annual premier conference. This conference will provide an opportunity for locals involved in humanitarian projects to share their work. Come to meet other technologists; humanitarians; funders; and representatives from NGOs, government, academia who are involved in humanitarian technology.
The conference will feature a number of sessions that will address a vast array of topics. It will also feature companies in the medical and biotech industry as well as many other software companies.
Preliminary Conference Program: http://www.ieeeghtc.org/files/2012/01/Program-Table-072012.pdf
Keynote Speaker includes: http://www.ieeeghtc.org/event/keynote-speakers
When: October 21-24 2012
Where: Renaissance Seattle Hotel
515 Madison Street
Seattle, WA 98401
Registration is now open! Early Registration Discount by September 7, 2012 at www.ieeeghtc.org
Opportunities in Vietnam: A trade and investment discussion panel
The World Trade Center Tacoma’s speaker series announces a joint event with the Seattle Vietnamese Chamber of Commerce discussing Vietnam, one of Asia’s most dynamic economies. This event will feature an experienced panel of four diverse professionals as they discuss trade and investment opportunities in Vietnam. The panel will include former U.S. Ambassador to Vietnam and consultant to international trade Michael W. Michalak; Associate Professor of Economics at Seattle University Dr. Quan Vu Le; founder of Healing the Children and Co-founder to Education Exchange Dr. Rob Gertler; and Son Michael Pham who is principal of U.S – Asia Gateways, director for the Asia Injury Prevention Foundation (based in Viet Nam) and founding director of Kids Without Borders. Participants in the event will also enjoy an authentic Vietnamese meal at Thao’s Restaurant, free with admission.
When: August 24, 2012 from 11:30am-1:30 pm.
Cost: Admissions (including lunch) $25.00.
Where: Thao’s Restaurant
96 Union Street
Seattle, WA 98101
To register for this event or find out more information regarding WTC Tacoma’s speaker series events please visit http://www.wtcta.org/connect/upcoming-events
Congressman Adam Smith hosts NGO roundtable meeting
Come join U.S. Representative Adam Smith at the Southwest King County Chamber of Commerce in Tukwila, WA as hosts a NGO Roundtable Meeting discussing the current developments in Congress.
When: Friday, August 31, 2012
11:00am-12:00 pm
Where: Southwest King County Chamber of Commerce Board Room
14220 Interurban Ave. South#134
Tukwila, WA 98168
For more information on this even or to RSVP, please contact Linh Thai:
Linh.Thai@mail.house.gov or (253)272-1488.
Upcoming workshops for small and medium-sized 501(c)(3) organizations
Come join the Internal Revenue Service(IRS) as they host a one-day workshop for small and medium- sized 501(c)(3) organizations. This workshop will feature an experienced panel of IRS Exempt Organization (EO) specialists that will explain the responsibilities of registered 501(c)(3) and what they must do in order to maintain their tax-exempt status and comply with tax obligations.
This workshop is perfect for administrators or volunteers who are responsible for tax compliance and represent 501(c)(3) organizations.
- Seattle, WA- September 12, 2012
Hosted by the University of Washington
The registration link is http://www.washingtonnonprofits.org/index.cfm?fuseaction=Calendar.eventDetail&eventID=60
- Spokane, WA- September 14, 2012
Hosted by Gonzaga University
The registration link is http://www.washingtonnonprofits.org/index.cfm?fuseaction=Calendar.eventDetail&eventID=58
Volunteer at Bumbershoot with Oxfam America
Oxfam America Action Corps Seattle is recruiting volunteers to staff a table at Bumbershoot over Labor Day weekend. The shifts are about 7 hours each and the rest of the time volunteers will be able to experience Bumbershoot free for the day they volunteer. The Oxfam Action Corps lead organizers will plan a short training session before the weekend begins to support and provide all of the necessary tools to be a successful volunteer and represent Oxfam at this outreach opportunity. When you sign up, please provide your phone number and email address to ensure that you know of the training session date and time and to receive the vendor admissions pass to Bumbershoot. If you would like to volunteer with a friend and the times do not coordinate exactly, please indicate also what times you would like to partner at the outreach table. Sign up to volunteer HERE.
The Infectious Disease Research Institute (IDRI) and Medicago were recently authorized by the FDA to begin a clinical trial for an H5N1 Avian Influenza VLP vaccine candidate (“H5N1 vaccine”). This marks a significant milestone in developing flu vaccine that could be used rapidly should we experience a pandemic flu outbreak. The trial will test the safety and immunogenicity of the H5N1 vaccine, combined with IDRI’s Glucopyranosyl Lipid A (“GLA”) adjuvant. This is considered the first human test of an intradermal adjuvant, a technology that could have widespread vaccination benefits worldwide even beyond this particular trial. The resulting vaccine could potentially be self-administered in case of a pandemic. Congratulations to IDRI for this achievement!
OneWorld Now! is turning ten!
Join OneWorld Now for a birthday celebration on September 21st! This fun event will celebrate OneWorld Now’s 10 years of innovative global leadership programming for underserved youth and will take place at the Space Needle at 6:30pm. Tickets are $75 and will include, food, drinks, and a trip to the top of the Space Needle. Register or email events@oneworldnow.org for more information.
Security frameworks workshop
In the last several years we have seen an increase in insecurity in the field. Correspondingly, organizations have had to increasingly curtail their programs due to that insecurity. Many have responded by acknowledging the need to develop a risk management system to manage risk to staff and programs. This event, spearheaded by PATH, will bring InterAction and its members on the West Coast together to discuss a systematic approach to risk management, Minimum Operating Security Standards (MOSS) and developing an agency wide Security Framework.
This workshop will be held at PATH on September 25th starting at 8:30am. Registration is by invitation, but if you are interested in someone from your organization attending, please contact Dan Bryant (dbryant@path.org, 206-285-3500) for further information.
Clark Nuber presents board governance workshop
Please join Clark Nuber for an annual governance conference which is organized into three tracks – Board Governance (Track A), Executive Leadership (Track B), and New Directors (Track C) – to specifically address the issues of interest to those groups. Following the Keynote Speech to open the conference, there will be concurrent breakout sessions throughout the day facilitated by Clark Nuber professionals along with experienced not-for-profit and business professionals from well respected organizations in our community, including: Jurassic Parliament, Institute for Systems Biology, World Vision, Housing Hope, Pioneer Human Services, Davis Wright Tremaine, Cornerstone Advisors, and The Rainier Club.
Location: The Meydenbauer Center
11100 NE 6th Street
Bellevue, WA 98004
Time: 7:30 am to 3:30 pm
Date: October 16, 2012
Cost: $125
Register: http://www.regonline.com/builder/site/Default.aspx?EventID=1130544
Support Lumana by attending fundraising dinner and auction
Lumana’s fall benefit dinner and silent auction will take place on September 27th! Lumana has been serving the poor in rural Ghana since 2007 and recently expanded its program to include a total of 700 clients. Support Lumana by attending this inspiring event, or giving a donation if you cannot attend. For more details, visit: http://www.lumana.org/get-involved/donate
Seattle International Foundation announces call for applications under 2012 Global Program
The Seattle International Foundation (SIF) is accepting applications under its Global Program beginning September 1st. The Global Program (small grants for local organizations) supports and fosters local organizations working internationally. SIF is interested in development projects in all regions of the world.
This round of the Global Program will give preference to organizations based in the greater Puget Sound region working with women and girls in the developing world. Grant recipients will be announced at SIF’s third annual Women in the World breakfast event in mid-November. Please stay tuned for details about this event. Learn about the 2011 breakfast.
The Global Program is open to 501(c)3 organizations, or those with fiscal sponsorship, with an annual organizational or project budget of less than $2 million (USD). Preference will be given to organizations based in the greater Puget Sound region; organizations based outside of Washington State are not eligible. The program seeks to support organizations launching new projects, or working to establish or expand an international project or program.
For more information on how to apply, please visit www.seaif.org, or contact Michele Frix (Program Officer) at mfrix@seaif.org.
Global Washington Events
Saturday, September 22
GlobalFest 2012: Stand for Girls
December 6, 2012
GlobalWA Conference 2012
Other Events
Wednesday, August 22
Next 50 Film Series & Discussion on Education Finding Joe followed by post-film discussion on education policy
Thursday, September 6
Dave Valle Charity Golf Classic
Tuesday, September 11
Everett Roundtable: Washington State International Competitiveness Strategy
Wednesday, September 19
Proposal Writing 201: Advanced tools for getting your project funded
Friday, September 21
Own It! Celebrating Youth in Global Leadership
Celebrate Ten Years of OWN’s Innovative Leadership!
Saturday, September 22
Women in Innovation Summit 2012
Thursday, September 27
Lumana’s 4th Annual Benefit Dinner and Silent Auction
Tuesday, October 2
Diverse Landscapes of Iceland: Photography by Bill Stafford
Thursday, October 4
Announcing the Center for Impact & Innovation!
Tuesday, October 16
Financial Management: Best practices for managing your organization`s finances
Global Partnerships: Business of Hope Luncheon
Sunday, October 21
IEEE Global Humanitarian Technology Conference (GHTC)
Monday, October 22
IEEE Global Humanitarian Technology Conference (GHTC)
Tuesday, October 23
IEEE Global Humanitarian Technology Conference (GHTC)
Wednesday, October 24
IEEE Global Humanitarian Technology Conference (GHTC)
Saturday, October 27
14th Annual Africa Day Business Forum
Sunday, October 28
SAVE THE DATE: Smiles Forever 12th Annual Live-Auction Fundraiser
Editor: Megan Boucher