Buzz on the Leaked PSD

The global development blogosphere is abuzz with commentary on the leaked draft Presidential Study Directive (White House review of U.S. global development policy).  We are working on our own analysis of this document, but in the meantime, browse what the pundits are saying about “A New Way Forward on Global Development.”

First, the original article that started all this buzz, posted by Josh Rogin to Foreign Policy’s blog The Cable.

Read what devex, the development professional’s news source, has to say here.

The Center for Global Development’s blog gives us their quick take on the good, the bad, and the unknowable.

Three members of MFAN (the modernizing foreign assistance network) have contributed their original insights to the raging policy debate: read the summary here, or see the individual contributions by Jim Kolbe, Carol Peasley, and Jim Kunder.

The Stimson Center’s blog Budget Insight provides a deep analysis of the promise and pitfalls of this document, with a heavy emphasis on the pitfalls.

InterAction shares its thoughts on the paper in its blog here.

The USGLC applauds the document, and summarizes it here.

Bill Easterly’s blog AidWatchers is more skeptical about the effect this PSD would have if it were released as the final document.

George Mason professor Philip Auerswald writes about what it means to “elevate development” in his blog, “The Coming Prosperity.”

And of course, in case you missed it, we posted our own little piece about the PSD soon after it was leaked.