Grant Partners: Latin America
AC Esperanza

AC Esperanza promotes a culture of peace through innovative programs for secondary school youth in Chimaltenango and their community. Pangea’s grant supports the school’s academic and alternative programs, which include empowerment workshops for students, parents and community leaders, focusing on violence prevention, conflict resolution, gang avoidance, school dropout prevention and vocational training. In 2023, funds were used to focus on the school itself as well as a school bus since transportation costs have increased drastically due to the pandemic and many students reside in outlying areas.
- Partner since 2016
- 2024 Grant Award: $2,000
- Grant Goals: Quality secondary education in a marginalized community where gang violence, trafficking, early school abandonment, and illiteracy are common. Students learn academics, plus leadership, self-esteem, and non-violent life skills.
- Visit the AC Esperanza Facebook page

MUSOR focuses on education, economic empowerment and health promotion for women and children living in poverty. It was founded by a group Mexican women professionals experienced in implementing projects related to health in marginalized communities. MUSOR has undertaken a project in the semi-urban municipality of Santa Cruz Xoxocotlán, Oaxaca, with the leadership of an experienced local doctor. The project educates students, parents and teachers from some of the neediest local secondary schools.Top teen workshop graduates will become outreach advocates for ongoing peer follow up. Future workshops will focus on building a culture of peace with a focus on training for men and boys.
- Partner since 2019
- 2024 Grant Award: $10,000
- Grant Goals: Health education, including diabetes, breast cancer screening, and domestic violence prevention.
- Visit the Musor website

Taa’Pi’t is an intercultural learning center for Tz’utujil Mayan children. Children have the unique opportunity to gain computer literacy and to learn to care for “Our Mother Lake” (Lake Atitlán) through an environmental education program based on the Mayan cosmovision and built on the strengths of the Mayan culture. The benefits of these programs are far-reaching: profoundly changing the capabilities and attitudes of the children, influencing their families and the community, and helping to strengthen the Maya Tz’utujil cultural heritage. With Pangea project funds, Taa’ Pi’t is continuing to address the issue of undernourishment in the community by offering cooking classes, re-introducing healthy and traditional Mayan cuisine, and supporting local organic farmers.
- Partner since 2019
- 2024 Grant Award: $10,000
- Grant Goals: Educate women and children in nutrition, health, culture, sustainable farming, women’s income generation, and environmental stewardship.
- Visit the Taa’Pi’t website

UNOSJO (Organization of the Sierra Juarez of Oaxaca) is an indigenous-led organization working to build local autonomy and to increase food security in the Juarez mountains of northern Oaxaca, Mexico. UNOSJO’s work empowers women to serve in leadership positions in their communities. UNOSJO partners with other organizations to bring training to 22 communities related to bringing coffee to market and making soap. They teach youth about cultivating kitchen gardens, emphasizing traditional crops. Workshops promote lifting the role of women in the family and in the community.
- Partner since 2019
- 2024 Grant Award: $10,000
- Grant Goals: Training isolated rural communities in improving economic independence.
Recent Past Partners
- ASOGEN, Guatemala
- Fundacion Nueva Esperanza (FNE), Guatemala
- Women’s Justice Initiative (WJI), Guatemala