Member News

Global Sector, American Recovery

“About 45 people attended a stimulus information session organized by Global Washington, a membership group representing the state’s growing global health and development sector. Participants pointed out that their work abroad limits their ability to access the federal program, which is intended to preserve and create jobs for Americans… Satran advised applying for funds in conjunction with other groups, and said that proposals would have better odds if they address multiple stimulus priorities like improving health care by also expanding broadband internet access to low-income areas.”

Global Sector, American Recovery
Puget Sound Business Journal | Posted by Clay Holtzman | Read More “Global Sector, American Recovery”

Global Washington Debates How To Redefine Development

“Dozens of local organizations involved in global affairs have a stake in defining the U.S. role in the world, and they’re calling for an overhaul of some basic principles. They’re hoping to influence policy in the other Washington to focus on more equitable, efficient and sustainable development .… One area that needs changing most is foreign aid, participants at a Global Washington forum on Monday agreed…The campaign…is advocating for a strong international affairs budget.”

Global Washington Debates How To Redefine Development
The Seattle Times |  Kristi Heim | February 10, 2009 Read More “Global Washington Debates How To Redefine Development”

Local Money, Global Food Fight

“Can the global food crisis be solved by growing more local organic food or introducing scientific solutions such as re-engineered rice that resists drought? … In Seattle next month, two experts with very different views will debate how to improve global agricultural systems … The Feb. 26 program is being put on by Pangea … with Global Washington, the Seattle Foundation and the World Affairs Council.”

Local Money, Global Food Fight
The Seattle Times | Kristi Heim | January 21, 2009 Read More “Local Money, Global Food Fight”