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More Indians Than Ever Before Live Healthy, Productive Lives: Bill Gates

Bill Gates believes India is winning the fight against poverty. In an interview with Swagato Ganguly, Gates, co-chair and trustee, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, explained points from his annual newsetter, including why the eternal poverty of poor nations is a ‘harmful’ myth, how there’ll be almost no poor countries by 2035 — and huge milestones for India:

How do you see poverty reduction in India?

The proportion of poor in India fluctuated widely in the past, but overall the trend is downward. The government and its partners across sectors have done a great job with a number of Read More “More Indians Than Ever Before Live Healthy, Productive Lives: Bill Gates”

NGO to Prepare Draft Land Policy for Telangana State

When it comes into being, it appears the Telangana State will have to accord a top priority to the land issues, going by the opinions of respondents of a study currently being conducted by the Landesa, an international NGO working in the field.

The necessity to give importance to land reforms stems from the surprising finding that there is a lack of knowledge on the laws or procedures pertaining to the issue not only within the communities at large but even among the Revenue officials. Read More “NGO to Prepare Draft Land Policy for Telangana State”

Op/Ed: Hospital of the Future Will Be a Health Delivery Network

One expert explains that, to face the future, the health care industry must do more than simply update the hospitals of the present.

To envision and build tomorrow’s hospital, one thing is clear: We’ll only get so far by re-engineering the hospital of the present. The hospital of the future will not be a hospital at all. Instead, it will be an inventive health delivery network that will require all of us — industry, clinicians, caregivers, families, and patients — to coordinate efforts in new ways, so we work together more efficiently to serve more people, with better outcomes at Read More “Op/Ed: Hospital of the Future Will Be a Health Delivery Network”