Member News

Group Takes Free Medicare to Abia Community

A U.S.-based non-governmental organization known as Mission Africa has extended its activities to Item, a community in Bende Local Council of Abia State, where it offered the indigenes a one-day free medical treatment.

Targeted at 800 persons, some of who got eye glasses, the one-day programme held at Central School, Amaokwe Item, featured laboratory investigation, general body and eye examination and treatment, as well as health counseling, among others. Read More “Group Takes Free Medicare to Abia Community”

Seattle University School of Theology and Ministry

Alumni Highlight: Luke Black, MATL

Each one of our students within the Master of Arts in Transformational Leadership program have been drawn to holistic leadership through a range of life experiences, with alumni taking “transformational leadership” to a variety of career applications. Luke Black, a 2012 alumnus, shares what brought him to transformational leadership. Read More “Seattle University School of Theology and Ministry”