Member News

The Ethics of Innovation

Author Christopher Fabian co-founded and co-leads UNICEF’s Innovation Unit. This interdisciplinary, global team works to identify, adapt, and scale solutions to the most pressing issues affecting women and  children. We’re proud to have UNICEF as a Global Washington member.

By Chris Fabian & Robert Fabricant

Technology is all about making new stuff, agility and adaptability, and knowing what’s next. It’s fast. It’s cool. It wears a hoodie. Read More “The Ethics of Innovation”

Malawi: BuildOn to Improve Education Standards in Malawi

BuildOn runs afterschool youth service programs that mobilize urban teens to lift up their communities and change the world through intensive local community service and by building schools in some of the poorest countries on the planet. They are a movement of students, educators and communities.  BuildOn has been a valued member of the GlobalWA community since 2010.

By Davie Munkhondya

BuildOn, an American non governmental organisation working in Malawi in the education sector has promised to help uplift education standards in the country by constructing modern classroom blocks to improve learning environment.

The organization has also said it would Read More “Malawi: BuildOn to Improve Education Standards in Malawi”

Guest: Life for Children on the Other Side of the Border

Cesario Lobos Fajardo is a student with the NPH International Leadership Institute in Seattle. His story was told with the help of Katie Hultquist, Northwest Regional Director for NPH USA, a Global Washington member.

MANY were outraged last week over the news that up to 400 unaccompanied children are crossing the U.S.-Mexico border illegally every day, most from Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador. Many people have focused on immigration policy, border control and what to do with these kids. But I can’t stop thinking about why my young compatriots in Guatemala are making this difficult and dangerous journey in the Read More “Guest: Life for Children on the Other Side of the Border”