Member News

KUOW’s Ross Reynolds Interviews Global Washington Member One By One’s Carolyn Anderman about Obstetric Fistula

Ross Reynolds interviews Carolyn Anderman, director of international programs for One By One, a Seattle-based group helping women in Africa recover from a devastating birth complication called obstetric fistula.  Affected women are often shunned in their communities for a condition that can be fixed with a $500 operation.

Listen to the interview at Read More “KUOW’s Ross Reynolds Interviews Global Washington Member One By One’s Carolyn Anderman about Obstetric Fistula”

Depriving Women Farmers of Land Rights Will Set Back China

China is launching what is perhaps the most ambitious land registration system in history, seeking to document and protect property rights to more than one billion plots of land across the countryside.

Read more: Read More “Depriving Women Farmers of Land Rights Will Set Back China”

MovingWorlds Opens Platform to Connect Skilled Volunteers with Opportunities Worldwide

MovingWorlds today opened a new online matching service designed for people who want to travel abroad to make a difference through volunteering.

The platform is focused on what MovingWorlds calls “Experteering” – connecting people with specific skill sets to projects that could use the experience they have. Whether that’s mentoring startups or creating websites, it’s a way to help people to maximize their impact as a volunteer.

Read more: Read More “MovingWorlds Opens Platform to Connect Skilled Volunteers with Opportunities Worldwide”