Member News

Activists Launch Campaign to Fight Power of Richest 1%

Some heavy-hitting activists have joined the fight against the power held by the global 1 percent. ActionAid, Greenpeace, Oxfam and Civicus launched a new campaign that calls attention to the negative impact the world’s most powerful have on the environment and global poverty. Much like the Occupy Wall Street Protesters, the groups argue that the distribution of power must shift to realize a better world.

Read the full article. Read More “Activists Launch Campaign to Fight Power of Richest 1%”

On This International Women’s Day, Let’s Recognize the Value of Investing in Women and Girls

Rarely does a day go by when we’re not reminded of the grave economic and political challenges facing our world. In the midst of these challenges, many community and world leaders are now recognizing what we at the Mona Foundation have known for over 15 years: Strategically investing in women and girls transforms communities and can heal the world.

Read the full article. Read More “On This International Women’s Day, Let’s Recognize the Value of Investing in Women and Girls”